Submitted by The Armchair Prophet
SOTN Exclusive
Let’s get right on it.
Jesus the Christ, himself, never founded a religion called Christianity.
Jesus the Christ never said that he was the ONLY Son of God. In fact, he said that we are all sons and daughters of the same Almighty God. That we are all children of the same Supreme Being.
Jesus the Christ came to completely overturn the Judaic order established by the Old Testament of the Hebrew tribes, which he did.
Because of that, the prevailing Judaic power structure represented by the Sanhedrin, and especially by the corrupt Pharisees and dogmatic Sadducees, Jesus was vigorously persecuted and prosecuted for the profound opposition he represented to both the political and religious establishments of that time.
As a matter of historical fact, Jesus the Christ was crucified on the cross because he bravely entered the Temple in Jerusalem overturning the tables of the moneychangers while taking his whip to the corrupt keepers of that so-called place of worship.
The Mind Control Program
There is a HUGE difference between Christianity and the way it was conceived by mere men … and Churchianity, the institutional contrivance by both men and agents with distinctly anti-Christian intentions.
Churchianity was created by the tribe of banksters which was responsible for crucifying Jesus the Christ.
Their primary goal was to create a political movement/organization/religion which could be used to conquer the entire world…without anyone knowing who was really giving the orders at the very top.
To accomplish that goal they set out to build an army of Christian soldiers, which they have done in many ways, both conspicuously and through clandestine means.
Fast forward to this Third Millennium and we see that NATO is comprised of all the major Christian nations on Earth. We also saw that World War I, World War II and the coming World War III are all staged between what were historically Christian nations.
The tribe of banksters, who was very stealthily working behind the throne of the Emperor Constantine, were quite deliberate about establishing Christianity as the official state religion for the Roman Empire. Even though Constantine the Great was the first Christian emperor, that cynical deed was ultimately consummated in 380 A.D.
“In 380 CE, the emperor Theodosius issued the Edict of Thessalonica, which made Christianity, specifically Nicene Christianity, the official religion of the Roman Empire.”
It ought to be intuitively obvious that any religion that becomes a state religion will be used as a very effective means of control and manipulation of the many citizen members.
Which means that some of the key basic tenets and articles of faith and generally accepted religious principles were carefully crafted by the bankster-controlled upper echelons of the Roman Catholic Church in order to control the masses.
Exactly what are those canonical creeds, doctrinal statements and fundamental beliefs which were carved in stone as a means to manipulate Christians over the past two millennia?
For example:
That Jesus Christ was the only “SON OF GOD” — ever to be born of man — of whom there has never been anyone else in human history who has risen to the same level of complete spiritual perfection. (Which is patently false.)
This particular gross misrepresentation of Jesus the Christ has been the source of so much manipulation of the masses down through the centuries that it has literally set the stage for the End Times of today.
Let’s be clear, whenever any Christian really believes that Jesus the Christ is higher than all the other deities and divinities, gods and goddesses, spiritual masters and holy beings, saints and siddhas, seers and sages of all other religions and civilizations there’s going to be a LOT of ensuing clashes and conflicts…as we see around the world today.
Welcome to 2024!
What, pray tell, could possibly be expected when any religion dogmatically and fanatically believes that the exceedingly special god(s) of their religious faith is the one and only, above all others for all time?!
And, that anyone who does not accept Christ Jesus as their “Lord and Savior” is damned to eternal damnation in the fiery pits of hell.
As for the incalculable and devastating damage inflicted across the planet by this utterly false and juvenile notion of rank religious superiority, let’s do a quick retrospective assessment as evidenced by 2000 years of wars and armed conflicts, bloodshed and combat. And that doesn’t include the staggering and intensely violent forever wars recorded in the Old Testament. But before we do that, let us consider our previous disquisition on this highly consequential religious matter.
When Churchianity Replaced
True Christianity
An Ordained Christian Minister
How do we begin the retelling of a story which has been told more than any other throughout Western Civilization over the past two thousand years?
In this portrayal of what is perhaps the most important piece of history for the current race of humanity, extraordinary and rarely considered evidence will be presented which cannot be ignored. First and foremost, as we reveal the most startling facets of this divine epic, we mean to offend no one. Above all, we impart the newly emerging details of this revised religious saga with the utmost respect for all the world’s religions, their respective denominations, and especially their devoted and sincere adherents.
The story you are about to hear may appear to depart significantly from the narrative that has been passed down through the centuries; nevertheless the central message is still the same. However, with this new telling, that sacred message is yet more sublime and inspiring than ever, as well as more easily accessible to every spiritual seeker. We hope you agree and trust that you will patiently consider its profound meaning and awesome implications for the whole of humankind.
Every civilization is built on a foundation of core spiritual beliefs, predominant religious traditions and accepted philosophical systems. Those individuals who take the lead in designing and constructing the various components of civil society build on this critical foundation. Therefore, it is very important that it be sound and strong since every sphere of life will be influenced in a most profound and fundamental way by these spiritual and religious influences.
Each institution and system – political, economic, financial, social, scientific, academic, etc. – that develops will inevitably possess the imprints of those prevailing schools of thought, as well as acquire the imprimatur of the highest authorities which serve as the gatekeepers for what is allowed and incorporated into the society.
It is self evident that the more these foundational paradigms depart from spiritual truth, natural law and time-honored scriptural precepts, the more imperfect will the evolving institutions become. Systemic flaws will eventually emerge and overtake the stated purpose of each and every institutional mandate, charter, process, procedure, protocol, etc. Welcome to the 21st century!
