SEVENGATE: “In this Age of Aquarius’s trend of truth telling, Pandora’s Box has been opened”…….

Submitted by SEVEN
Written by Freelance Journalist Mikey Massive


On the 31st August 2023, Mainstream Media investigative reporter’s deep dived into decades of buried complaints into the British Judicial system and lifted the lid in a damning front page news feature entitled ‘Rough Justice’.

After uncovering case after case revealing a multitude of failings, they placed the entire British Judicial system in the dock.

This, of course, was not news to any of us who have observed this truth for years. It’s fair to say that lots of people knew exactly what was going on, it’s just that someone had to have the balls to tell it like it is. Kudos to the investigative reporter’s because they most certainly did.

In this Age of Aquarius’s trend of truth telling, the world has welcomed the unceremonious opening of Pandoras Box and scream’s “about time, bring it on, warts ‘n’ all”. The truth is,  people just want the truth however bad it is.

These news reporters were right, nobody wants or needs a corrupt justice system that ordinary, hard working British people have to pay to use without results, especially when its not cheap, or free.

The British public have been understandably fed up for a very long time.  People only want to pay for a justice system that does actually follow the rule of Law, that does actually fairly hear and determine cases, and does administer Justice in accordance with every law book and written legal doctrine. What we have at present is a far cry from fairness and is doing far more harm than good.

The current UK court system, dubbed the courts of injustice, truth be told, has been in utter shambles for a very long time, complained of being culpable for the demise and ruination of many families for decades.

Once thought of as the bastion of justice, the British Judicial system has become entrenched with overlooked corruption, malfeasance, maladministration, malpractice and far too many tragic cases highlighting miscarriages of justice.

A recent Inquiry before British MP’s uncovered the entertainment industrie’s toxic narcissistic culture of execs abusing positions of power, whereby bullying, exploitation, harassment and people not being fairly credited and paid for their works, while execs who create nothing pocket creator’s monies being common place throughout all creative industries.

On 5th December 23 UK Mainstream press outlets reported that Ex- Factor Singer Rebecca Fergerson testified in the Inquiry to being discriminated and even having her home broken into by one such executive, who was caught inside her home talking to her child, and having to call the police to get him to leave. She explained that there are many other women with much worse cases in the industry now fearing for their lives.

Such entertainment travesties of injustice have been complained of in UK and USA alike .. Britney Spear’s conservatorship battle for the rights of this artist to control her own Intellectual Property Estate is another example of the skullduggery going on.

Recently American Empire Actress Taraji P Henson broke down in tears in an interview about disparity in the industry pay stating “the Math ain’t Mathing” whilst promoting the latest Colour Purple movie.

Henson’s complaint was followed by many A-list Celebs who flooded her interview’ comment sectIon to show support. It is clear they all felt the same and are equally fed up.

5 years earlier this was echoed by American Comedian Monique of Precious Movie fame, who also spoke out about unfair industry standards

Even after the #Metoo movement highlighted all types of abuse from unfair pay, to no pay at all and endless disgusting casting couch testimonies, the culture of horrific abuse, harassment and exploitation, whether it be sexually and monetarily besides jailing Harvey Weinstein, the true extent of such crimes has never been fully addressed let alone fairly resolved.

Let’s face it.. it was never just Weinstein abusing power.. It’s the majority of execs both in the USA and UK and right now, abuse and exploitation in the industry is totally out of control.

American author Sophia Stewart brought court proceedings citing both Matrix and Terminators movies were stolen from her has battled for decades just to be acknowledged, credited and paid as the real author. Cases like this are nothing new..

Can you imagine spending years Labouring over pages to pen music, a song, a book, a movie, TV show only for corrupt execs to run rough shed over you to steal and pocket all the monies from the rights of your royalties, publishing and copyrights for themselves? Yet this is common practice.

