Here’s how the pyroterrorists often start and rapidly spread arson-triggered ‘wildfires’.


Routinely Used to start Wildfires, Forest Fires,
Grass Fires, Brush Fires, Rural Fire

Submitted by Anonymous


Censored however I found the embedded video on Vimeo = Plastic Sphere Dispenser (PSD) Aerial Wildland Firefighting Ignition Demonstrated & Explained 2017

Filmed at Helibase: Garden Valley Helitack squad leader D.W. Cook and crew members demonstrate how the firefighting technique utilising Plastic Sphere Dispensers (PSD), also known as ping pong balls, really work.

Transcript from Mike Morales video above:

How they start fires

I’m a squad leader on Garden Valley Helitech. We’re looking at a PSD machine, or a plastic sphere dispenser. The PSD balls are ping pong balls, which you can see sitting on the box there. It’s filled with balls. The balls then come through the shoots and then they’re injected. The balls are full of potassium permanganate and then it’s injected with glycol and that chemical reaction creates fire. We like to shoot for a 20-30 second ignition time in best case scenario. If we can’t get that we’re shooting for up to 20, and hopefully that’s good enough time for us to be able to fly low and slow, drop balls and ignite fire the way we want to do it.

Like I said, it comes through the shoots, it goes into this device, it’s injected with glycol, and then the balls will fall out of the helicopter, if you may, and then it hits the ground, and then the fires will begin.

31:56 mins These balls should ignite in roughly about 15 seconds because of the low RHs [?] and how hot it is. That ball took exactly 17 seconds to ignite, so that’s right what we’re looking. Free fall, and the balls will come through the hopper, come through the shoots, be injected with glycol, and then it just drops out right between the skids and then the balls free float to the ground. If there’s receptive fuel that it lands in then it will ignite. Just assume if it’s 1,000 acres, you could go from anywhere between 1,000 balls and 20,000 balls just depending on how effective it’s been and how receptive the fuels are.

It is strategic. I don’t want you to get confused with that. It’s strategic in the fact that the firing boss in the front seat is watching how receptive the balls are being, and then we can adjust like I said earlier in the back seat, we can adjust the speed of the balls and the rate of the balls coming out. Basically, if it doesn’t need a lot then we’re not going to drop very many balls and if it needs a lot we can really lay down a lot of balls.

Humidities rise and we have to inject more glycol and therefore it’s going to be a hotter batch if you may, and then those balls ignite per whether if that makes sense. So, it’s all relative to the weather.

33:16 mins Mike Morales: I don’t know if they’re starting the fires down in Australia with these. They are just another weapon we’ve come across. I found tons of weapons where they’re starting these fires with different kinds of techniques like backfire drops. When you’re looking at these fires there’s a lot of strange things going on. Great balls of fire that’s just another technique they could be using and getting away with it. I showed you the crazy fly pass in fact somebody sent me an e-mail today that did a little more research on those flight patterns I had. I’ll dig that up for tomorrow night. Crazy stuff going on.

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