Isn’t it awfully strange that……………

…today’s practitioners of Judaism are the
‘religious descendants’ of those who are
directly responsible for the crucifixion of
Jesus the Christ?
And, that many of them are very proud
of that terribly heinous deed—the brutal
murder of the Son of God.

And, that a central prophetic tenet of Judaism is the coming
of the Messiah.  The very same “Messiah” whose existence the
ancient Hebrews, by way of the Pharisees and Sadducees and
along with the Sanhedrin, vehemently denied over 2000 years ago.

Not only that, but now we have the modern-day tribe of Ashkenazi
Jewry, which proclaims daily the first coming of the Messiah, and
who are not even descended from the original Twelve Tribes of
Israel; rather, they are the progeny of one of the most criminal
clans ever to incarnate on Earth during the First Millennium in
the Khazar Khaganate*.

*The Ukraine represents the eastern half of the Khazar Khaganate, so we
can see the legacy of savagery the Khazarian barbarians left there today
with the highly organized genocide of so many Ukrainian Christian men.

As a matter of historical fact, most of the Jews today who occupy
the Zionist State of Israel are Khazarians by ancestry and,
therefore, have no legitimate claim whatsoever to those ancient
Middle Eastern lands populated by the original Hebrews.

Not only that, but all biblical references to “Israel” concern the
“people of Israel”, as well as to the nation of Israel figuratively
speaking, and not to any particular territory with boundaries.
Every mention of “Israel” in the Old Testament is in regard to
the 12 tribes of Israel, and never to a geographic location as
absurdly misrepresented by Zionist Jews today, both religious
and secular, both Orthodox and Reform.

So, now we have a grossly manipulated situation worldwide,
whereby a group of utterly fake Jews and sinister Khazarian
imposters, who take full credit for the murder of Jesus Christ,
and who refute his very historical reality with a vengeance, are
staking an entirely false claim to the Holy Land in which He
walked during his highly acclaimed ministry throughout the
Mideast at the beginning of the first century A.D.

You really can’t make this stuff up … … … except that’s exactly
what the modern-day Zionists did!  They made it all up, and
to the great detriment of the whole Middle East … and to the

Wait, it gets worse … MUCH WORSE!!!

So, after killing their Messiah and denying his very existence
for two millennia, the so-called Zionist heirs to the “Kingdom
of God” on Earth launch a scorched earth military campaign
in Palestine the likes of which this race of humanity has never
seen.  The naked barbarity of wholesale killing of women and
children, elderly and the infirmed is done in the name of their
satanic god as they secretly carry out child sacrifices in their
Synagogue of Satan over the centuries.  How’s that for a
crazy Khazarian Clusterf*uck and multi-century
Con Game?!?!?!


And precisely who are the hapless victims of this ongoing
mass murder terror operation in Gaza but the indigenous
Palestinians, who are perhaps the closest relatives of Jesus
the Christ residing on the planet today.

Now what’s really strange is that so many Christians, both
Zionist Christians and others, enthusiastically support this
absurdly evil plot to destroy all vestiges of Christianity.
In fact, they’re totally behind the current raping, pillaging
and plundering of Gaza and the outright slaughter of His
dear people.

Now that’s really, REALLY, strange in light of the primary
teaching of Christ to love one another and to treat each other
as we would want to be treated.  After all, Jesus, the truly
compassionate one, taught us that we are all brothers and
sisters; and that we are children of the very same GOD.

So then, how do those nominal Christians reconcile the
grim reality that the Jews of the Holy Bible, who were also
quite murderous and rapacious as the Khazarians are today,
were the executioners of our Lord Jesus Christ.  And, why
would they so zealously align themselves with the Khazarian
barbarians in their multi-century criminal plot to perpetrate
the ruthless conquering of lands associated with the
imperialistic Greater Israel project—a nakedly genocidal
and ethnic cleansing enterprise inflicted upon the indigenous
peoples of the Middle East, especially the Palestinians?

To be continued—

Submitted by A Zionism Truther
SOTN Exclusive

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