It’s the cover up culture of abuse in entertainment that does the most damage because in most of the large horrific cases, the abuse has gone on for decades, with countless people fully aware on the pay roll turning a blind eye.. allowing perpetrators to continue causing collosal amounts of damage destroying not only the life of the usually long suffering victim, but they end up wreaking havoc also to families, communities and societies before finally these people having to be forcibly stopped and jailed.

Cases such as R Kelly spring to mind.. Now we see complaints springing up against the producer P Diddy

Even American Actor Christian Keys has recently come out as a S.A. victim of yet another wealthy Media Mogel. Time will reveal if there is any truth behind these latest allegations.

It has to be said, the culture of monetary exploitation and abuse in the UK appears to be worse because whilst their American counterparts complain of not being paid enough on fair terms, creative writers, producers and artists in the UK often complain of not being paid anything at all, and to make matters worse, those who demand payment for their works are met with endless harassment and abuse.

UK, has a distinct culture of execs usually not having respect for creative’s and artists at all.

Execs with a false belief of entitlement has resulted in IP theft and exploitation now RIFE in UK akin to open brutal forms of modern slavery.

This is indicative of the unchecked toxic biased culture where there is no safety or protection for creative artists who become victims whatsoever, whilst on the other hand, executive abusers interests are unjustly protected, who ordinarily, in any other instance would and should be jailed.

If ever there was a case that typifies these corrupt practices within entertainment industries and equally proves the extent of corruption within the British Justice system, it would be the truly horrific UK case of ‘Seven vs Gossage and Nine others’, referred to as ‘SEVENGATE’. which we feature today…

This case has the makings of a blockbuster movie that makes the Bourne Identity movies look like child’s play.

It highlights dirty deals, unbelievable greed and outrageous fraud & corruption that will make you sick to the stomach.

Espionage, treachery and some deeply sinister shenanigans behind some of the world’s most loved and celebrated TV shows.

This Part 1 expose, is just the tip of a festering rot entrenched iceberg.

Welcome to ‘SEVENGATE’!



British born and bred female concepts creator from London, Charles Seven (Lady Seven), took court action with the support of 14 professional witnesses against 10 corporations and individuals for the blatant theft and illegal  worldwide sale of TV shows plagiarized from stolen written documents she had conceptualised.

Her stolen IP has gone on to become highly successful and lucrative (Sadly, such happenstance is a frequent occurrence and the level of unanswered complaints have led TV and Film Writers to link arms with Entertainment industry unions such as the Writers guild who have taken the unprecedented action of striking on picket lines).

Lady Seven and her 14 witnesses produced Nine court bundles of irrefutable evidence, which included court stamped and sealed affidavits and breached signed contracts.

In response:
No defendants produced any defence
No defendants showed up to court
And 8 out of the 10 defendants sued, never responded and remained totally unrepresented and had never took part in ANY of the court proceedings whatsoever.

Given the vast volume of evidence produced by Lady Seven and her 14 professional witnesses, she naturally, won Default Judgement out right pretty much straight away.


The truth of her court victory was buried.. and instead of the case being fairly settled, and justly crediting and paying Lady Seven for her outstanding achievements, penning globally celebrated award-winning stolen productions.

The official court documents were fraudulently and criminally altered and fabricated to ensure that Lady Seven continued to be horrifically exploited and terrorised to continue stealing and selling a steady stream of her lucrative IP.

These heinous crimes against Lady Seven have continued for a further two decades and are still going on to this day.

The scenario outlined in this ongoing injustice is simply one case that represents the tip of filth

For 20 years, behind the scenes of a multitude of the worlds most famous TV shows, a David and Goliath scale battle has ensued.  This particular woman became the target of fixated ceaseless abuse, whereby she, her friends and family have been subjected to most horrific forms of torture, domestic terror and attempts on her life daily. The scale of this gross exploitation is actually full blown modern slavery.

Lady Seven’s case is described by former Top UK crime analyst of 17 years, Tony Farrell, as the “worst, most horrific case of victimisation” he had ever come across.

In this news feature we highlight that case.

Welcome to SevenGate…..

