This is a HUGE story because it dovetails perfectly with a long-featured SOTN exposé posted in 2023 (see link below) that predicted UFO/Alien events just like this one which just took place at the Bayside Marketplace in Miami, Florida on Thursday evening, January 4, 2024.
GET READY … for the Greatest “Shock and Awe”
False Flag Operation in Human History!
First, watch this footage that was posted by the MSM outlet known as the Miami Herald, so we do know that something VERY BIG just happened in Miami. A police presence by way of 100-plus cop cars and multiple black helicopters simple does not happen unless:
(1) A authentic alien presence showed up at the Bayside Shopping Mall
(2) The Powers That Be deliberately staged this minor alien invasion as an exercise in predictive programming
Now here are some more videos which have captured this bizarre event from different perspectives.
10ft Aliens/Creatures (caught on camera?) fired at inside and outside Miami Mall, media silent, cops are covering it up saying kids were fighting with fireworks, yet all these cop cars, & air traffic stopped that night except for black military choppers…and no media coverage.…
— GoodLionTV (@GoodLionTV) January 5, 2024
There’s no question that this event occurred. Now we need to find out if they were real EBEs making a visit to Miami to see just how crazy planet Earth has become … or if they were patently fake ETs produced by the CIA’s Hollywood-based special effects department.
Obviously, the New World Order globalist cabal is in desperate need of captivating distraction throughout 2024 … and nothing captivates more than an alien invasion or a UFO swarm over a major American city. (Just like the countless mass shootings, why do all the big ET & ALIEN events always happen in the USA?!)
In all seriousness, it looks like POTUS Imposter Joe Biden just got his first October Surprise to assist the Uniparty’s long-planned scheme to steal his second POTUS election.
What’s the critical point of this analysis?
Team Biden has done its level best to start World War III with Russia in Ukraine, as they continue to provoke the Russian bear. But so far to no avail.
Team Biden has fully supported Netanyahu’s 10/7 false flag terror attack on Israeli citizens, and has sent bombs and missiles to the IDF to carry out their ongoing Palestinian Holocaust and Gaza Land Grab…all in the interest of triggering a major regional war with Iran and her allies. But, again, so far to no avail.
In view of these woeful failures to “WAG THE DOG” during this homestretch of the 2024 election cycle, it looks like Team Biden is looking to pick a fight with one of the extraterrestrial civilizations who have been hovering over the US for a century or so.
After all, what better way to compel the American people to rally around their ‘fearless leader’ as a wartime president than deceive them to assist him in repelling an upcoming staged alien invasion.
It’s too bad the old treasonous fart won’t terminate the much more devastating illegal alien invasion at the nation’s borders.
State of the Nation
January 6, 2024
HOLY MOLY! Video of the Miami ‘alien EBE’ taken as it walked by the Bayside Marketplace Mall last week. (Please help us authenticate this vid)
SOTN Editor’s Note:
As always, TPTB know that the most effective way to viralize a story like this one is to absurdly cover it up as follows:
See how Google is dutifully suppressing this story as well in order to draw even more attention to it as yet another government cover-up.