WATCH! Moment of impact of Iranian missiles on
Israel’s Ramon Airbase in occupied Palestine in the “Negev”
Submitted by The War Correspondent
State of the Nation
First, there is this video report:
WATCH! Iran struck ‘important’ Israeli
military targets – IRGC (VIDEOS)
Now here’s another video documentary of Iran’s missile bombardment if Israel:
Iran Strikes Israeli Airbase Housing F-35 Fighter Aircraft
With 7 Hypersonic Missiles
However, at the end of the day, Iran had one primary mission. That was to show the entire world community of nations that Israel’s much vaunted “Iron Dome” is a total fraud, as is everything that comes out of Tel Aviv and West Jerusalem.
Iran’s Ballistic Missile Arsenal & Capability
Is Israel’s Biggest Nightmare
Of course, the hundreds of drone decoys were launched at Israel as cover for the many ballistic missiles fired directly at their critical military bases, most of which perfectly hit their marks.
Iranian Ballistic Missiles Hit
Key Military Targets In Israel
In this particular regard, Tehran has sent an unmistakeable message to the madmen in West Jerusalem that Iran now possesses missile capability that can quickly turn Tel Aviv or Haifa into a parking lot.
Not that the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps would ever target civilian population centers as the IDF has wantonly massacred tens of thousand of innocent Palestinian women and children, elderly and infirm as a highly organized campaign of genocide.
KEY POINTS: The hardcore Zionists, who completely control the destiny of the apartheid state of Israel, have been exposed to the truly religious Israelis as total frauds by this revelatory attack. For they have been told that they can be protected from all manner of military assaults and terrorist attacks. That has now been revealed as a blatant lie for all time. In point of fact, Zionism is the real arch enemy of authentic Judaism which only seeks to live in peace with its Muslim neighbors as they did prior to the illegal and violent occupation of Palestine. This phase of Israel’s existence is merely the latest in a very long and very complex plan to exterminate all religious Jews that greatly intensified during World War II with the Holocaust. That Holohoax was actually designed to scare all of European Jewry to Israel in order to sufficiently occupy the land so that it could be more easily stolen, which the Zionist have done.
Everything has changed with Iran’s very purposeful attack on Israel—EVERYTHING!
For every cowardly Zionist warmonger now knows that they will be a sitting duck going forward should Tehran decide to deliver further retribution for the countless terrorist attacks inside Iran; assassinations inside and outside of Iran; sabotage of Iranian infrastructure, power grid, research facilities and Oil&Gas Industry; invasion of government and corporate computer networks, among several other highly destructive intrusions.
Which means that: this is only the first prong of a multi-pronged Iranian strategy over the coming months to exploit every weakness in Israel’s fake ‘Iron Dome’…..
Bottom Line:
Everything changed on April 13th of 2024— EVERYTHING!!!
The War Correspondent
State of the Nation
April 14, 2024
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