Just because SARS-CoV-2 does NOT
exist, does NOT mean that a COVID-19 bioweapon(s) has not been released.
In point of fact, the NWO bioterrorists have launched a series of COVID-19 bioweapons around the globe, as well as multiple variants of each original bioweapon, each with its own bioengineered mutational rate which can produce a different mutant version of the disease process in every individual. Each COVID-19 bioweapon is armed with a different mix of pathogenic micro-organisms, to include bacterial, parasitical, viral, fungal and mycoplasmal components. For example, one bioweapon may have primarily a parasitical component which is why both Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine are so effective since both have proven to be highly effective anti-parasitical medications over decades of use.
SOTN has repeatedly tried to set the record straight on the so-called Wuhan coronavirus, officially known as SARS-CoV-2.
First, that no such coronavirus has ever been isolated or proven to exist via Koch’s postulates; or by any other high-integrity scientific method within the field of epidemiology or related medical disciplines. Simply put, SARS-CoV-2 was entirely made up by a complex criminal conspiracy that included the WHO, CDC, NIH, FDA and Big Pharma, and several other government institutions (both US and foreign) and transnational corporate entities with vested interests.
Secondly, that there do exist several versions of the COVID-19 bioweapon which was painstakingly bioengineered to produce different disease processes, each with its own unique symptom set. Each of these bioweapons was then followed by the strategic release of different variants, both of which are bio-technologically programmed to mutate at various rates within different bloodlines. Coronavirus cluster explosions are especially dictated by the prevailing environmental conditions in various locales which are further exacerbated by the covert Covid Quaternary Weapon System.
Thirdly, that all of these — the original COVID-19 bioweapons, their variants and the mutant versions — are highly coordinated within the context of a highly sophisticated Quaternary Weapon System which permits the stealthy bioterrorists to significantly amp up the effects of any of these “three generations” of the Covid disease process. For example, both infection rates and mortality rates can be greatly increased in a major metro area by intensifying the 5G power grid. Similarly, wherever chemtrail spraying is intensified or annual flu vaccine programs are aggressively administered, Covid outbreaks mushroom out of nowhere.
Fourth, that the SARS-CoV-2 meme was fabricated in order to mislead all medical investigators and scientific researchers. In this way, once the global medical establishment identified the pandemic’s cause as a coronavirus, the world community of nations followed suit. All treatment plans were then formulated to address a flu virus when in fact it is much more complicated. Not only did Indian scientists prove there were HIV virus-like insertions bioengineered into the COVID-19 bioweapon, Russia researchers identified a bacterial component. The Italian medical community also identified early on that the WHO-sanctioned Covid protocols were downright fatal.
Fifth, that the elusive nature of the COVID-19 bioweapon, along with the immediate dismissal of various protocols and remedies, was manipulated so that an effective treatment plan would not be developed. This highly premeditated predicament permitted the reckless roll-out of Covid vaccine bioweapons worldwide. The different COVID-19 injections contain highly experimental gene-altering nanotechnology which greatly accelerates the NWO transhumanist agenda. These extremely hazardous jabs not only kill, they also cause a whole new type of vaccine injuries that are beyond remediation.
Sixth, that the COVID-19 bioweapons, including the weaponized ‘vaccines’, also fostered a global environment whereby any individual can be assassinated anywhere and any targeted population can be genocided anytime, as has occurred up to this very day without suspicion. The deliberate “Geriatric Genocide” carried out by Governor Andrew Cuomo throughout New York State is a case in point. Similarly, the recent spike in deaths throughout India took place right after Ivermectin was discontinued and the Covid vaccines were foisted on the citizenry. Brazil has likewise seen deadly variants released nationwide as a means of compelling the president to make the toxic injections mandatory. In this manner, the vaccines will be used to keep this pandemic hoax going on into perpetuity.
