“The Pfizer shot for children also includes tromethamine which is normally given to heart attack patients.”

Video Rebel’s Blog

900,000 American children ages 5 to 11 have already been injected with Pfizer’s mRNA nucleoside which produces spike proteins in its experimental subjects. Another 700,000 children have appointments to be vaxxed. The dosage is one-third the size of a Pfizer booster shot for adults. And the second dose is given 3 weeks later, not 30 days as with adults. This means 1.6 million children will have received their second covid jab before Christmas.

American Emergency rooms are already filled with double vaccinated adult and teenage patients with all sorts of complaints which the hospitals are denying had anything to do with their vaccinations.

The Pfizer shot for children also includes tromethamine which is normally given to heart attack patients. And this jab will be given into the muscle in the arms of children and not into the bloodstream of adults. This difference between blood and muscle injections could be problematic.

The only reason to give tromethamine to millions of children is because Pfizer is expecting mass cardiac events following injection.

As I said, 1.6 million children will have received their second dose in December. Most adults show signs of spike protein attacks within 2 to 3 weeks of their second injection. The Biden admin has timed this reaction period to coincide with the Twelve Days of Christmas from December 25th to January 6th when many families gather to celebrate the holidays. But this year many of them will be taking their children to Emergency rooms.

This winter will be exceptionally cold in most parts of the US. Americans will need more heat for their homes but their wages, after discounting for inflation, are less than last year.

The price of gasoline has already risen 50% since last year. Yet, the Biden admin has announced the closure of pipeline 5 which takes oil from Canada to the US Midwest. This will force energy prices even higher.

Propane prices have doubled but the Biden admin is still exporting propane.

The price of natural gas has doubled in the past year, but the Biden admin is still exporting natural gas.

Home heating oil prices rose 58% in the past year. Yet Biden is still exporting oil.

Food prices are exploding around the world. Yet the Biden admin is exporting food. Americans have to buy two holiday meals, at Thanksgiving and Christmas. They will be financing these purchases with shrinking paychecks. Peter Schiff recently said that Americans will soon be priced out of buying food.

The Democrats back in the day of President Kennedy launched their presidential campaigns by addressing union workers in Detroit. But Clinton, Gore, Biden and the rest of the free trade Donkeys sent millions of high paying union jobs overseas. Foreigners have trillions of dollars in cash and in US Treasury bonds so they can afford to buy the food off our shelves.

Our current trade deficit in physical goods is $93.6 billion dollars a month. Food purchased for home consumption is less than $75 billion a month. We can only conclude that ongoing food shortages in China will be overcome by starving American families until the Democrats stop food exports.

To stop their voters from freezing in their homes the Democrats will have to stop energy exports.

Like I said, the Biden Clown Car is going to hit a brick wall this winter.

Hopefully, the mood of the country will change and the people will no longer accept covid vaccine mandates.

Covid is a pandemic inducing bioweapon and was made in a lab at the University of North Carolina. It was made more contagious using taxpayer funds at a Chinese military lab in Wuhan. See Covid Truths https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2021/09/07/covid-truths/

We still need to press on the 911 issue. See 911 Truths https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2021/09/10/911-truths/

I mentioned sharp;y higher prices cutting wages in real dollars. See this:
Deep State Democrats To Cut Wages 60%. Then It Gets Worse https://vidrebel.wordpress.com/2021/03/30/deep-state-democrats-to-cut-wages-60-then-it-gets-worse/

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White House says about 900,000 kids ages 5 to 11 got a Covid vaccine in the first week after its approval


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