Renee Parsons
Even before the Covid ‘safe and effective’ lies, some Americans were yearning for a political truth that could be trusted for longer than 24 hours. Once those magic “no new intervention wars” words were uttered during the 2016 campaign, it was easy to cast a vote for Donald Trump since war with Syria was on the horizon with HRC promising a ‘no fly zone.’
Just before the election, Russiagate surfaced as fifty mostly retired intel officials repeated the Democratic spin which was organized by then-DNC staffer Antony Blinken that a cyber intrusion was organized by the Russian government in support of Trump’s campaign. Since no real facts surfaced to confirm Russian involvement or that Trump had any inappropriate political relationships, it appeared that the Republican party offered a real alternative to the dystopian agenda the Dems were prepping.
A quick review for those who may have been asleep at the wheel, the 2022 election provided a slim Republican House majority enabling a renegade band of twenty House Members to challenge Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s claim to be anointed Speaker – further confirming that the Republicans were getting their legislative act together to take on the Dems in a big way.
The debate with McCarthy focused predominantly on an antiquated Congressional budget process that had inexplicably never contested the $33 Trillion debt. Concealed by coveted budget tricks and gimmicks like an Omnibus with multiple thousands of pages deep-six fiscal details as well as a refusal to require each federal agency to be dealt as a separate budget item thereby hiding additional fiscal details, and finally wrapping the reality of a $33 Trillion debt within a Supplemental budget which again buried funding details from the American public.
It seemed more than ludicrous that the debt had been allowed to accrue and reach a phenomenal stratospheric number without Congress understanding it was their responsibility to tackle the obvious or that the American public failed to demand Congress act with due diligence.
However, the Republican caucus did not exactly respond like a whirlwind to address how those Federal funds were being allocated: whether to continue Pelosi era spending levels, funds for a non-war in Ukraine with little push-back on Biden’s open door at the southern border, unquestioned funds for Israel’s latest assault in Gaza, the TikTok ban, the FISA 702 reauthorization providing the FBI with further enhanced surveillance that took another chink out of the First Amendment, a generous gamut of assorted woke/diversity initiatives including a ‘sense of the Congress’ endorsements of abundant Israeli ‘feel good’ policies.
While the partisan split within the caucus was already underway, it was not until Rep. Mike Johnson (La.) a self proclaimed evangelical Christan who identifies as a Republican assumed the Speaker’s Office and immediately flipped on just about every issue pending before the House after a SCIF meeting with the FBI. As Speaker, the Uniparty surfaced under Johnson as an unapologetic, undeniable powerhouse as its split was irrevocable with clear lines between its America First base of Trump supporters and its older faction of establishment GOP who had been living comfortably with Democrat policies and a budget deficit.
The internal partisan division continued with announcement of 2024 retirements, some of which took effect immediately, thereby seriously curtailing the GOP to an extremely thin majority as Johnson pushed a series of divisive votes on Ukraine and national security issues worth almost $100 billion, the partisan realignment continued. Meanwhile, former President Trump who was fighting his own lawfare battles remained on the sidelines with Johnson without coming to the aid of his House allies.
By mid-late April, simmering protests at Columbia University in favor of a ceasefire in Gaza and divestment demands against Israel took hold as Multiple campuses exploded opposing US support for Israel’s genocide on the Palestinians which resulted in over 34,000 deaths including 13,000 children. With over 2500 unarmed twenty year old students arrested as a result of tyrannical school administrations and abusive law enforcement, academic-related religious institutions across the country exhibited public support for the students, some holding teach-ins and prayer vigils.
Today’s peaceful protests have responded in the finest moral tradition of college protests dating back to students protesting segregation 65 years ago, protests against apartheid in South Africa 40 years ago and against the Vietnam war in the 1960’s.
As if right on cue, the obedient mainstream media created the image of student anti semitism as if campus opposition to genocide was confounded, even as the protests included significant numbers of Jewish students. Some Republican Members of Congress, clouded by their AIPAC campaign contributions, ranted as if anti semitism was the driving force behind the protests; rather than acknowledge the painful reality of Israel’s grotesque behavior.
