OPERATION TROJAN HORSE: The Most Destructive and Naked Act of Treason in U.S. History….

…Perpetrated by an Extremely
Deceitful POTUS Imposter, his
Plotting Administration of Traitors,
and a Betraying Congress of Turncoats

Submitted by A Veteran Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer
State of the Nation

It does not get any more dangerous and deadly for the American Republic than OPERATION TROJAN HORSE.  Here’s why:

KEY POINTS: Operation Gladio uses the open borders to sneak across terrorists cells who will then carry out false flag terrorist attacks upon being triggered by their CIA handlers.  Gladio is steadily and surreptitiously building a secret army of foreign mercenaries, criminals, terrorists and other soldiers-of-fortune in every major city in America.  Just as Syria was overwhelmed by Gladio-directed terrorist groups practically overnight, these strategically positioned terror cells are being readied to spring into action once the Deep State traitors push the button on the long-planned American Bolshevik Revolution (aka CIVIL WAR 2.0).
See: OPEN BORDERS & ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION: A Highly Organized Communist Plot to Destroy the USA

*Operation Gladio is the terrorist arm of NATO often known as the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization.


The are actually numerous highly organized conspiratorial plots to destroy these once United States of America being carried simultaneously ever since Manchurian Candidate Barack Hussein Obama was first installed in the White House on that darkest of days in January of 2009.  However, the communist takeover plan to violently usurp the entire U.S. Federal Government is by far the most devastating to the American Experiment … because this very stealthy Uniparty scheme forever blows up the laboratory.

Therefore, if there’s one VERY important thing that every single Patriot can do in 2023, it is blow the whistle on the rapidly unfolding American Bolshevik Revolution.

Why do you think the vast majority of illegal aliens now
invading all of our borders are young fighting-
age men from countries with LOTs
of anti-American angst?

Yes, these foreign mercenaries and soldiers of fortune, terrorists and extremists, anarchists and agitators, criminals and convicts, drug dealers and mules, rebels and revolutionaries, insurgents and insurrectionists are also being transported to all of the sanctuary cities and states to create overwhelming chaos, confusion, and conflict via rampant and violent criminal activity.  But that is only the preliminary stage of this NWO-inspired revolution necessary to soften up and scare the local populations, just as the bankster-funded bolsheviks did in Russia prior to the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

So, the same illegal alien occupants of this Trojan Horse (read Soros-paid transport trains ferrying illegals to the US border) are actually tasked with multiple missions for the privilege of coming to the states.

First, the illegals are methodically supporting the drug trafficking industry thereby overwhelming all 50 states with the current fentanyl crisis, as well as other drug-driven public health disasters.

Secondly, the illegals operate on both sides of the human trafficking industry, which is heavily involved in child trafficking, sex trafficking and slave trading.

Thirdly, a select group of the more experienced mercs and soldiers of fortune are directly involved in arms trafficking.

Fourth, many of the illegal aliens are set up in highly organized criminal gangs throughout the big Democrat-controlled cities across America to commit shocking crimes and terrorist acts such as mass murders and mass bombings.

Fifth, the countless Gladio-overseen terrorist cells are operating in complete secret and totally outside of American society ready to execute terror operations whenever programmed to do so.  Many of the mass casualty events regularly staged across the USA involve these mind-controlled triggermen and patsies alike. (See: US tops 500 mass shootings this year)

Sixth, the Gladio-directed paramilitary units are being covertly trained in clandestine military bases around the country which will function as the initial strike force, particularly against Patriots domiciled in the red states and the more conservative cities.  The Christian South and Midwest are the real targets of this Bolshevik Revolution as the Left Coast and East Coast liberal bastions have already been effectively taken over.

Seventh, many illegal aliens are recruited as soon as they step over the border by the U.S. Armed Forces.  The US Government is no longer able to recruit awakened Americans to fight their unprovoked wars of naked aggression and/or forever wars around the world.  The absurdly woke U.S. Military has, in fact, so alienated young men and women across the country that they will have nothing to do with the MIC-directed war machine; hence, the 5 fighting services must bribe foreign mercs to join as cannon fodder.

There are several other criminal conspiracies of a highly treasonous order which are also coordinated and choreographed by the well-concealed treasonous cabal of co-conspirators whose primary aim is to collapse this Republic—POST-HASTE!  Of course, the detailed planning of the American Bolshevik Revolution is being performed by the U.S. Intelligence Community just as the heavy lifting is being done by the U.S. Armed Forces and NATO.

