SOTN Editor’s Note: The following comment was emailed to SOTN by an Integrative Health Consultant, who has been a Covid Vaccine Injury Coach since December of 2020, in response to the post that follows.
The bio-nanotechnology that was stealthily used in the formulation of the different versions of Covid ‘vaccines’ is still being investigated by some highly experienced vaccine experts and very smart medical researchers throughout the world. In point of fact, there is a whole cottage industry of sorts that has quickly grown up around this “Greatest Public Health Disaster in Human History”. With that said, we are still in a period of intensive trial and error with respect to formulating the protocols which will thoroughly detoxify the extremely hazardous and often lethal Covid injections.
Nonetheless, there are some concrete measures that can be taken immediately to mitigate some of the worst adverse effects of these killshots/clotshots/cancershots. First and foremost, folks can quickly embrace a truly holistic lifestyle. Cleaning up the diet is essential in this regard, as is completely shutting down all wireless technology in the home and all Wifi in the office environment. As both a Smartphone Dependency Coach and Internet Addiction Counselor, I know how difficult this particular initiative can be, BUT IT MUST BE DONE POST-HASTE!
The following article presents some good common sense things for the afflicted to consider. If you have an advanced case of any of the known side effects from the Covid vax mRNA technology, you might proceed with the recommendations posed below as though you are conducting your own quasi-clinical trial. Go slow, be watchful, respond swiftly to any “Herxheimer reaction” or other type of healing crisis. An overwhelming die-off can put anyone out of commission for a bit, so remember to flush your system with distilled water on a regular basis.
Lastly, be very aware of the various pharmaceutical and nutraceutical drug interactions which can occur, especially the more vaccines and boosters one has received. See: WARNING! The Covid ‘Vaccines” & Their Drug Interactions
Deactivating the Graphene Quantum Dots & Decoupling your Brain from the Clathrin mRNA Neural Interface
by Shawn Paul Melville
Civilian Intelligence Network
This segment is part of the larger story about how Transhumanists are bringing about their Singularity utilizing 5G, Graphene Oxide, mRNA technology.. and your FEAR. I encourage you to take “GQD Particle: The Transhumanist Quantum Agenda” from the top. SPM
Humanity has been chipped with a living, self assembling, self replicating, self aware biological neural interface. In the binary form of mRNA and PEGylated Graphene Oxide, most people have been infected; the vaccinated, swabbed, and unvaccinated alike. 1
They’ve used their mad science from the genome and protein research 2 and combined it with the equally if not more mad science involving electromagnetic frequencies 3 to bring us a highly transmissible autonomous living Nano technology designed to tag, trace and interface with every man, woman and child alive to their central Quantum Computer. 4
While civilization was busy scrolling on their phones, whether tuning into cute kitties or Q posts, Great Reset Stakeholder Capitalists “chipped” the world.
Q: When is a neuron not a neuron? 5
A: When an EXTERNAL electric signal is OVERSTIMULATING IT!, or, when the NWO replaces your neurons with their Clathrin triskelion nano transmitters.
Mechanisms of the mRNA neural interface system.
The first mechanism is the reduced graphene oxide circuit. Graphene Oxide is delivered to the body through the PEG3350, pharmaceutical and nutraceutical gel caps, and throughout many commercial foods. Graphene Oxide is in everything. 6
Graphene Oxide is reduced (rGO) to its more conductive form between 0.5 and 40 Hz. Although it can be reduced within the 5G GHz and 6G THz (infrared) ranges as well. rGO is the lipid nanotube lattice that works its way through the entire body to act as the power source of the Clathrin neuralace nanobot. 7
While people have experienced reduction of inflammation by using Front Line Doctor protocols, those protocols actually work to bind the graphene oxide, or to aid in graphene oxide reduction in the long run. Those protocols are speeding up neural lace interface. Health care as we knew it, has been flipped upside down. 8
The second mechanism is the Luciferase battery pack. Bacterial Luciferase are genes that are part of the mRNA delivery system. Luciferase is the battery pack for the rGO circuitry. Luciferase is activated in the Blue/Green light spectrum of 450nm to 510nm (666thz).
Sources are your computer screen, cell phone or TV, the sun is 30% blue light, modern lighting, including LED lights and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), although bright and energy-efficient, can be a strong source of harmful blue light. 9
The third mechanism is the Clathrin nanobot. This living neural two way interface is powered by the reduced graphene oxide circuit. The patents say it can be activated anywhere between 50hz and 75hz AND in the range of 900mhz. 10
Deactivating the nanotechnology.