In the most dramatic cases, peace-making is used as a cover for war-mongering, disseminating falsehoods is passed off as truth-telling, and hate masquerades as love. Illustrating this dynamic, many political, social and/or economic institutions have morphed into the opposite of what they are tasked to accomplish. A particularly glaring and apt example for this essay is how the US Department of War morphed into the Department of Defense. Our modern society, which emerged from Western Civilization, provides numerous illustrations of this tragic transformation across a vast spectrum of societal institutions.
What’s the point of this introduction?
Because one of the foundational religious paradigms of Western civilization was based on an historically inaccurate epic, much of what issues forth from that religious story is factually untrue. Therefore, what has been built upon this flawed foundation is likewise vulnerable to all past criticisms, present calls to reveal the truth, as well as future attempts to correctly revise the historical record.
The Most Massive Manipulation of History in History
To fully apprehend the profundity and pervasiveness of the false narrative surrounding the life of Jesus the Christ, one has to only consider the following central points of the Roman Catholic religion. Each of these articles of faith is based on patently false notions which have been repeatedly exposed over the course of 2000 years.
I. That Jesus Christ is the ONLY “Son of God”
Such a false premise performs two functions (i) it subordinates all other Gods and gods to Jesus the Christ and (ii) it allows and encourages the subjugation of all other religions to Christianity. The bi-millennial supremacy of the Roman Catholic Church over world affairs stands as testimony to the success of this global mind control program.
II. That the Pope is the Vicar of Christ on earth
That the pope is the divinely chosen and authentic representative of Christ on earth has empowered the Christian nations to reign over all others as they have for two millennia. Centuries of colonization have taken place under the religious command of the Vatican; all European imperialism has been blessed by the papacy.
III. That eternal hell and damnation await those who have been so judged by the God
This false teaching precludes the reality of reincarnation. All who find themselves in eternal hell after death cannot be reincarnated to live a better life. Would an infinitely compassionate and merciful God ever judge anyone so harshly and punish so severely?
IV. That Jesus rose from the dead three days after being crucified on a cross
The only way to deify a prophet is to confer upon them Godly powers. Nothing does that better than rising from the dead and ascending into heaven in the flesh. Such a concocted story is the defining moment of Jesus’ life on earth, as well as one that separates him from all the other deities who never rose from the dead.
V. That Jesus redeemed all believers by dying for their sins
This ruse removes all responsibility from those who have created bad karma for themselves. Now all they have to do is say they believe in Jesus and they are magically freed from all of the fruit of their sinful behavior. This religio-psycho dynamic places the highest value on loyalty to churchianity – the intercessor between Jesus and man. When such personal accountability is superseded by paying lip service to being saved by Jesus, the world was easier to take over by fake Christian zealots and Jesus fanatics.
VI. That Jesus was born of a Virgin and whose conception occurred without the involvement of a man
That the Blessed Virgin Mary was a virgin is quite likely the case and very easy to believe; that she bore a child in the absence of the human mating ritual, however was another way to deify both Holy Mother and Child. Such a narrative was also borrowed from other religious mythology which pre-dated Christianity and drawn from different regions of the Roman Empire.
VII. That Jesus’ teaching to “Turn the other cheek” is appropriate for all people, in all places, at all times
This teaching is distorted with the specific intention of convincing the oppressed that it is okay to be perpetually oppressed. That the only righteous way to respond to those who wish to subjugate you is to go with the flow and not fight back either non-violently or with fierce self defense. And so the world’s poor and downtrodden currently sit in plantations the size of countries.
VIII. That only those who accept Jesus Christ as their “Lord and Savior” will be saved from the fires of hell
This is where the mind control program went into overdrive for the past hundred years with the support of the philosophical foundation of the Spanish Inquisition. Can there be a greater threat issued to the billions of ‘non-believers’ and ‘pagans’, ‘heathen’ and ‘heretics’ of the world than this not-so-veiled threat of eternal damnation?!
This completes the short list of the most powerful and purposeful mind control programming associated with the Roman Catholic Church, as well as the vast majority of Protestant sects and denominations. Because of its effectiveness in moving the masses in a particular direction over centuries, it has become necessary to expose it for what it truly is — a series of deliberate deceptions perpetrated upon the unsuspecting to pit religion against religion in the name of God.
The key formulas and basic equations in this scheme to exert control over world governance begin with the hearts and minds, bodies and souls of the believers. Once a soul is sufficiently captured by the false Churchianity paradigm (as opposed to the true Christian paradigm), the individual can be moved in virtually any direction that those who wish to control want to move them. That direction is typically toward the enlistment of bodies and minds to take up arms for the sake of economic robbery, financial theft or natural resource plunder/pillage. (Please refer to the Middle Eastern landscape over the last one hundred plus years.)
*To be continued and will explain how the well hidden and highest echelons of the Judaic tradition completely control all of Christendom today via their usurious banking cartels.
Author’s Note: I have written this spiritual counseling session especially in an effort to wake up the evangelical wing of American Protestantism commonly known as “Evangelicals”. For their extremely zealous and generous support of the Zionist State of Israel is significantly responsible for the continuation of the recent Gaza genocide and rapidly intensifying Palestinian Holocaust. That the U.S. Congress is populated by so many of these highly misguided Christian Zionists has become the bane of human existence because they collectively possess the awesome power of the American purse. We mean no disrespect whatsoever by posting the revelations in this essay. We are all deeply grateful for and forever indebted to the Message of Jesus the Christ. It has shaped our lives and informed our spirituality in the most profound and meaningful ways.
The Armchair Prophet
State of the Nation
April 16, 2024
The Armchair Prophet was raised in a very devout yet dogmatic Italian Roman Catholic family. He is an ordained Christian minister and has a Doctorate in Christian Interfaith Ministry. His doctoral program included a deep dive in all the major religions and spiritual traditions throughout world history. His current work-in-progress is: THE ANTICHRIST: You won’t believe who it really is