Is Israeli Report Suggesting 10/7 Psyop Designed To Oust Bibi?

Oak Harbor, WA
June 19, 2024

by Rich Scheck

A report apparently emanating from Israeli media appears designed to oust the
increasingly vulnerable PM, Bibi Netanyahu, from office.

The information provided seems to indicate that the 10/7 Hamas attack was possibly
a false flag/psy-op wherein the IDF knew in advance detailed aspects of the planned
intrusion and let it happen.

This dramatic revelation is consistent with the thinking of those who have been highly
suspicious of Bibi and his far-right coalition’s role in the assault since they are the chief
beneficiaries of this tragic conflict.

The war in Gaza has saved Netanyahu from the likely break-up of his government and
the resumption of the criminal prosecution that began prior to 10/7.

His popularity at home remains more at risk than in the US where all three major presidential candidates as well as most of Congress strongly support his Old Testament approach to dealing with Hamas.

The release of this damning document from within Israel rather than from less credible sources seems designed to embarrass him and undermine his authority to continue as PM.

Bibi has become increasingly authoritarian in order to stay in power and fight an extremely difficult multi-front war against Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran while President Biden pays lip-service to part of the pro-Palestinian Democratic base in order to prop up his re-election chances.

Bibi’s behavior has become so egregrious that he has taken to publicly chastizing Biden for withholding a few arms shipments.

One feels justified in asking whether he is more maniac than Messiah apparently having fully imbibed Rebbe Schneerson’s mandate for him to hasten the return of Israel’s savior.

As John Mersheimer makes crystal clear in his latest assessment on Israel’s predicament, the mess created by US foreign policy in backing the dubious strategy of Bibi’s extremist coalition appears destined to failure.

With this realization growing more obvious to rational observers across the board, including in lsrael, the irrational (delusional?) behavior of Bibi and his team are driving some to desperation.

That not only includes the release of the IDF document but also the suicide of Bibi’s psychiatrist out of exhaustion and exasperation at his failure to have any impact on the PM’s thinking.

All of which means that Bibi may not make it to the floor of Congress at the end of next month where he is expected to receive endless standing ovations. According to Judge Nap, the Republicans intend to surpass their previous record of 55 interruptions to display even more enthusiasm this time. (5:30 mark)

But as things now stand, he may not make it to the end of this month as his country’s war time leader.

It’s a tragedy of immense proportions that is part of the unraveling of America’s unipolar gambit. Today we see Russia and China forging powerful new relationships with BRICS while the rest of the world shows its disdain for the bullying, imperial ways in pursuit of Pax Americana that might soon see our collapse.

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