That’s it!
The “Coronavirus Bioweapon Is Now Being Launched Against Any Nation Targeted by The Powers That Be”
This is a stark warning to countries on all seven continents that TPTB are launching separate bioterrorist attacks wherever they so choose to.
And, the perps enjoy plausible deniability regarding all of these ongoing attacks because of the established high degree of virulence of the Wuhan cornovirus—COVID-19.
Now, here’s the back story that’s not even appearing in the Alt Media!?!?
SPECIAL NOTE: The Wuhan bio-attack appears to be
just one in a series of ongoing biological attacks being
conducted throughout mainland China. This Zio-Anglo-
American bioterrorist operation is being stealthily
perpetrated to give the appearance that the national
epidemic started with a single case in Wuhan City, when
it’s still being surreptitiously spread in other Chinese
cities via similar modes of propagation (i.e. additional
bio-attacks in other Chinese cities and other locales).
Because the vectors of dissemination of this weaponized
coronavirus are mapping worldwide at rapidly expand-
ing rates, there are quite likely multiple methods of
proliferation which are being cunningly implemented
to confuse the medical investigators as well as to avoid
State of the Nation
February 24, 2020