Ukrainian soldiers against Zelensky: “We will hang you in Kiev!”

Posted By: George Eaton
Rumor Mill News

By WarNews 24/7
Translated from Greek

Developments on the Bakhmut front are fast-paced as Russian forces break through the defense lines of the now-depleted 93rd Brigade and the Ukrainian 71st Brigade and enter the town. Street fighting has broken out in the urban center of Bakhmut for the first time since the start of the war.In more detail, in the last 48 hours the Russian troops and mainly the Wagner forces have launched a large-scale attack as a result of which they occupied the Sinyat factory and entered the first blocks of the urban center of Bakhmut from the east.
In addition, Russian forces have also entered the forest area adjacent to the city, resulting in clashes with Ukrainian forces.The demarcation line, along which Russian troops now control the city, runs along Dobrolyubov Street (first map).

The situation is hopeless for Ukrainians. The hospitals are full and there are hundreds of dead and wounded.In the first video, Ukrainian soldiers, through cries of despair, desperately ask for help over the radio as they are wounded and trapped.In the rest of the videos, Ukrainian soldiers threaten Zelensky with hanging in the center of Kiev!Under the weight of the collapse, the Ukrainians were forced to blow up a bridge connecting Bakhmut with Slavyansk. The blast took place on the M-03 highway of Bakhmut (Artemovsk).Watch video

Ukrainian soldier:“I have hernias. I was lying on the ground for two days, in the trenches under the trees.They are terrifying. It’s very cold outside, it’s freezing.It only gets hot when they start shooting at us. They do not stop. They are Wagner forces.For now we are holding out and holding our positions”.

Journalist: We see more wounded in the hospitals from bullets.Ukrainian soldier : It happens more often because they’re getting close. They have changed tactics. They approach in small groups mainly at night. They are all dressed in black. They are hard to spot and see.We are being bombarded very often with heavy artillery and that is not easy. If we had a chance to answer that would be great.It is very difficult to evacuate the wounded when we are being hit with 150 and 120 mm shells”.

A second Ukrainian soldier reports on the situation in Bakhmut:”We have nothing to eat and nothing to fight.We only have 7 soldiers left at this position. Our Commanders have not come for three weeks.They only took 3 men to deliver ammunition, promised to return the same day and never showed up again.Although here we are in the second line of defense, we are nevertheless receiving very heavy fire”.The Ukrainian points to some dead Polish mercenaries and concludes that he will surrender or he will freeze to death.

Another Ukrainian soldier reports:”I want to send my greetings to AGEETHA Zaluzni and our president.How is it going; Is it hot where you are?You say in your videos that everything is fine, that the soldiers don’t need anything. Not only the orcs (Russians) are killing us, but also the cold.Where are our reinforcements? Management ignores us. The c@@@@@ only threaten us with imprisonment.Remember this: We will definitely be back. We will survive.Not only for the victory but to hang you in Kiev, on Maidan Square.Pray the Russians get there first. Then maybe you will stay alive in prison”!

Street battles in Bakhmut!The Ukrainian army confirms information that Russian forces are already operating in Bakhmut (Artyomovsk).The Ukrainian Armed Forces reported that more and more Russian “sabotage groups are entering, which makes it very difficult to maintain the defense of the city with each passing hour.”According to Russian sources, a Ukrainian military report states:”There are already street fights in the city. We are trying to transfer reinforcements. The situation is complicated.

At the same time, Ukrainian units located in Artyomovsk state that “bullets are raining down” in the western part of the city – in the terrain located on the right bank of the Bakhmutka River.The situation is now radically different for the Ukrainian forces. Now the Russian troops are pressing the Ukrainian Army from several directions at the same time.From the north they have captured Yakovlevka, in Soledar, from the south and southwest the Russian units have reached the outskirts of Artemovsk. They are now fighting for Kleshcheyevka and Opyshny, occupying Kurdyumovka and Andreevka.The problem for the Ukrainian Army is that the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have placed under artillery control many sections of the route to Konstantinovka which does not allow the Ukrainian Forces to supply the troops in the city.

Cruel Images – Dead Mercenaries
The Ukrainians blew up the bridge to SlavyanskAt the same time, the Ukrainian Forces were forced to blow up the bridge in the northern part of Bakhmut, trying to slow down the attack of the Russian troops.”Ukrainian forces defending Bakhmut (Artemovsk) blew up the railway bridge in the northern part of the city, trying to create an artificial barrier to the Wagner units.The bridge was blown up in the Paraskovievka district in the northern suburbs of Bakhmuta. The bridge collapsed on the Artyomovsk-Slavyansk highway. The decision was taken against the backdrop of the attack by Russian troops who were already entering the city from the northeast.
In particular, the units of Wagner’s “musicians” appeared in Podgorny, bordering Paraskovievka.The situation of the defending Ukrainian units is very critical. “Kiev recognizes that the situation in the Bakhmut and Soledar region is difficult, the command of the Armed Forces wants to surrender both cities to save the personnel, but the political leadership of the country, led by Zelensky, does not agree with this decision ” Russian sources emphasize.

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