A VERY SPECIAL CHRISTMAS MESSAGE … but it’s not what you think!

First, listen to this highly inspirational version of:

How Great Thou Art

Now that you’re in the Christmas Spirit, please follow us down this road marked by some very stark mundane and spiritual realities.

As we all know, the American Republic has been completely taken over by an extremely dark and demonic force.  It’s malevolence and wickedness knows no bounds, right?

The even greater reality about the true “State of the Nation” is actually a reflection of the present pervasive planetary predicament: That we are all witnessing the final battle of the last war between the forces of light and powers of darkness.  Even George Washington was given a vision of these times as follows:

as foretold by General George Washington

In other words, the current tract of humanity is now facing the last gasps and graspings of a global satanic power structure that will not let go of its, heretofore, quite privileged position at the very pinnacle of the peak of the world power pyramid.

However, all eras end just as this epoch is slowly morphing into a New Age—one being initiated by the dawning of the Aquarian Age … as the Age of Pisces recedes into history.

Given these cosmological realities and their attendant spiritual ramifications, there’s only one way for humankind to get from Point A to Point C (i.e. from the dark and dense Iron Age to the bright and sublime Golden Age).  All of US are obligated to go through Point B which is where we are right now.

Going through “Point B” could be likened to the birthing process of a human being; so just ask any mother who has experienced childbirth and they will tell you it ain’t easy or painless or without difficulties.  And sometimes the new mom has to ripped right open via a Caesarean section.

What’s the critical point here?

Well, we can do this the easy way or the hard way.

Thus far, it’s quite clear that we have collectively chosen the hard way—VERY HARD!

For the easy way is one where we have faithfully invoked the grace of GOD en masse.  After all, nothing but nothing ever happens but by the will of Almighty God.

Therefore, it would appear that there is always available a very effective spiritual strategy for kicking their asses off the planet— FOR GOOD — and that would be to pray to the Supreme Being for His assistance, yes?

Look it, Satan cannot move right or left by even a single centimeter without the power given to him by GOD to do so.  More significantly, and contrary to what many Christians deeply believe, Satan can only act according to the will of GOD.  He cannot ever act independently, although you would never know it by listening to him–the ultimate Father of Lies who successfully created the Empire of Lies.

Hence, the very best way to greatly curtail the works of the Father of Lies here on Earth is to pray to Him who can effortlessly throw the infernal demon into an eternal dungeon as quickly as you can say:

“Anti-Christ Be Gone—FOREVER!”.

Now that we have that established, isn’t it high time that we all put our hands together and pray like there’s no tomorrow … … … because if we don’t, there simply won’t be a tomorrow worth living.

Honestly, where in the world are the good people these days?!

Who doesn’t know that Satan has taken over the whole joint, and that he owns every government lock, stock and barrel.  When so many souls eagerly worship Mammon hourly, how easy was it for him to lock the whole place down … and then get away with it.

Let’s face it, the entire global game board is completely owned and operated by the satanic power elite.  And if they don’t own any particular entity completely, they do so by proxy.  Or, they control it by remote without the prinicipals even knowing it.

When such is the case, the only way to victory is for the righteous among US to create a whole new battlefield.  Because the bad guys always win on theirs.  It cannot be any other way in an era when falsehood is stronger than truth in a world of highly flawed and weak men.

However, the times are a changin’—FAST!

That the Holy Land is under direct and withering attack on Christmas Day is a stunning testament to this rapidly unfolding cosmic drama in the Mideast, and elsewhere.  For the Zionist State of Israel has torn off its mask and revealed itself as the Anti-Christ in the form of a national entity. See: THE MASK COMES OFF—FOREVER!

Yes, there are many antichrists running around the world today, but none are so brazen and arrogant, reckless and evil that they would carry out a genocide IN BROAD DAYLIGHT.

It’s true, the Jewish Zionists in Israel really do believe they can conduct mass murder of innocents with absolute impunity.  And, that such criminally psychopathic behavior can be normalized to such an extent that righteous men will do nothing to stop it.  Welcome to America in 2024 … should righteous men choose to do nothing!

Which means that we little people without power in any institutions and/or lacking stature in society are called upon to flip the game board over with one flick of the prayerful wrist.

This is the only way that the bad guys will dramatically experience their long prophesied reversal of fortune.  For only the sheer power of prayer and the ardent propitiation of the Divine will generate the massive shower of grace and blessings necessary to terminate the BEAST system now functioning with wanton abandon worldwide.

Our best recommendation is that this tried and true method of catalyzing sea changes — PRAYER & SUPPLICATION — for seemingly impossible causes be employed to halt the atrocious Palestinian Holocaust and egregious Gaza Land Grab.

Folks would be amazed to see how quickly Israel’s transparent terror operation in Gaza could be terminated by copious and sincere prayerful supplication by God-fearing souls.  The stronger the intention, the quicker the horrific genocide in Gaza will end.

One last crucial point about this horrendous Palestinian Holocaust is that those brave souls are offering themselves in sacrifice for the whole world.  See: SATANIC RITUAL MASS HUMAN SACRIFICE—ALERT!

Wittingly or unwittingly, the Palestinians are dying in great numbers at the altar of truth so that the genocidal Zionist State of Israel will be exposed to the world community of nations; and especially it’s unheard of barbarity and viciousness, inhumanity and vileness, stripped naked for all to see.

Of course, there are several back stories as well as layers of plotting to this tragedies of tragedies.  Were folks across the USA to really understand what this purposeful mass extermination was all about, they would never lend their support to Israel again.  And, with that major move away from Zionism, the odious Great Israel project would collapse in a day and a night.


Back to the BIG PICTURE.

As the Washington vision of “Great Peril” indicates, we have our work cut out for ourselves as never before.  What the United States alone is facing is way beyond what any nation has ever faced in the history of this planet.

Now that’s a very serious statement and yet vey true as those who know the hidden history of Earth’s successive planetary civilizations are well aware of.  Which means that when the challenges are so great and the obstacles are so many, only divine intervention can change the course of human history as it is greatly needed at this defining moment.

Be that as it may, there is one magic formula which must be applied by a critical mass of humanity going forward. Without it, we go nowhere except to stay in the rapidly accelerating downward spiral where 2023 has put US.  As follows:

Folks need to first take back their power.
Then they need to stand in their own truth.
Finally they must speak that truth to power,
especially in matters of great import for the USA.

In this fashion, People of Conscience and Christians, Patriots and Nationalists, Conservatives and Libertarians, Independents and Non-aligned, Truth-seekers and the Religious all need to come together to form a united front that scares the bejesus out of the satanic Left.

This must be done on a large enough scale so that it presents a sufficiently powerful countervailing force against the dark side that they will understand that they are about to feel the wrath of GOD.  The raw truth is that divine judgment is but a hairbreadth away from the American people in view of so much moral depravity and societal degeneracy.

Hence, we diehard Patriots do find ourselves between the proverbial rock and hard place.  Which ought to make our toughest decisions very easy to make since the path of dharma (i.e. righteousness) is the only one that makes any sense.

Hopefully we have not lost anybody yet, because if you are reading this Christmas coaching session you are certainly being called if not chosen.

To be continued between Christmas festivities and holiday commitments —

Submitted by The Armchair Prophet
SOTN Exclusive

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