But where’s their secret weapon BIG MIKE in all of this?

Big Mike is Coming . . .

by Eric Peters

It’s becoming pretty clear that Sleepy Joe is about to get the heave-ho. He’s served out his usefulness. He’s becoming an obvious liability. There’s only so much that can be done to cover up the fact that he’s not all there and that’s why they’re laying the groundwork for someone new to be there.

To crib a line from the opening of The Producers’ broadway show about you know-who:  Where could that man be? Where oh where is he? We looked around and then we found the man for you and me . . .

Enter Becoming Michelle – the other Obama’s interestingly titled autobiography.

Will this person become the one who gets into the WWF ring to smash the Orange Man over the head with a chair? Will Orange Man recover – and put Michelle in the camel clutch and maker her (or him) humble, per the Iron Sheik?

All of that remains unknown.

But what can be foreseen with an increasing degree of certainty is that the person Barack Obama’s brother publicly styles Big Mike is coming and probably soon. Because we’re now at the point that Sleepy – and angry – Joe might do something irrecoverable in public, such as drop a Number Two in his pants while standing at the podium, a silly smile spreading across his face as the load wetly and unmistakably migrates down the side of his pants leg.

This happens to 81-year-olds with dementia/Alzheimers. And Sleepy Joe is on his way 82.

It’s remarkable, isn’t it, that the same Left that makes every excuse imaginable for this derelict is the same Left that warned the country Ronald Reagan was “too old” to run for office back in 1979.

Reagan was in his late 60s at the time.

Of course, this is another time and 80 seems to  be the new 60. Orange Man is not far from 80 – and would be as old as Sleepy Joe is today at the end of his next-presidency, assuming he’s allowed to win the office.

There are multiple ways for the Left to prevent that from happening, as happened last time. This time, it probably won’t be “COVID” that provides the excuse for the Left to turn Election Day into Election Months. Martial Law – on account of “terrorism” – might enable the Left, which has deliberately flooded the country with millions of God-knows-who-they-are people from who-knows-where-they-came-from, to dispense with having an election at all. It may well prove to be exactly why the Left has purposely left the border wide-open for the past three-going-on-four years now. It certainly hopes it will alter the course of future elections, once the American people have been replaced by new people.

It could also be a war, several of which the Left has already enmeshed us in. Any of them could be expanded to suit – and just in the nick of time, too.

But if there is an election, the Left has got a problem. It is essentially the same problem that cropped up toward the latter days of what was the old Soviet Union. By this time – which was the mid-late 1980s – the Soviet Union was presided over by a senile old man named Leonid Brezhnev, who could barely summon the energy to wave to the crowds from atop Lenin’s Mausoleum.

Brezhnev was just 76 – younger than Orange Man is now – when he finally toppled over in 1982.

Brezhnev became a kind of living (just barely) symbol of the decrepitude of the Soviet ruling elite. It is fascinating that, as the United States has become very much like the Soviet Union was toward its end, the almost-dead hand of a similar gerontocracy weighs heavily upon it, too. Glitching Mitch McConnell (age 82). Nancy Pelosi (age 84). Hillary Clinton (age 77, a year older than Brezhnev when he toppled over). The recently departed Dianne Feinstein – who seemed as eternal as Lenin’s corpse – was 91 when she toppled.

It literally can’t go on for much longer. Because these geriatrics who comprise the American Politburo can’t.

Big Mike, on the other hand, is practically nubile at not-quite-60. She represents exactly what the Left needs, or thinks it does. Not old. Not white.

Possibly not she – but maybe.

Just the person to enter the WWF ring and smash a chair over the Orange Man’s head. The crowd will love it – though America may come to regret it.

Regardless, it seems evident a decision has been made to cut Sleepy Joe loose before he becomes too much of a liability. The latest evidence in support of this assertion being the Special Counsel’s just-issued report about the elderly and forgetful – those are the words used – man’s actions. The man then quipped something about the president of Mexico’s role in what’s going on in the Middle East. Because he was allowed to get in front of a hot mike, publicly.

Which means another Mike is coming. Probably very soon.

Are you ready?



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