UKRAINE PLANE TRAGEDY: Trump is Partially Responsible Because of His Odious Threat to Bomb Iran’s Cultural Heritage Sites

Trump Created the Conditions for Iran to Accidentally Shoot Down the Airliner and Therefore Culpable

Debris of Ukraine International Airlines Flight 752 near the airport in Tehran on Wednesday. Mahmoud Hosseini/picture alliance via Getty Images

State of the Nation

Let’s face it: In light of President Trump being exposed as a “Cold-Blooded Murderer and International Terrorist” by the Iraqi Prime Minister, his administration will do whatever it takes to absolve the POTUS of this heinous war crime — LIE and MISLEAD and DISTRACT and LIE again.

Iraqi Prime Minister Indicts Trump for Murder One and State-Sponsored Terrorism

Really, does it get any more serious than this:

[Speaker of the Council of Representatives of Iraq] Halbousi attended the parliamentary session while almost none of the Sunni members did. This was because the Americans had learned that Abdul-Mehdi was planning to reveal sensitive secrets in the session and sent Halbousi to prevent this. Halbousi cut Abdul-Mehdi off at the commencement of his speech and then asked for the live airing of the session to be stopped. After this, Halbousi together with other members, sat next to Abdul-Mehdi, speaking openly with him but without it being recorded. This is what was discussed in that session that was not broadcast:

Abdul-Mehdi spoke angrily about how the Americans had ruined the country and now refused to complete infrastructure and electricity grid projects unless they were promised 50% of oil revenues, which Abdul-Mehdi refused.

I was supposed to meet him [Soleimani] later in the morning when he was killed. He came to deliver a message from Iran in response to the message we had delivered to the Iranians from the Saudis.

This is why I visited China and signed an important agreement with them to undertake the construction instead. Upon my return, Trump called me to ask me to reject this agreement. When I refused, he threatened to unleash huge demonstrations against me that would end my premiership.

Huge demonstrations against me duly materialized and Trump called again to threaten that if I did not comply with his demands, then he would have Marine snipers on tall buildings target protesters and security personnel alike in order to pressure me.

I refused again and handed in my resignation. To this day the Americans insist on us rescinding our deal with the Chinese.

After this, when our Minister of Defense publicly stated that a third party was targeting both protestors and security personnel alike (just as Trump had threatened he would do), I received a new call from Trump threatening to kill both me and the Minister of Defense if we kept on talking about this “third party”.

(Source: Firsthand Testimony Proves Trump Outright Lied About Soleimani—But It’s Much, MUCH Worse Than That)

Trump responsible for “UKRAINE PLANE TAKEDOWN”

Here’s why:


Trump is toast … … … as he should be after his despicable, repugnant and reprehensible war crimes perpetrated against both the Iranian and Iraqi people.

BOMBSHELL REPORT: Iraqi Prime Minister Exposes Trump as a Cold-Blooded Murderer and International Terrorist

State of the Nation
January 10, 2020

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