Was the target Tallahassee, Tampa,
the I-4 Corridor, South Florida
or the Whole State?
That the first major superstorm of the 2022 hurricane season to strike the continental United States is making a direct hit on Florida’s midsection should come as no surprise.
It should also not be surprising if Florida becomes the target of future meticulously geoengineered hurricanes from now until Election Day and beyond.
Readers of SOTN well understand that the Democrat strategy to steal Florida elections has often revolved around weather warfare. In point of fact, this despicable stratagem almost worked to defeat Ron DeSantis during Florida’s 2018 gubernatorial election.
I-4 Corridor
Every politico in Florida knows that the I-4 corridor is where many a statewide election is won or lost.
That Andrew Gillum dominated the I-4 Corridor in 2018 and was still defeated by Ron DeSantis was a quite exceptional fluke. However, it does indicate just how many votes can be stolen and/or fabricated by a desperate Democrat Party in the best of circumstances.
During the same election season, the NWO geoengineers aimed Hurricane Michael right at the very conservative Florida Panhandle in October wiping out countless Republican voters making DeSantis’ victory all the more impressive.
HURRICANE MICHAEL: A Geoengineered Superstorm Aimed at
the Florida Panhandle to Swing the 2018 Election to Andrew Gillum
What’s the critical point?
If there is one way for the Democrats to steal the 2022 election, it would be to create so much chaos and confusion throughout the I-4 Corridor that vote fraud can be easily perpetrated without detection as they apparently did in 2018.
Hurricane Ian
This is where the NWO geoterrorists are dutifully carrying out their main mission of 2022—HURRICANE IAN.
The very first article posted by SOTN about Hurricane Ian was published on September 23rd, well before the superstorm even made landfall in Cuba. As follows:
RED ALERT! Are the NWO geoengineers targeting Florida with “Hurricane Ian” to purposefully wreak havoc throughout the
crucial “I-4 Corridor” to hurt Governor DeSantis before the
highly consequential gubernatorial and midterm elections?!
Well, here we are on Wednesday, September 28, and Ian is about to make landfall somewhere between Fort Myers and Tampa.
The crucial point here is that which ever coastal city or community takes the most direct hit, the subsequent path of Ian will take it right through the I-4 Corridor.
The Democrats will surely take advantage of this wholly manufactured predicament, making much election mischief whenever, wherever and however it’s necessary to rig the governor ballot.
Unlike 2018, the Democrats will do everything in their power not to fail in this massive criminal conspiracy to steal the election from Gov. DeSantis. Undoubtedly, the aftermath of Ian will create a very conducive environment throughout the I-4 Corridor for the Democrats to generate LOTs of electoral pandemonium.
The inevitable and pervasive destruction throughout South and Central Florida will prevent many Patriots, who planned on being poll watchers, from showing up on November 8th. Similarly, numerous conservatives who were set to conduct exit polls on Election Day will be too distracted with home repairs and business rebuilding to follow through.
KEY POINT: At this very moment — 11:00 AM on Sept. 28 — it appears that this weather attack is targeting the Fort Myers-Punta Gorda-Cape Coral-Port Charlotte metro area. This upscale region of the west coast is heavily populated by wealthy conservatives and rich Republicans. Therefore, if Gov. DeSantis makes any wrong moves in the wake of this weaponized hurricane, his affluent constituents will be the first to complain—LOUDLY! Just as the Democrats had planned it. Even if the good governor performs flawlessly, the Democrat-owned mainstream media will undeservedly bash him every single day throughout the extremely challenging recovery period.
Clearly, OPERATION HURRICANE IAN is yet another bold and reckless act of geoterrorism by the NWO cabal to force their will on the American people.
Nothing shocks and awes like a mega-hurricane. Floridians across the state are about to experience the most powerful weapon in the geoengineers’ armory.
Proof of Chemical Geoengineering / Atmospheric Manipulation
for HURRICANE IAN: 9-27-22 (Video)
Perhaps the great residents of this great FREEDOM state will finally awaken to the devastating weather warfare they have been subjected to over decades with Ian’s wake-up call.
One thing is for sure, given the sheer size and strength of Hurricane Ian, most Floridians will be affected in one way or another. May they all be protected and their property be safeguarded.
May God Bless Governor Ron DeSantis,
His Entire Administration, and the
people of Florida!
State of the Nation
September 28, 2022
Recommended Reading
Here’s why Hurricane Ian is deliberately being aimed by the NWO geoengineers at TAMPA BAY
OPERATION HURRICANE IAN: An Urgent Open Letter to Gov. Ron DeSantis
Update #1
Update #2
Hurricane Ian is proving to be much more of a destructive superstorm than anyone predicted. Truly, this Frankenstorm is the BIG ONE! Estimates of property damage statewide are already way exceeding those of any other major hurricane in Florida history. When all is said and done, Ian may turn out to be the costliest storm in U.S. history.
Hurricane Ian’s Landfall Produces “Significant Storm Surge”, “Catastrophic Flooding” & “Devastating Wind Damage” (Videos)
Update #3
‘We got rocked:’ Hurricane Hunter describes Hurricane Ian as roughest flight of his career