The Most Vicious and Vengeful, Evil and Wicked, Malicious and Malevolent, Nefarious and Noxious, Dangerous and Deadly, Odious and Repugnant
Witch in the World!
SOTN Editor’s Note: Truly, the current United States Deputy Secretary of State — Victoria Jane Nuland — has proven to be the bane of our existence, both of the American people and the human race. Of course, she is only the face, the frontman, of the well-concealed “secret society” that tyrannically rules the Earth realm. See: THE HIDDEN SATANIC GLOBAL POWER STRUCTURE…AND KHAZARIAN OVERLORDS WHO RULE THE REALM
This super-dangerous Khazarian war criminal — Victoria Nuland — is directly responsible for starting the Ukraine Civil War in February of 2014, as well as the genocide of the Russian-speaking populace throughout the Donbas War which began in March of the same year.
For her remarkable success at starting the Ukraine War, Nuland was then rewarded with the #2 position at State. As the Deputy Secretary of State she is now able to manipulate the global geopolitical chessboard with such cynical calculation that World War III is all but guaranteed, just as the Khazarian Cabal engineered the First and Second World Wars.
Unmasking the Shockingly Destructive Career of Victoria Nuland—
Now Second-in-Command at the State Department (Video)
As the most rabid Russophobic warmonger within in her Khazarian Klan, Nuland always beats the war drums louder than even the other Neocon maniacs in her extremely dangerous family. Together they represent an overwhelming demonic force that is determined to expunge Ukraine as a nation so it can be morphed into a Second Israel.
Many veteran commentators now view Victoria Nuland as a modern-day witch hellbent on plunging the entire world community of nations into a full-blown World War III scenario, if that’s what is necessary to completely conquer Russia.
KAGANISM: The Key American Khazarians
Hellbent on Starting World War III
So foul and inflammatory, offensive and provocative are her many devious pronouncements made to trigger a full-scale global war that she has become known as the “Lady Macbeth of the State Department”. Now read on to understand just how much of a menace to society this evil entity really is.
State of the Nation
September 8, 2023
N.B. The exposé found at this link is highly recommended for those folks unfamiliar with the untold history behind the unending crime wave of Khazarian-directed genocides: An Abridged List of Fastidiously Planned Genocides Carried Out by the Khazarian Cabal
Lady Macbeth of the State Department
Meet The Queen of the Chicken Hawks
They call her Cold Warrior
They call her Darth Vader
They call her Queen of Chicken Hawks
They call her Lady Macbeth of Perpetual War
By Garcia Wilde | VT
She is neocon warmonger Victoria Nuland, Undersecretary of Political Affairs at the US State Department. In the past thirty years, the blood-soaked harridan has held a variety of senior posts at the State Department serving Democrat and Republican presidents.
She has been an adviser to Dick Chaney (during the Iraq invasion), State Department spokesperson during Obama’s presidency (when she, her neocon friends, and Israel pushed for an attack on Iran), chief of staff of Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott, and deputy chief of staff of the US mission to NATO.
The nadir of her career was in February 2014 when she helped devise the Maidan coup in Ukraine thus precipitating the Ukraine War. On that occasion, she said “F— the European Union” during a telephone conversation with Geoffrey Pyatt, US ambassador to Ukraine. The four-letter word because the EU didn’t want Viktor Yanukovych toppled. The Russians, who had been taping Nuland’s vituperation, made the conversation public. However, Teflon Nuland came out unscathed from the scandal.
What makes Nuland crave bloodletting? Why are her bloody hands implicated in the Afghanistan and Iraq invasions, the assassination of Libya’s Muammar Qaddafi, the project to topple Syria’s leader Bashar Assad, the bombing of Serb civilians during NATO’s dismantling of Yugoslavia, and Ukraine’s Maidan coup which resulted in the Ukraine War?
After Yugoslavia was broken into seven shards, a grateful US Department of Defense rewarded Nuland with a medal for services rendered.

What makes Nuland run?
Part of the answer lies in her grandparents and in her ethnicity/religion. She might call herself “Nuland” but a lot of her aggression oozes from the Old Land.
Nuland’s story begins at the turn of the 19th-20th century when her grandparents Meyer and Viche Nudelman emigrated to the U.S. from the village of Novoselitsa (Bessarabia), near Tsarist-ruled Odessa.
