Sean “P Diddy” Combs: What the hell is going on? WTF really went down all these years?

Sean “P Diddy” Combs Arrested: In 2018 A Man Claiming To Have Been His Sex Slave Shot Up A Trump Hotel Lobby, He Said, To Warn Trump Of Illuminati Assassination

Secret Service Interview With Not Yet Scrubbed From Internet. Was He “Crazy?” Said Combs Was Boulé, Trump A Distant Cousin Of Hillary, Partly One Of Them Partly Not—This Is Not About Sean Combs

Celia Farber
The Truth Barrier

Indictment here.

Press conference here.

I’ve put in a few work days in the past 6 months or so, on all this, read some of the lawsuits, tried to understand it in the context of this post-Epstein-Maxwell world. I didn’t post anything.

When I found the interview, today, with Jonathan Oddi, despite all that was odd and made no sense about it, I got a bloodhound feeling. “It’s that direction—that way. “

Understanding all of music and “entertainment,” pop culture, all genres, all forms, as spokes in the illuminati wicked wheel. Understanding Hip Hop as a drug and human trafficking front, littered with human sacrifices. Sean Combs is a symptom—not an individual.

Some of the info I have included here has a vibe of “..they’re all going down,” but for me, I would only begin to believe that if Clive Davis were arrested. AND if even one of these press conferences has a detective who did not make an illuminati hand sign. For now, I lean toward thinking it’s a controlled demolition.

Still, better than nothing, and a lot is coming out, that most of us mostly knew—just more stark, damning evidence.

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