There’s a HUGE and highly organized criminal conspiracy between the financial engineers and geoengineers which is supporting the worldwide regime of weather warfare.

A Primer on Weather Derivatives

Submitted by Anonymous

Australia fire high speed rail map from Mike Morales’ video disabled however below is partial transcript and screen shots from the video.

High speed rail line in Australia over fire zone, similar to California.

Extreme weather and financial markets go together.

Partial transcript video above started at 12 mins

So, there’s your little history on what is in these aerosols being deployed. Take a look over Moscow right now, and if you take this back just a day these all MERGE. There were aerosols being deployed in Turkey and this merged with the same one from France. They’ve been setting this up. You got aerosols coming out of Ukraine over Moscow. They were painting the targets just like they do with the fires. We could take a look right down here and Australia in the fire zones. It looks like all fire and smoke on it but if you click the different layers all sudden you can see there they’re gridding the sky right over the fire zones. We can just keep checking the layers, we can go back a day and look, these are not fire to put the fire out, these are spraying accelerants on there and we can go up to today, and I’ve got on the ground footage from today the aerosols being deployed over Australia and down off the coast. Why are they doing this? For the same reason they did it in California. They’re wanting to put the high speed rail in. Let me show you. Here’s a picture sent to me from a viewer of the high speed rail they’re planning in Australia and every one of these are going right into the fire zones.

This is ash on the beach from the fires. It doesn’t look like a beach anymore. Here’s some of the smoke. These were all sent from the viewer and thanks for sending this stuff to us. Extreme weather and the financial markets go together.

Opportunities in the commodities of the future. They know where these storms are going. They keep track of all this stuff. That’s why a lot of the hurricanes and other stuff is engineered, to give some companies the boost they need to sell some generators. Stock up on them, we’ll send a big power outage storm your way and we’ll take care of it. We’ll get into this map in just a little bit. I just wanted to show you some of these freaky frequency lines and things that are going on and these are going to be the reason why we’re going to be seeing some of these monstrosities.

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