By all accounts, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United Kingdom Italy and Israel have fallen!

Based on countless media and anecdotal accounts, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United Kingdom
Italy, Netherlands and Israel have all fallen to tyrannically imposed Covid regimes. Germany,
France and several others are soon to follow

The citizenries of each of these nations permitted either federal or state governments to foist patently unlawful Covid restrictions and vaccine mandates upon them.

Because governments rarely relinquish power and control which they have illegally arrogated unto themselves, the United States and other nations must be very determined to avoid the unconstitutional stripping of their rights and liberties.

The UK Parliament is even taking the quite predictable legislative initiative of outlawing all Covid vaccine truth.

SOS!!! British Parliament On The Way
To Criminalizing Vaccine Truth

In light of these and many other alarming Covid developments, it’s absolutely necessary that the American people fiercely defend their God-given rights and hard-fought freedoms.

For as long as the American Republic stands as an indomitable bulwark against all forms of Covid tyranny, the entire planetary civilization has real hope of staving off a cataclysmic COVID-1984 scenario.

State of the Nation
November 3, 2021

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