Why is a known MOSSAD agent traveling with Trump and always in his inner circle?!?!

Everything points to Laura Loomer being an extremely dangerous deep cover MOSSAD spy strategically placed in Trump’s inner circle after……

…Zionist spies Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner were banished for publicly denying the last election was stolen and asserting that Biden was the legitimate winner. 

A few years back, Laura Loomer teamed up with fellow Jewish sayanim Jason Goodman to “investigate” the Las Vegas mass shooting, and their role was to blame it on shadowy “Saudis” and steer it away from the obvious suspects, the Mossad.

Jason Goodman, of course, is pals with admitted Mossad asset George Webb, who allegedly investigates pedophilia in high places–except for when Jews and Israel are involved, and involved they are up to their collective eyeballs.

Loomer also showed up at the Parkland shooting in Florida, which was carried out by a crypto Jew Nikolas Cruz, and “investigated” by Jewish Sheriff Scott Israel. Loomer’s been “sheep dipped” by CIA-connected spook Alex Jonestein at InfoWars and super Jew Ezra Levant at Rebel News.

Her role in running for Congress is to further Judaize the “Right”, to focus America’s problems on Muslims–and steer clear of ‘patriotic’ ultra-Zionist Jews like herself. They will use the pushy, loudmouthed Loomer to attack the anti-Israel faction of the Demoncrats ‘of color’. She’s clearly protected and promoted by some deep pocketed Jews with Mossad connections.

Comment posted by Uriah H.

READ HERE: Jewish Congressional Candidate Laura Loomer Wants To Make Jews ‘A Protected Class’

Submitted by The Khazarian Cabal Watcher
State of the Nation
September 19, 2024

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