KEY POINTS: The NWO multiculturalists such as George Soros know that Americans in the Armed Forces will never fire upon their fellow U.S citizens.
The Deep State traitors do know that foreign mercs will gladly carry out such
a treasonous task.  They also know this:

  “In internal reports, the WEF plan is to employ immigrants to subjugate the local population of Western countries when they introduce unjust laws like mandatory medical restrictions, movement restrictions, climate change restrictions, ULEZ, food restrictions, farming restrictions, and banking restrictions. It will not be familiar faces forcing you to submit. It will be military age men desperate to do anything for the powers that be in exchange for settling in the designated country.”
(Source: Illegal Alien Men to Form New Homeland Security Force)


None of these treasonous plots and traitorous schemes could be taking place were it not for the imprimatur and active sponsorship of the US government.

If the Executive Branch, the Congress and the SCOTUS were really doing their jobs, none of these things would be plaguing the American people at this exceedingly dire moment.

Of course, not only are these 3 branches of the U.S. Federal Government not upholding their respective oaths to the US Constitution, they are willfully and systematically violating it in the most profound and fundamental ways.  Instead of protecting the U.S. citizenry, these brazenly treacherous perps are putting these American Republic in great peril.

As fate would have it, as bad as those seven bullet points listed above truly are, they don’t even compare to the other furtive crime sprees going on in the shadows 24/7 in an effort to further throw this nation into massive chaos and mayhem.  For example: 13 Reasons Why The Plandemic 2.0 Perps Are Launching The Eris Bioweapon Right Now

Which is why a close examination of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution is so darn instructive.  What the history books do not tell US is how many years were diligently spent by the Western banksters funding and financing so many society-destroying schemes, particularly throughout Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Those two cities experienced many fastidiously timed and executed terrorist attacks, carried out by agents of the Central Banking Cartel immediately following the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.  This was essential preparation in key Russian cities for that US-UK engineered revolution, just as America has been deliberately thrown into societal chaos and political pandemonium over several years.  In point of fact, this is how the Khazarian Cabal always does it since it has never failed them.


How can any US government throw well in excess of $113,000,000,000 at the Ukraine to repel their ‘border invasion’ when American border invasions are actually encouraged and abetted by the Biden administration?!  

A Veteran Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer
State of the Nation
September 29, 2023

SOTN Editor’s Note: SOTN reached out to a previous contributor who has deep experience and insider knowledge of this highly consequential matter, especially where it concerns the deliberately manufactured open border crisis.  As follows:

While the NWO cabal is accomplishing several goals by flooding the USA with illegal aliens, there is one pivotal objective that reigns supreme.

By staging one border invasion of after another, the globalists are able to secret into the country millions of military-aged males under cover of being amnesty seekers, which they are not.  Many are even purposefully released violent criminals seeking their next crime spree in America.

Once these trained mercenaries, experienced soldiers of fortunes and paid terrorists are over the border, they’re ferried to the various 50 states to train for their next missions.

There are essentially 3 duties/destinations for these fighting aged men.

(1) The trained terrorists will be transported to certain cities where they will join highly organized terrorists cells.  There they will await their future orders.

(2) The paid mercenaries will be sent to extremely clandestine military training camps to be trained in urban and rural guerrilla warfare.  Again, they will await their future orders.

(3) The willing and less dangerous economic immigrants and war refugees are immediately registered into a “Accelerated Military Path to US Citizenship” program.  By volunteering to enter the U.S. Armed Forces, these future grunts are put on a fast-track to full-fledged citizenship with all kinds of perks.  However, these mercs are also put into specially trained regiments and squads who are stripped of any reservation about firing on Americans.  The communist-run DoD knows that the average US military service member would not kill their fellow citizens, so they run these foreign recruits through highly manipulative mind-control programs as preparation to man what are basically treasonous brigades.

Each of these three groupings of extreme enemies of the American Republic serve critical purposes in the staging of the long-planned American Bolshevik Revolution.  The Khazarian decision-makers at the very top of this CIA-coordinated color revolution scheme will use basically the same war plan that was utilized during both the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution and subsequent Russian Civil War, if and when they launch this insurrection to save their necks. 

KEY POINT: Before many of these dangerous mercs even set foot inside the USA, they undergo a preliminary orientation at staging areas such as Darin Gap, Panama. (See: UN RUN TERRORIST TRAINING CAMP FOR INVASION OF AMERICA)

— A Veteran Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S. Military Officer

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