In a step of institutional collusion fanning the national flames of anti semitism and as if a matter of coincidental legislative timing, the Anti-Semitic Awareness Act (HR 6090) was adopted on May 1 with an extraordinary 320-91 vote. A mere 21 Republicans voted NO in a rare display of Congressional conscience.
As the historic ACLU opposed the ASA Act acknowledging its role in establishing the ‘right to protest’ as a central pillar of the First Amendment and has defended those principles for more than a century.” The century old civil liberties organization condemned the House of Representatives for a harmful, direct attack on the First Amendment with HR 6090 passage which unnecessarily expanded the legal definition of ‘anti semitism’ as it “falsely equates criticism of Israel with antisemitic discrimination.” The ACLU may ask the eternal question to the Supreme Court: when is any criticism of Israel not anti semitic, as in an eternal scam on language.
The ACLU further objected to federal government efforts to stifle criticism of Israel and risk politicizing the enforcement of federal civil rights statutes as it urged the “Senate block this bill that undermines First Amendment protections before it’s too late.”
Will the government pursue prosecution for quoting Scripture and how might Congress respond to its declaration that God’s Word is now anti –semitic? Will the Bible now be redefined as ‘hate’ speech or will religion be forced to play a subordinate role in American life as has already been evidenced?
With the potential to influence the 2024 election, the protests may have played a role for President Biden to halt the transfer of weapons to Israel if Netanyahu proceeds with his anticipated invasion of Rafah.
As Biden suddenly stood against Israel, Donald Trump demanded “End the Protests.” He later responded to Biden: “What Joe Biden is doing with respect to Israel is disgraceful. Any Jewish person that votes for Democrats hates their religion,” Trump added “If any Jewish person voted for Joe Biden they should be ashamed of themselves.” And then Trump promised to deport pro Palestinian campus protestors.
While US campus protests spread internationally, they might share credit for the UN General Assembly’s overwhelming approval of Palestine statehood with the US and Israel opposing as both continue to suffer an unmitigated public relations disaster, all of which has been of their own design.
As if unexpected by Zionist-controlled politicians, pushback from the Christian religious community and pastors have accused the ASA Act of criminalizing scripture within the New Testament as well as criminalizing biblical passages such as Acts 4 – 10 which dares state that Jews crucified Jesus. As the ASA assumes all Jews are Zionists, it conveniently muddles the definition of anti semitism with anti Zionism.
In some opinion, the Congress of the United States has criminalized the New Testament and what has been historically accepted as the Word of God. How many House Members examined the ASA prior to adoption to ascertain the legal limits with regard to its statutory requirements on Americans who still believe in the Bible or Christianity?
Since two dozen states had previously passed anti semitic legislation, there is discussion underway whether adoption of the Act may be a legal tool forcing Christians to relinquish their religion and force a devotional denial of Jesus Christ. Given its founding by divine providence, how will the United States thrive without Christianity or under a theological mindset that condemns the Word of God.
How should American citizens be addressed who are more loyal to Israel like those with dual citizenship than the country of their birth?
Why did Christian members of Congress vote for what was obviously anti Christian legislation with no conscious awareness of escalating a cultural and moral crisis in the country? As practicing Christians, do they have a philosophical foundation in faith of an Absolute God or a belief in an immortal soul or in the Doctrine of the Trinity. What do they believe in beyond their own personal and professional success?
At what point, may a majority of Republicans prove unable to identify the illusions of their reality as they can no longer be counted on to vote either America First, in favor of high-minded moral principles or reject the atheism of the soulless Zionists.
At its most egregious level, here’s where political struggles abandon any conscious awareness of representing theological, honorable or spiritual values as this Congress has shown to be benumbed to any real sense of principled politics.
Certain to be in the throes of a Zionist-related trance and in a further effort to sow hate and dissension, a hideous bill has been introduced in the House by Rep. Andy Ogles (Tenn). HR 8321 would mandate anyone found guilty of “unlawful activity on campus after October 7, 2023 could be sentenced to six months of community service in Gaza” presumably as punishment for daring to speak against Israel’s abomination in Gaza.
Although no text has yet been received, HR 8321 has two co-sponsors and been referred to the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Hopefully it will be amended to require a mental health exam for any Member of Congress who votes for this unconstitutional, deranged bill.