Israel’s Transparent Genocide in Gaza Turns to ‘Mass Starvation’ as the Means of their Highly Premeditated Mass Murder of the Palestinians

U.N. Reports 1 in 4 Gazans Are Starving – Creator: Fatima Shbair | Credit: AP
SOTN Editor’s Note: If you not already aware, there is a highly organized Palestinian Holocaust taking place in Gaza right now. This long-planned slaughter in Palestine is being carried out via various means of mass murder by the genocidal Zionist State of Israel.
KEY POINT: All the hard evidence has now proven that Netanyahu’s government not only knew about the 10/7 ‘surprise attacks’ by Israel-controlled Hamas, the IDF and MOSSAD closely coordinated every single aspect of that false flag terrorist operation. In other words, Zionist Israel carried out those terrorist attacks so as to fabricate a false justification to launch the Palestinian Holocaust and Gaza Land Grab. Which means that so much pain and suffering, loss and deprivation in Gaza right now is taking place because of this fanatical scheme to advance the Greater Israel project. See: ‘Greater Israel’ map displayed by Israel’s finance minister not only provoked anger across the Mideast…it was also a calculated foreshadowing of the 2023 Palestinian Holocaust & Gaza Land Grab.
Of course, mass starvation is a weapon of mass murder which has been used quite effectively by the Zionists over centuries. In the current case, it permits those homicidal maniacs to enjoy some degree of plausible deniability to committing this naked crime against humanity.
Starvation used as a ‘weapon of war’ in Gaza
amid Israeli siege: Oxfam
However, what distinguishes the present use of deliberate food deprivation as a weapon of mass death and destruction is that the whole world is watching. And yet no country in the entire world community of nations has called out this intentional genocide by starvation being perpetrated by Israel.
The entire population in Gaza is in food crisis with 576,600
at catastrophic or starvation levels. — U.N.
Look it, SOTN has never even solicited donations to keep the Alt Media platform running since 2008. Which makes this sincere plea on behalf of all Palestinians all the more serious and meaningful. They need help desperately and Americans LIKE YOU can provide that assistance (see below).
Think about it: It’s Christmas and there are many Palestinians Christians and Muslims who are tragically starving to death in Gaza…at this very moment!
State of the Nation
December 24, 2023
N.B. The following Charitable Organization — World Central Kitchen — is perhaps the most trustworthy that we have found over the years that really does the hard work of feeding the destitute and starving the world over. Check them out and give to the Gaza food relief program if you feel so compelled.