Where is Kamala Harris?

Patriots for Truth

See anything in the news today about Kamala Harris, first Jamaican citizen to be selected by Mark Malloch-Brown’s DOMINION to be U.S. Vice President?

Proof of life must be video or picture images of her AFTER January 20, 2021. Just type this phrase below in your favorite internet browser to see her current proof of life status:

– Kamala Harris in the News –

News sites are beginning to run headlines (see some below) wondering the same. MSM is giving her absence “cover” as they whip up old stories on her to keep citizens from asking too many questions. Someone needs to ask PINO Biden’s press secretary where his VP is! “Joe, did you lose your Vice President?”


Where In The World Is Kamala Harris?


Where in the World Is Kamala Harris?


Where In The World Is Kamala Harris?

The vice president-elect made headlines pushing $2,000 checks, but suddenly she’s nowhere to be found on the issue. 

.HOPIUM ALERT: Did Homeland Security finally pick up this illegal alien, now foreign interloper in our elections, and haul her off to military prison? Why should she be treated any differently than any other illegal alien?

In all of our research, we could never find official documentation that she is a U. S. citizen, only that she was born to two foreign students in California – which doesn’t make her a citizen automatically, and certainly doesn’t make her eligible for the office of presidency. The Democrats, who are supposed to check the eligibility of their candidates, approved her candidacy which makes all of them complicit in this crime!


Citizen Files Lawsuit Against Kamala Harris for Illegal Status as VP Candidate

Kamala Harris is an illegal alien

(August 11, 2020) ‘Meet phony Kamala Harris!’ the Trump campaign wrote in a tweet containing the video.


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