They were fleeing the Russian persecution of Jews. The couple had a New York-born son named Shepsel Ber who became Sherwin B. Nuland in the New World. He was the father of Victoria Nuland. Vicky ‘Toria’ was raised in a neocon family where “Israel…right or wrong” was the password. It’s no accident she married Robert Kagan, co-founder of the “Project for a New American Century.” Kagan, of Lithuanian-Jewish extraction, came from a family of neocon honchos (brother Robert and father Donald are still big in warmonger circles).
Nuland helped her husband write a much-read New Republic article titled “Superpowers Don’t Get to Retire.” The article called for a more aggressive U.S. foreign policy. The “U.S. aggressive policy” was meant primarily to serve Israeli aggression.
By then, Nuland was gamboling in the neocon swamp inhabited by the father and son Podhoretzes, Daniel Perle, Elliott Abram, William Kristol, Douglas Feith, Carl Gershman, Eliot A. Cohen, Eric Edelman, David Frum, Joshua Muravchick, Paul Wolfowitz…every one of them an ardent Zionist and high up in Washington and media circles.
It’s no stretch to assert that Nuland’s animus toward three Arab countries (Iraq, Syria, Libya) and Iran is rooted in her Zionism. While by the 1990s most Arab countries had been cowed into a tacit acceptance of Israeli hegemony in the Middle East, the three Arab countries and Iran refused to bow to Israeli dominance.
Thus, they had to be neutralized, according to Nuland and the neocon-Zionist cabal. Ergo, the campaign for the unprovoked attacks of Iraq and Libya and the elimination of Saddam Hussein and Muammar Qaddafi. A major “crime” of Hussein was his $17,000 donation to Palestinian families whose freedom fighter sons had been killed by the Israelis. Nuland also campaigned for more sophisticated weapons for the anti-Bashar Assad rebels and fundamentalist terrorists who were described by her as “freedom fighters.”

Toria working with Bush on his Attack on Iraq
Why her animus towards Iran?
Tehran assists Syria and the anti-Israel Hezbollah Party of Lebanon. She and her neocon friends were angry with Barak Obama because he had refused to tangle with Iran. Thus, they dismissed Obama as “weak” in foreign affairs.
Nuland, of course, holds a special animus towards Russia…she has not forgotten the reported tsarist Russia’s persecution of her grandparents. One-hundred-and-twenty-five years later, Nuland is busy using America’s might to punish Russia. It’s no secret that her ambition is to break apart Russia. Thus, her insane statement a few years ago was that Russia was more dangerous than the Soviet Union during the Cold War. She made her absurd statement at a time when America’s military budget was ten times Russia’s ($800 billion-plus covert budget compared to $80 billion.)
The bloody virago’s conspiracy (Maidan coup) to bring down Yanukovych was driven by the same anti-Russian animus: the duly elected Ukrainian president was veering towards Russia, according to the green-eyed monster. Nuland spent $5 billion to engineer the toppling of Yanukovych during the Maidan coup.
Afterward, to celebrate the bloody affair, she distributed cookies to the terrorists—many of whom were openly Nazis. She didn’t mind that one of her main coup plotters was one Oleh Tyahnybok of the neo-Nazi Svoboda Party who had applauded Ukrainians who had killed “Jews and other scum” during the Second World War and believed Ukraine was controlled by the Muscovite-Jewish mafia. If anything, agitprop Nuland is a practical, can-do specimen. She would use useful idiots like Tyahnybok and other Ukrainian Nazis, and slow-witted neo-Nazis to achieve her goal.
What’s next for Nuland?
For more than thirty years, she has successfully skated on thin ice with the support of her fellow traveling Zionist neocons. However, she could falter if Donald Trump is re-elected. Trump, who has Nuland’s number, has criticized her, especially for her support of the Steele dossier which falsely alleged a Trump-Russian collusion in recent US elections.
Of course, if Trump is elected, she would find a cushy aerie in one of the neocon Washington think tanks where she would ooze Zionist propaganda and anti-Russian vitriol. A children’s storybook writer should pen a fairy tale featuring a green-eyed and overweight monster named Toria.
About the Author: Garcia Wilde comes to VT from a reputable source. For the author’s protection, no other information will be released.