Submitted by The Armchair Prophet
SOTN Exclusive

The recent censure by the U.S. House of Representatives issued against Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan was an extremely bad move and bodes ill for the future of the country.

Whether you agree with Ms. Tlaib or not, and SOTN does not align with any of her political positions except the Palestinian cause, what the House just did is so wrong on so many levels.

In point of fact, nakedly censoring her right to free speech in the House sent a message to every American that anyone who is against the ongoing genocide of the Palestinians and the Gaza land grab by Israel is somehow un-American.  Or, worse, that they are somehow traitorous for not fully supporting the brutal and ruthless apartheid state of Israel.

Really, a nakedly apartheid regime in Tel Aviv is dictating what members of Congress can say from
the podium?!?!

Since when does the U.S. Congress issue censures for the Zionist State of Israel?!

Bottom Line: The “House Censors Truthful Free Speech To Its Great Detriment” … especially when that free speech is being righteously uttered for the protection of women and children, elderly and infirm who are being mercilessly slaughtered by the utterly barbaric IDF.


The American people had better beware!  For ever since this congressional censure was officially issued by the House, it does not bode well for the future of the Republic. See: Everything points to a 9/11-level false flag terrorist attack and global psyop this November.

In fact, such an egregious act of moral turpitude puts US all at great risk.  And given that it was initiated by the fanatical Evangelical Zionists on the Republican side of the aisle, it puts their whole agenda in serious jeopardy until the 2024 election and beyond.

Simply put, those treacherous congressional Zionists demonstrated more loyalty to the apartheid state of Israel than they did to the powerless and defenseless people of Gaza being massacred in real-time.


One last crucial point: that there has been virtually no intelligent commentary from the Right on how profoundly despicable this act truly was indicates just how afflicted the conservatives are by Political Bipolar Complex.  They simply cannot think outside of their small box … even when a “SLAUGHTER OF INNOCENTS” is taking place in broad daylight.

Folks better wake up fast and realize that:

State of the Nation
November 10, 2023



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