Macgregor: Bibi Maneuvering US Into Regional Mideast War!

Ferndale, WA
July 5, 2024

by Rich Scheck

Retired Colonel Douglas Macgregor recently shared his perspective with Judge Napolitano
and made a powerful case that PM Netanyahu is maneuvering the US into a regional war in the Middle East on behalf of the Jewish State.

Macgregor is far more restrained than other observers who see the 10/7 “Hamas attack”
as likely a 9/11 false flag psy-op providing Israel with a pretext for war with its enemies
but reaches the same conclusion in his analysis.

Evoking the memory of Wesley Clark’s reminder after his post-9/11 visit to the Pentagon
upon hearing a report that the US would soon be at war with no less than 7 states in
the region, Macgregor asserts that he thinks Netanyahu is manipulating America to be
his savior by siding with him in clearing the way for Greater Israel.

Macgregor describes how Israel relentlessly exploits its “poor me” victim status when it
is often the perpetrator of much harm irrespective of its long history of being attacked.

With an election fast approaching and the arrival of Bibi in DC to address the Congress
in 3 weeks, the volatility of the situation is intensifying daily with extremists stepping up
their calls for drastic action:

Ending the “strategic ambiguity” of Israel’s possession of nukes may help it on the battlefield, but it will undoubtedly hurt it in the court of world public opinion as well as reminding folks that every dollar of aid from us to them is illegal since they have not signed the NPT as required by US law as a precondition for receiving military assistance.

Macgregor is crystal clear that he would remain convinced that Trump would be “catastrophically stupid” to embrace the Netanyahu agenda.

With rumors swirling that he himself is contemplating a presidential run to counter his disgust with what he sees as misguided policies, it will be fascinating to watch how this all plays out in the mere 4 months until the scheduled vote in November.

For those who see the Jews as God’s Chosen Ones, his words will be readily dismissed as these zealots eagerly await the day of reckoning they see as inevitable based on Biblical prophecy.

Thankfully, at least one prominent and articulate voice is able to transcend the beliefs of Christian Nationalist and Zionists to see that such “prophecies enslave us” (Dune) and must be resisted in the name of sanity.

Whether his talk and the similar insights of other foreign policy dissidents will be enough to guide us past the delusional projections of extremists is what may decide the fate of us all.


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