Hard evidence that the Khazarian BARBARIANS are inside the gate … as they have been since the 1913 Federal Reserve Act

Treasonous RINOs Killed The Myorkas Impeachment ResolutionNow what,
Patriot Movement?!?!?!

SOTN Editor’s Note: It’s entirely true: the Right has witnessed one betrayal after another, one sellout after another, one con after another by the Republican-dominated House of Representatives.  As for the Super RINO-infested U.S. Senate, that turncoat nest been totally hopeless practically forever.

Which means, with this latest profound betrayal of killing the “traitorous Myorkas resolution” by the House, that the ZOG octopus has the entire congressional apparatus in a perpetual stranglehold.  Of course, who doesn’t know this has been the case since at least the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.  But that’s not the critical point.

What is the extremely crucial point here?

That the U.S. Congress is completely occupied by Khazarian-installed traitors to the Republic.  Yes, there may be some who break ranks once in a while, but look at their voting records over the long haul to understand who they really work for.

U.S. CONGRESS: A Khazarian-Controlled Global Crime Syndicate

Jewish Zionist career criminal Alejandro Myorkas has proven himself to be a Khazarian-installed DHS secretary whose only — not-so-secret — mission is to unlawfully keep the borders wide open while encouraging invasion after invasion of illegal aliens.

In other words, his marching orders from his well-hidden Khazarian overlords are obviously to further exacerbate the worst border crisis in US history.  But why—really?



Which means that there’s only one way out of this continuous Khazarian clusterf*ck.

Think about it, Patriot … … … before it’s way too late.

State of the Nation
November 14, 2023


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