“They Won’t Be Able to Walk the Streets”
Former Health Minister Roberto Speranza, who enforced vaccinations can no longer move without police protection. The Italians are waiting for him everywhere and shouting “Murderer” pic.twitter.com/B5G0TXuZ58
— Truthseeker (@Xx17965797N) April 4, 2024
ABOVE VIDEO: Former Health Minister Roberto Speranza, who enforced vaccinations can no longer move without police protection. The Italians
are waiting for him everywhere and shouting “Murderer”.
SOTN Editor’s Note: For a number of reasons beyond the scope of this short ed. note, this Alt Media platform always thought that the peoples’ revolution against the global medical tyranny would start in Italy. We were quite surprised when that did not happen early on during the COVID-19 Plandemic. It was a testament to the complete command and control exerted by the Medical Mafia and their well-concealed Khazarian overlords over the government and society-at-large.
However, as the following video clearly illustrates, when the many freedom-loving and health-oriented Italians get mad, they will be unstoppable. Remember, Benito Mussolini and his mistress, Claretta Petacci, were summarily executed by angry Italians during the final days of World War II and were then taken to Milan where their bodies were publicly desecrated.
“The bodies of Mussolini and Petacci were taken to Milan and left in a suburban square, the Piazzale Loreto, for a large angry crowd to insult and physically abuse. They were then hung upside down from a metal girder above a service station on the square.”
(Source: Death of Benito Mussolini)
What’s the key point here?
“Only when elected representatives and government officials fear We the People more than they fear their NWO masters and Deep State handlers will the present tyranny collapse.” — SOTN
The following video clearly demonstrates that we are fast approaching the point where the vaccine-injured in every nation on Earth will be demanding that the COVID-19 Plandemic perps and Covid ‘vaccine’ genocidal maniacs are all “hanged live on the Internet”, as the popular Internet meme goes. And The Powers That Be know this.
For the bad guys are fully aware that, as long as the Internet is running at full tilt exposing VAX TRUTH as it is right now, their “Mussolini moment” is not far off. Which also means that the dark side will do something very desperate and very brazen and very reckless to avert their collective demise. Something like this:
Here’s how you know when
they’re crossing the Rubicon
State of the Nation
April 6, 2024