America’s Super-Vaccination Agenda is put on Super Steroids—Why now?
“It’s all fake; it’s all staged to compel vaccine compliance!”
“It’s all fake; it’s all staged to compel vaccine compliance! Every one of the recent measles outbreaks is the result of weaponized human carriers. Most of these illegal alien bio-weapons were deliberately transported across the Mexican border not knowing they were carriers. Then they are directed by their stateside handlers toward various sanctuary cities and states that are targeted for an engineered outbreak. This is how the globalists always trigger epidemics and pandemics in order to corral the masses into the pen of vaccine compliance. The worldwide super-vaccination agenda schedule is a critical part of the social engineering process being implemented across the USA by covert agents of Cultural Marxism.”
— Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S Military Officer
There you have it in a nutshell. Now let’s paraphrase it:
The sheer mania revolving around measles today is being purposefully manufactured across America with the explicit intention of coercing parental compliance with the utterly cruel, dangerous and inhumane childhood vaccination schedules.
Every parent ought to re-read the preceding paragraph as many times as it takes for it to really sink in.
Then, they ought to refrain from even considering submitting their fragile, sensitive, still-developing infants to such a barbaric medical practice as vaccinations, inoculations and immunizations.
For those who need more convincing, please read the following exposé. You will never get another vaccine again after understanding this nefarious scheme … and certainly will not poison your precious children with these toxic time bombs.
THE VACCINE CONSPIRACY: U.S. Government Colludes With BIG Pharma To Poison The American People
Now back to the measles.
Since that first major outbreak of measles at Disneyland in California in 2015, all of us in the Anti-Vax Movement knew immediately there was a very serious NWO conspiracy at work. (NWO = New World Order)
The entire measles roll-out – at Disneyland – was a dead giveaway, as was the subsequent “media-generated measles firestorm” that continues to this very day. How convenient was it that the MEASLES at Disneyland Was Located Right in the Heartland of Anti-Vaccination Country.
‘MEASLES SMEASLES’ EXPLAINED: ‘‘Measles Shmeasles’ and what an Austin Healthcare Provider has to say about it! (Video)
SOTN has recently had a very unique and professional experience with this MSM-hyped hysteria when we were contacted by students at St. Peter’s University (SPU) in New Jersey. The Director of the Communications Department there — Dr. Barna Donovan — had recently called for all children to be removed from their parents’ care who refuse to vaccinate them. This email was sent to SOTN after we had responded to an earlier request from the same students wherein we attached numerous articles about the inherent dangers associated with all vaccines. (Screenshot of Dr. Barna’s email posted HERE.)
Quite suspiciously, there was a mysterious measles outbreak in Rockland County, New York, right up the road from SPU (30 miles north), shortly after the students circulated the SOTN vaccine articles throughout the Jesuit universities in the Northeast. Not only was there a cluster of measles cases in Rockland County, the official response was as draconian as any governmental action could be. See: New York County Bans Measles-Infected People From Public-Places For 3 Weeks
Does anyone see the obvious set-up here? Professor Donovan has been one of the most vocal and shrill mouthpieces for Big Pharma and the US government in the massive disinfo campaign to compel parents everywhere to gravely harm their children via the current vaccination schedules. He even calls for the removal of children for failure to vaccinate. And, then, Rockland County, after experiencing an unprecedented outbreak, outdoes everyone by banning folks with measles from public venues after they were deliberately infected via a government-run bioweapon operation. Read: Measles Outbreak Caused by Bio-Weaponized Illegal Aliens in Key Border States and Immigrant Counties
The following article contains many links with numerous scientific research papers that conclusively document the extreme health risks and medical ailments associated with vaccines. These were the same SOTN vaccine posts that were emailed to the SPU students.
Why is the SPU Chair of Comm. Dept. Dr. Barna Donovan calling for children to be taken from parents who refuse to vaccinate?
Super-Vaccination Agenda
There is perhaps no greater danger to the health of America than the rapid advancement of the devastating super-vaccination agenda.
This cataclysmic conspiracy to destroy the health and well-being of American children is as malevolent as it is shocking. That so many parents across the country still buy into such a destructive medical paradigm is inconceivable in the face of so much hard evidence that proves the existence of a swiftly unfolding yet contrived public health disaster.
But who exactly is behind this stealthy plot to sicken and injure, paralyze and harm, maim and kill our children?
KEY POINT: The Hippocratic Oath is quite emphatic: “First, do no harm.” What kind of a medical paradigm would permit this calamitous outcome without responding expeditiously to stop it? $4 Billion and Growing: U.S. Payouts for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths Keep Climbing
In point of fact, the true conspiracy at work is so broad and so deep and has been surreptitiously evolving for so many years that the countless co-conspirators are difficult to nail down.
We’re not talking about the agents of Big Pharma or U.S. government agencies like the CDC, NIH and FDA, mind you. These completely corrupt entities are all obvious to anyone who has a brain. And, they are key culprits in a vast criminal conspiracy that continues unabated to this very day.
What we’re really talking about are the real criminal minds who have set up the whole vaccine paradigm from behind the scenes in order to easily render the American people to be transformed into over-medicated sheeple. Isn’t this why the nation has been rent asunder with so many wedge issues driven deep into the heart of the body politic?
You can be sure that the vast majority of voters, who have voted so many corrupt politicians into office over decades, have been subjected to all the annual flu vaccines as well as to heavy prescription drug regimens. This, after, they received their state-mandated childhood vaccines over several years.
Let’s face it, this is really how it works:
“First they get your body;
then they take your mind;
then they grab your soul.”
