Step 1: Set up legal groundwork to mandate drop boxes across the swing states.

Step 2: Release a viral pathogen and over-exaggerate its lethality to create public fear of voting in person.

Step 3: Send out mass mail-in ballots.

Step 4: Harvest mail-in ballots and deliver them to districts needed to flip the swing states at 4am after they know how many votes they need.

Step 5: Use lying legacy lamestream media to accuse anyone who calls out mail-in ballot fraud of being a Russian asset or election denier.

Step 6: Use intelligence community stage “insurrection” so electors cannot air grievances of fraud before Congress, and certify a stolen election.

They did it in 2020, and they are about to try it again. Mass mail-in ballots are their objective.

Any Questions? 

Posted by B Free


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