Please do not consume supplements inside a 5G environment. Magnesium, for instance, will activate Luciferase. Vitamin D fuels Luciferase, … 11
This is our thesis. From our experience, this method has worked and we are sharing this information so that there can be further study. There is no way for us to quantify this, all we have is our experience, so far.
Firstly, a Scalar Wave Generator, or Torus, will deactivate the rGO circuit, which will cut the power and decouple the Clathrin neuralace. While we at CIN have proposed using Scalar Wave Fields to combat and repair damage from Magnetic Fields 12, mitigation of those same EMF’s will to deactivate the reduced graphene oxide.
Plugging in your Scalar Wave Field Torus will disconnect the circuit of the neuralace system. Once the field is generated, the reduced graphene oxide structure stops conducting electricity, and stops feeding the Clathrin Nanobot.
Scalar is the Language of your DNA. 13
Scalar will defend you against EMF’s which allow you to strive for a higher consciousness. 14
Once the nanobot is not fueled, it begins to decompose, along with the rest of the lipid “viral” structure.
YES! These nanobots are BIODEGRADABLE like Vitaliano said. 15
BIODEGRADABLE! You are deactivating rGO, which is deactivating the Clathrin nanobot. It takes 30 days for the Graphene Quantum Dot to decompose in your body, and you will pee it all out! A lot of pee, and a lot of poo.
We theorize rGO is no longer conducting electricity. We tested body voltage before the Torus, which was an astounding 2200 millivolts. The “safe” standard is -70mv. When inside the Torus, the body tests -48mv! Which, coincidently, is the optimal voltage for cell repair! The body wants to repair itself.
We recommend the C1 Cube from Blushield. After searching September 2020 to January 2023, we finally chose this device. I truly believe it covers the full range of frequencies required to deactivate the rGO. 16
Also can also break rGO circuit with an acid diet.
Alkaline pH acts to disperse the Graphene Oxide in your foods. Alkaline Water and alkaline foods only act to disperse the GO in your stomach making the GO a lot more absorbable at the stomach level and circulated quickly into your blood. Whereas maintaining a strong acidic pH of the stomach and drinking acidic liquids will act to clump up the Graphene so it can be excreted by your gastrointestinal tract! How? Graphene Oxides can bind with Hydrogen (H+) in water making it unavailable to become reduced to rGO! 17
Second, you need to kill the Bacterial Luciferase which has a 5 month life span. For this, you require Schizandra Berries! 18
The thing is, which Schizandra Berries? From what we researched, there are many varieties of Schizandra vines, and many activate the Shikimic Pathway.
Furthermore, these Shikimic Pathway metabolites may act as “quorum sensing” pheromones and help to INTEGRATE the Luciferase activity and Neural Lace network within the body allowing for further integration with their quantum computer… essentially increase the mind uploading that is taking place. 19
We recommend Shen Blossom’s Schizandra tincture, produced with Traditional Chinese Medicine methods, as we know the vines’ lineage and know it does not interfere with these pathways.
Some of the readers have not wanted to take schizandra, so we can propose the antibiotic Quinoline. We also suggest you find a compound pharmacist in order to prevent getting contaminated products. 20
Iron and Sugar will repress Luciferase. The addition of glucose with the Iron supplement should result in the permanent repression of Luciferase, however, this does not eliminate future Luciferase production because the mRNA that was used works on the DNA triple helix of the cell. That being said, viral mRNA will continue to produce Luciferase. 21
Mistletoe has also shown qualities including ability to mitigate EMF’s, degrade Graphene Oxide and kill Luciferase, among other benefits. 22
Blue/Green light and Infrared mitigation is crucial.
Luciferase produces blue-green light between 450-510 nm. This bioluminescence then acts to activate Graphene Oxide GO to its reduced form rGO which is electrically active and causes heat and inflammation. Any blue-green light source will just perpetuate this activation and continue the reduction of GO to rGO. 23
Cell phone screens, computer monitors, TVs, … , the sun, … so many sources. Protecting the eyes is not enough, since the light also penetrates the skin.
Third, we recommend distilled water during the detoxification process and with or shortly after meals. The acidity in distilled water will prevent GO uptake from your diet. However, avoid using processed foods. Flush. Flush. Flush. 24
Fourth, you will need E. Coli Nissle 1917 to replace gut flora after 20 years of GO inflammation. Pharmaceuticals and stakeholder food manufacturers have always targeted the gut. Ruin the gut, ruin everything.