(Source: Obamacare: The Hidden Agenda)
Only with this crucial understanding will the reader correctly comprehend the true purpose(s) behind the super-vaccination agenda. Truly, there’s so much going on here it boggles the mind; however, for those who lack this vital knowledge they will end up with a scrambled brain…which is just how the duplicitous U.S. government and deceptive Healthcare Industry would like it.
It’s entirely true that the super-vaccination agenda is at the very core of the ongoing nationwide implementation of Cultural Marxism. Hence, the more We the People wake up to the treasonous goals and odious objectives of Cultural Marxism, the more likely that the American Republic can be saved from its terrible plight.
The primary reason for the grim reality that proliferates in the wake of the super-vaccination agenda is that not only are children harmed and hurt in ways most do not even yet understand, their families are preoccupied for a lifetime with the ensuing physical, mental, emotional and psychological damage.
Remember: Every family that’s taken off today’s 50-state battlefield is one less group of potential patriots who can fight the decisive culture war that’s irreparably tearing the fabric of American society.
Do you get it?
We are literally in the midst of a war that will decide the fate of the United States of America as it will determine the future of its citizenry.
There’s a solution to this cultural revolution!
Thankfully, there are just enough folks who are sufficiently awake that they can turn the tide. However, each and every American patriot must step up to the plate — NOW — for time is of the essence.
Because the super-vaccination agenda is now operating at full tilt, the Truth Movement must likewise spread the truth about this highly destructive and deadly enterprise to disable the youth.
What most do not realize is that there’s a comprehensive and integrated secret program to ultimately ‘hijack’ every American. Childhood vaccinations represent the first stage in this diabolical process. It’s followed by water fluoridation; GMOs, Roundup’s glyphosate and aspartame in the food supply; aluminum and barium in the air via chemtrails, mercury in the amalgam fillings, and EMFs from the smartphones, etc. And there are many more assaults than these as follows: Extreme Dangers And Escalating Risks Humanity is Facing Today
When you add the insane 5G roll-out to this perilous mix of profound and pervasive toxicities, the end result should be self-evident, yes?
5G GENOCIDE: The Most Lethal NWO Conspiracy of the Third Millennium
Why, exactly, is this a transparent “false flag measles psyop”?
Because the present outbreak is positively NOT caused by the natural transmission of measles from child to child.
In fact, the transmission of this outbreak has 2 main vectors of dissemination: (i) children who have been vaccinated have been infecting other children and (ii) illegal aliens who were purposely given the measles are passing it on to both the vaccinated and unvaccinated.
This is why it’s a false flag whereby the true causes are being ascribed to innocent parties.
As for the “psyop” piece, this black operation has been executed in such a way so as to exert peer pressure on parents to obey the government’s dictates. Various jurisdictions are now unlawfully arrogating power unto themselves in order to coerce parent with threats of punishments for defiance.
States around the country are hastily each enacting different laws that no only strip the vaccine exemptions from the statutes, they also provide penalties such as $1000.00 fines. At one point, New York City even went so far as to threaten to jail offenders. New York City Finally Backs Off Threat to Jail Parents Who Refuse to Vaccinate Children
There can be only one conclusion to this reality check.
The super-vaccination agenda must be terminated before it terminates US!
In other words, now that parents know the facts about vaccine injury and have the scientific proof to back it up as delineated in this post — THE PREMEDITATED SUPER-VACCINATION AGENDA: Vaccines Killing Infants at Alarming Rate, Children Infected for Life with Chronic Diseases — they have the right to shut down the whole God-forsaken enterprise.
As Americans, we have the moral authority and legal right to do everything in our power to protect our children from harm and malice. Therefore, we can shut down the extremely hazardous Vaccine Industry by every means necessary and by any means possible.
Please, people, circulate this urgent post far and wide, and as quickly as possible, before more children are debilitated or killed or incapacitated for life. For the love of God and each other, let’s get this vital information out there before it’s too late. Thank you ! ! !
State of the Nation
April 29, 2019
Compilation of Irrefutable Vaccine Articles
Vaccine Researcher Dr. Andrew Wakefield Set For Full Exoneration, Sues British Medical Journal
Robert F. Kennedy Exposes Major Vaccine Truth During Live MSM Interview
Harvard-Trained Immunologist Demolishes California Legislation That Terminates Vaccine Exemptions
THE VACCINE CONSPIRACY: U.S. Government Colludes With BIG Pharma To Poison The American People
5 1/2 month-old infant dies after 8 vaccines IN ONE DAY—> ‘SIDS’ Put On Death Certificate
Hundreds of Scientific Research Papers Proving Vaccines Are Dangerous to the Extreme
Mandatory Vaccines Lambasted by Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
The 10 Bald-Faced Lies They’ve Been Telling US About Vaccines For Years
VACCINE RESEARCH: A Compilation of Articles Proving the Dangers of Vaccinations
25 Critical Questions From A Former Pro-Vaccine Advocate Hospitals
Scientific Research Papers Show How ‘Vaccinated Kids Infect The Non-Vaccinated’
CDC Scandal: Scientists Deliberately Hid Vaccine-Autism Link
MEDICAL TERRORISM: Michigan Mother Sent To Jail For Not Vaccinating Son
U.S. Media Blackout: Italian Courts Rule Vaccines Cause Autism
Does the Healthcare Industry use Shaken baby syndrome to cover up vaccine-caused death?
25 Critical Questions From A Former Pro-Vaccine Advocate
Vaccines Are The Primary Cause Of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Texas District Attorney Insists That Vaccines Cause Autism
Vaccines Kill: Scientific Research Paper Lays Out The Unequivocal Case
Baby Dies Less Than One Day After Receiving 7 Vaccines
22 Vaccines That Contain Aborted Baby Cells — PLEASE send this urgent info to everyone you know!
MEDICIDE: Doctors Blames SIDS After Infant Receives 8 Vaccines