The POTUS Imposter
Throws the Nation
into Utter Chaos

State of the Nation

If ever Joe Biden ever jumped the shark it was with his patently unconstitutional and unlawful decree that mandates Covid vaccines for all federal employees and contractors.

Republicans explode with fury over Biden vaccine mandate:
‘Absolutely unconstitutional’

The President of the United State of America possesses no such power or legitimate authority to mandate vaccinations for anyone in the country.

Through his vaccine edict of today, Biden has essentially arrogated power unto himself that is at once nakedly tyrannical, profoundly invasive and dangerous to the extreme. See: The POTUS Imposter Morphs Into An Extremely Dangerous and Detestable Tyrant

KEY POINT: Clearly, this exceedingly provocative executive order was quite purposefully issued while Biden is still alive so his handlers can remove him from office when the public outrage has reached a crescendo.  Whether he will be eliminated via the COVID-19 bioweapon or weaponized Covid injection or hospital-inflicted medicide remains to be seen.  Nevertheless, his New World Order globalist masters demanded that Biden issue the illegal EO so that an ‘untainted’ Kamala Harris could then be installed after his timely termination.


The Biden administration has demonstrated time and again that it will violate the U.S. Constitution and act with total impunity.

The relentless outworking of this essentially Democrat MO has reached a point whereby the American Republic is being torn apart from within.  This new vax regime will ensure, like nothing else, that the vaxxed will harass and browbeat and attack the unvaxxed.

In other words, folks, the barbarians are inside the gate and they will not stop the governmental carnage until the USA has been irreparably destroyed.  What better way to do just that than to mandate a fake vaccine which has proven to be highly hazardous to human health and often fatal.

That a sitting POTUS would so cavalierly break the law and intentionally harm the American people is obviously grounds for impeachment.  However, that is the reason why Harris was selected as Biden’s VP.  Her being a real wackadoodle without conscience basically makes Biden impeachment proof.

Civil War

The unrelenting power grabs by the communist-run Democrat Party have categorically shown that they will never give up their political power again.

Not only that, but that they are ready to push the button on their long-planned bolshevik revolution.  This means that the Right will be compelled to rally around the most important issue of the day — the unprecedented and extraordinary assault on personal sovereignty by Team Biden via ‘vaccine’ mandates.

Everything points to Biden being used by his NWO masters to trigger a full-blown civil war.  The globalists have been itching to demolish the American Republic for many decades by way of this divide and conquer strategy.

In point of fact, the primary reason Joe Biden was criminally installed in the White House by the NWO cabal was to set the stage for civil war.  That war is shaping up to be an epic [ENGINEERED] conflict between the vaxxed and the unvaxxed.

What better way to undermine American society than to sow seeds of irrational fear and great trepidation in the weak hearts and feeble minds of the vaccinated individuals.  These extremely ignorant and fearful injected people will end up becoming the Covid police, where the government can just sit back and watch the show.


Biden does absolutely nothing unless it is first commanded by his globalist masters.  Just like Obama, he’s an empty suit whose first allegiance is to the arch enemies of the Republic.

Hence, it’s clear that his handlers ordered him to announce such a divisive and outrageous vaccine EO just two days before the momentous 20th anniversary of 9/11.

DON’T BE DISTRACTED: Biden Fired Off Illicit Covid Vax Directive
to Divert Attention from 9/11 Truth on 20th Anniversary!!!!!!

Timing is everything at the level of global press releases and it doesn’t get any bigger than this one.  The agents of the New World Order agenda need to keep the lid on the highly radioactive truth because of how fatal it is to their NWO enterprise.

In light of how much new truth was set to be released on September 11, 2021, the perps were compelled to drop a bomb on the U.S. citizenry.  Biden’s vax dictate has proven to be such a neutron bomb taking everyone over this 9/11 weekend.  The explicit purpose is to sufficiently “shock and awe” the body politic as well as replace the annual  9/11 truth discussion with the raging Covid vaccine debate.

KEY POINT: There are always multiple reasons for staging these highly consequential events that, in one way or another, will deeply impact everyone.  For example, Team Biden has been crazy desperate to change the ongoing conversation about the unparalleled Afghanistan fiasco. See: There’s another VERY CYNICAL reason why Biden just dropped the vax mandate bomb!

State of the Nation
September 9, 2021

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