Quaternary Weapon System
There is no better example of this quaternary weapon system than the so-called coronavirus cluster explosions that mushroomed all over Wuhan, Milan, Tehran and New York City during the first half of 2020. As follows:
Before Each Coronavirus Cluster Explosion
So, when anyone says that SARS-CoV-2 does not exist, they are absolutely right. Or, that the 2020/2021 coronavirus pandemic was a complete hoax, they are right again. However, there is most certainly a COVID-19 bioweapon being launched across the planet that is both extremely dangerous and deadly depending on your age, blood type, presenting comorbitities, lifestyle, diet, daily exposures, among other key risk factors. Each of these risk co-factors was purposefully bioengineered into the COVID-19 bioweapons in order to exploit selected vulnerabilities of targeted populations around the world. (For example, the elderly, the immuno-compromised, those with multiple comorbidities and certain bloodlines were all targeted by this bioweapon.)
The mix of pathogenic micro-organisms that each COVID-19 bioweapon contains has been formulated on an experimental basis and is further tweaked with each subsequent launch. Each successive generation of the Covid variants and mutants reflects the ongoing bioengineering process that is being employed to increase their infection and/or mortality rates. Similarly, the quaternary weapon system is being forever perfected to boost the lethality and/or transmissibility of the COVID-19 bioweapon. In this way, the hidden Covid bioterrorists intend to keep this fabricated pandemic going for as long as they can.
Covid Vaccine Bioweapons
It has always been clear to this Alt Media platform that this global genocide was about the imposition of a worldwide mandatory vaccine regime from the get-go. In fact, SOTN posted the following article on the very day that the Wuhan outbreak was breaking news on January 22nd of 2020. As follows:

WUHAN CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC BIOENGINEERED: Who’s behind it, why now and why China? | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary
The Covid Super Vaccination Agenda is the central pillar of the New World Order agenda being implemented by the globalist cabal to establish a One World Government.
As far as the biowar campaign to commit global genocide is concerned, there is nothing more efficacious than the fatal Covid injections being recklessly administered worldwide, especially in light of the fact that these “Kill Shots” are not even vaccines.
To date, much truth has been revealed about the weaponization of the various Covid vaccines. Likewise, facts have been written about the true purposes behind these bioweapons of mass extermination and incapacitation. For example, there is the following critical exposé, the gravity of which very few folks have yet to grasp.
FUNVAX: Globalist Plot to Mandate COVID-19 Vaccine
Exposes Shocking Satanic Conspiracy
Now, exactly why is this crucial understanding of the COVID-19 vaccine bioweapons so essential to correctly comprehend? The preceding exposé on the Covid FUNVAX explains it all. Please read and disseminate to family, friends and other acquaintances asap if not sooner.
There is another very important angle on the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda that must also be understood. It ought to be clear by now that the various Covid vaccines, their variants and their mutant forms are not just different versions of genocidal bioweapons and FunVax nanotechnology. In fact, each type of vaccine is designed to accomplish a much more nefarious goal as delineated in the following link.
Is this how they are eliminating the unvaccinated
via the various COVID-19 vaccination programs?!
Let’s face it: the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda has been in the works for decades. Even the hard evidence proving the extraordinary mortality rates associated with the Covid injections indicates a highly organized plot that was planned over many years: See: HARD DATA PROVES BIG PHARMA KNEW COVID VACCINES WOULD WORSEN AND PROLONG THE PANDEMIC.
What’s also apparent, the deeper the world is plunged into this rapidly evolving COVID-1984 matrix, is that this entire ELE* enterprise was conceived out of sheer desperation and implemented with unparalleled brazenness. Hence, the $64,000 question which must be asked is: Why don’t the Covid bioterrorists, who reside at the very top of the global food chain, care about the exposure of their ongoing crime waves washing over the planet IN BROAD DAYLIGHT?
*ELE = Extinction Level Event
Clearly, the NWO perps have created a final and irreversible “do or die” scenario for themselves and the rest of humanity. In other words, which ever side loses this final battle of this last war between the forces of light and the forces of darkness will perish. And, whoever wins will dictate the future of the human race as never before.
However, regardless of the outcome, the Covid dark cloud does have a silver lining. In reality, it’s a very shiny and shimmering silver lining if only folks can perceive it. See: Great Wisdom for the Covid Era & What Humanity Must Do To Survive
State of the Nation
June 3, 2021
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