Your gut biome is important for overall body health. It forms what is called the gut-brain axis and anything compromising your gut biome (like inflammation) will compromise your nervous system. We decided to review a few probiotics and looked at their interaction with reduced Graphene Oxide rGO and the implication to overall health.
The beneficial one, E. Coli Nissle 1917: This bacterium is used in Crohn’s disease and IBD. It acts to prevent leaky gut and inflammation. Once you have the culture you can grow it yourself at home. Graphene Oxide likes to kill off this probiotic so you will have to replenish it frequently. Surprisingly the manufacturers of E. coli Nissle 1917 will soon stop producing it? 25
Thesis: If the disease is high intensity magnetic fields and the nanotechnology they power in our bodies, and if the cure is the Torus then that’s all we will need.
Thesis: These nanobots don’t bind to our DNA. If these nanotechnologies DID bind to human DNA then EVERYONE would be screwed, including those among us. Trudeau went out in public, so did Bernier, King Charles, … if they did get infected it would screw with their DNA too. I think these are self assembling self-replicating nanobots, and their RNA (just like a virus) is contained within them. They may use our machinery, but they are autonomous, not bound to our genome.
In short durations out of the Torus we will be fine, an immunity to the radiation. However, if you lose the Torus the radiation and inflammation will build back up again.
For now, enjoy the comforts of the high Magnetic Field communication systems of today without the radiation poisoning all in the comfort of your Toroidal Sanctuary, knowing that you’ve foiled the NWO’s plans for you. 26
- Graphene Quantum Dots are the Living Neural Interface “chip” for NWO AI: CIN, January 25, 2023 ↩︎
- Gain-of-Function Experiments: The SARS-CoV-2/HIV-1 Story: CIN, July 26, 2023 ↩︎
- CORONA: The COVID-19 & Electromagnetic Frequencies Story: CIN, December 2, 2022 ↩︎
- Q: When is a neuron not a neuron?: CIN, December 17, 2022 ↩︎
- Graphene Oxide is in everything!: CIN, March 19, 2023 ↩︎
- Reduced Graphene Oxide: The Real Problem Behind 5G: CIN January 15, 2023 ↩︎
- Negative Impact of Supplements in 5G Environment: CIN, January 22, 2023 ↩︎
- Luciferase fuels mRNA Clathrin Nanobot & Transmits Quantum Information: CIN, January 31, 2023 ↩︎
- Graphene Quantum Dots are the Living Neural Interface “chip” for NWO AI: CIN, January 25, 2023 ↩︎
- Negative Impact of Supplements in 5G Environment: CIN, January 22, 2023 ↩︎
- Scalar Wave Fields will Protect You from Magnetic Field Poisoning & Help You Heal: CIN, February 5, 2023 ↩︎
- Scalar Energy: The Language Of Our DNA ↩︎
- Clathrin Required to Harvest Consciousness: CIN, October 11, 2023 ↩︎
- mRNA Developer, Obama “Brain Interface” Tzar, Directly Connected to Fauci & AI Transhumanist COVID Agenda: CIN, January 29, 2023 ↩︎
- Scalar Wave Fields will Protect You from Magnetic Field Poisoning & Help You Heal: CIN, February 5, 2023 ↩︎
- ALKALINE is wrong. ACID is the way to go: CIN, January 15, 2023 ↩︎
- Schizandra Berries will kill Bacterial Luciferase: March 19, 2023 ↩︎
- Chemical structure and biological activity of a quorum sensing pheromone from Bacillus subtilis subsp. natto: NCBI, October 1, 2015 ↩︎
- Quinoline Family Antibiotics Will Kill Luciferase Lux Genes: CIN, August 4, 2023 ↩︎
- Iron and Sugar will Permanently Repress Luciferase: CIN, June 4, 2023 ↩︎
- Korean Mistletoe used to ward off Magnetic Fields & EMFs, degrade Graphene Oxide and kill Luciferase: CIN, December 4, 2023 ↩︎
- Blue Light Filters will Deactivate the Luciferase Power Pack: CIN, January 31, 2023 ↩︎
- Distilled Water (dH2O) Vital in EMF/GO Detoxification: CIN, January 27, 2023 ↩︎
- E. Coli Nissle 1917 (Mutaflor) probiotic will protect gut lining, fortify gut biome: CIN, January 26, 2023 ↩︎
- Blushield EMF Protection ↩︎