By J.J. Johnson, Contributing Writer, WestViews News, Greenwich Village, New York |Opinion | Americans for Innovation |  Jun. 21, 2024 | PDF |

Fig. 1 – J.J. Johnson. (Jun. 24, 2024). How Big Tech British & American Lawyers Fool You Into Giving Up Your Privacy. WestViews News, Greenwich Village, New York.

Jun. 21, 2024— Few people—as in almost nobody—stop to read the End User License Agreement (“EULA”) before clicking “I accept” to install new software.

New bombshell research is uncovering millennia-buried histories of a synergic tie between bankers and lawyers that emerged after the Babylonian Hammurabi Code (ca. 1810-1750 B.C.) ratified usury. For context, the Hebrew Prophets, Christian Church, and Islam have all condemned usury as debt slavery.

Lawyers in lockstep use EULAs to cajole users into giving up their Constitutional rights to privacy and property unwittingly.

Even if attorneys don’t commit the Constitution-destroying acts personally, they assume the gu
ilt when they remain silent about this threat to the Republic by their colleagues.

The Scene of t​he Crime

Fig. 2 – Sample End-User License Agreement presented to users prior to the installation of a new software package. The design of these screens has changed with the advent of web site coding, but the underlying verbiage has only become more deceptive.

Lawyers are the least trusted profession for a reason: they ultimately work for British, not American interests as will be shown.

According to Insider Money (July 21, 2023), lawyers rate in the Top 5 least trusted professions. But, a closer look at the top five: (1) politicians, (2) telemarketers, (3) lobbyists, (4) real estate agents, (5) lawyers, reveals that lawyers must be catapulted to the #1 least trusted because they dominate three of the other five least trusted categories also, namely politics, lobbying, and real estate.

As officers of the court, lawyers pledge to do the right thing and not abuse the citizenry with deception and insider trading.

These lawyers each swear an oath to protect the U.S. Constitution. That veneer has cracked in America and Britain to reveal lawyers who are sock puppets for the big banks directed from The City of London, Temple Bar Inns of Court (UK), and their U.S. Federal Reserve proxies.

Anglophile Alexander Hamilton, the future first Treasury Secretary, graduated from law school at King’s College (now Columbia University). He was instrumental in arranging the funding of America’s first four banks:

1781: Bank of North America
1784: Bank of New York
1791: First Bank of the United States
1799: Manhattan Bank (Hamilton killed… by The City of London having outlived his usefulness?)

The funding came mostly from The City of London controlled by the Barings, Rothschilds, and London Assurance Company governed by John Barker—the largest insurer of trading ships in the world, larger than Lloyd’s of London. Barker was uncle to George Washington’s Commissary General John Barker Church who supplied both American and French troops, while the Rothschilds were bankrolling the British and Hessian troops. In short, The City of London was financing both sides of the American Revolutionary War. In short, the entire world was victimized by these British Radknight banks. A better definition of evil cannot be imagined.

Hamilton became America’s first Treasury Secretary. Church became a director and leading shareholder of Hamilton’s banks and became the richest man in New York.

Hamilton was raised as a British Caribbean merchant-banking opium slaver moored in New York at Crugers Wharf (now Pier 11).

Recently discovered Canadian archives reveal a spy cipher from Canada’s spymaster during the Revolutionary War, Sir Colonel George Beckwith. The cipher proves that attorney-banker-soldier-spy Alexander Hamilton was British Spy No. 7. The cipher was not available in the U.S. archives. See Canadian Archives, oclc 262476117.

Crugers Wharf (now Pier 11) was a perfect secret communications base for conspiracy with The City of London and British spies in Ottawa.


We can prove that these words are met with cynicism and disdain by most lawyers. How?

If you work at a white-shoe firm and learn that your firm is feeding insider trading information to selected people and companies, and you fail to whistle blow, are you not complicit by your silence? The notoriously corrupt reputations of the Southern District of New York, DC Circuit, and the Ninth Circuit in California are cases in point.

If you work for a white-shoe firm that has written a deceptive End User License Agreement, buried in thousands of pages of legalese, that tricks citizens into agreeing to give up their constitutional rights to privacy and property, and you do not whistle blow, are you not complicit by your silence?

American citizens are supposed to be able to rely upon the fidelity and veracity of our officers of the court as regards the U.S. Constitution.

Strip attorneys of their licenses to practice law when they do not report corruption in their firms.

A quick way to stop these criminal attorneys is to take away their licenses to practice law.

In America the privilege to practice law is granted by We The People.A law license is not a right bestowed by a monarch from the Inner Temple on Fleet Street, London, UK, and perpetuated by the American Inns of Court, Pilgrims Society (1902), and Senior Executive Service (SES).

A major grifting system between British and American attorneys is the “Inns of Court.” The London branch controls the American branch. The American branch perpetuates the fraud of giving American lawyers the British title “Esquire or Esq.” that directly violates Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 of the U.S. Constitution—“No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States…”

We counted the EULA pages for Facebook,Google, and Sony (1000+ pages each)

Fig. 3 – Web-based end user license agreements for Facebook and Google. Includes the links and sublinks which from a legal contract perspective, the sublinks are all incorporated into the agreement.

Evidently, these “white shoe” lawyers write EULAs that are indecipherable to mere mortals so that we will not read them, and in the process, important constitutional rights are waived by the unsuspecting user— the ultimate “fine print” trick.

Generally, fundamental constitutional rights to privacy and property cannot be waived without clear knowing consent. And some can never be waived, like majority voting, securities and property agreements (statute of frauds), and due process. These abuses are being hidden from the public because white-shoe lawyers are too busy making fortunes by enabling their deep-pocket clients to rig elections, steal property, and harvest data.

Who in the white-shoe law firms is crying foul about these unconstitutional data voyeurs?

The names of these law firms are publicly available, and need to be exposed.

Here are major “big tech” providers of “free” email and messaging services and some of their legal counsels who write these soulless EULAs.

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