The “Sacred Mission” that keeps Lady Seven rising from the count

A TWENTY year campaign of attrition against a pioneering artist and content creator, coined as the “21st Century Rosa Parks”, further emphasises how crucial the need for reform of the United Kingdom’s justice system.

Professional female musician Lady Charles Seven combatted the anguish of her elder brother’s premature death by creating a multi-media platform which progenitored an entertainment / wellbeing project as a testimony to his legacy. “During the final months of my brother’s life, I spent a lot of time in and around St Charles’s Hospital in Ladbroke Grove,” she stated. ” I felt as if the energy I exchanged with the hospital community, coupled with the decades of experience I had accumulated in the entertainment industry as a musician and dancer, provided me with the springboard for my project,” she added.

By 2003, Lady Seven knew she had conceived a platform which synergised health elevation and entertainment into a seamless package She had encapsulated an entire new mainstream genre, which research into decades of prior TV schedules and formats had proven was totally unique from anything that had ever been done before.

Lady Seven took advisement on copyrighting her Intellectual Property (IP) and formulating a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) document and contacted a law firm specialising in entertainment contract law to discuss protecting the IP of her groundbreaking project.

During June 2003 Lady Seven attended a meeting at the Regent Street offices of the Media Law firm which the Law Society recommended on the basis of her geographical catchment area and met one of the firm’s representatives. He signed two of Lady Seven’s NDAs and was contracted under instruction, specifically to protect her IP from theft and plagiarism while negotiating licensing of her productions..

After listening to Lady Seven’s outline of her revolutionary concept, said lawyer excitedly expressed he had a list of well known TV and Production companies who would be similarly impressed and eager to jump on the project. Meetings were then set up with various entertainment industry movers and shakers.

During the course of subsequent meetings, after contracts were signed along with documents proving she was the author, creator and copyright owner, two of Lady Seven’s beautifully presented bound  multimedia platform documents were stolen by individuals representing firms within the entertainment industry.

An email was obtained entitled “ON MY COMMAND UNLEASH SALES HELL” revealing the conspiracy to defraud plot against Lady Seven and planned intention to sell the hell out of her stolen documents, which is exactly what was done.

Lady Seven, together with witnesses, reported the thefts, along with the sudden onset of harassment and stalking incidents which commenced following the thefts, initially to officers at London’s Paddington Green police station and was provided with the first of over 80 crime report reference numbers but, to this day (over 20 years later), there remains nothing to indicate any of these incidents were ever investigated.

Indeed, evidence to date shows no-one has ever been charged and she and her witnesses have repeatedly said that nothing has been done about the abuses inflicted upon her and her late cousin who also witnessed and experienced much of the reported harassment.

Although they took judicial action and reported what soon escalated into a full blown campaign of daily terror to the police over and over, despite winning her Civil case, nothing has been done to stop the crimes that they reported had become a living nightmare.

Following Lady Seven’s meetings with commissioners of large TV networks, a plethora of heated negotiations for lucrative deals were reported in entertainment trade reports as having suddenly emerged as completed across the globe for projects that bore an uncanny resemblance to her copyrighted intellectual property.

It transpired these large trade deals were obtained for Lady Seven’s stolen passed off plagiarized Intellectual Property.

It soon became obvious that she was being aggressively frozen out and scammed, so Lady Seven, together with 14 disgusted and outraged witnesses, embarked on legal action to secure remuneration and credit for her copyrighted stolen TV Productions. To her dismay, she fell afoul of heinous malpractice within the confines of the Royal Courts of Justice, after issuing her claim on 5th August 2004.

The case that was scheduled to be heard in July 2005 but she later discovered had been unlawfully and illegally removed from the court lists altogether.

The unlawful removal of her case was brought before two High Court Lord Justices,  and after examining Lady Seven’s impeccably detailed court bundles containing vast amounts of evidence, including signed contracts, and research on decades of TV schedules spanning back from the inception of UK broadcasting, demonstrating none of the TV networks had ever developed any shows remotely like the ones stolen from her beforehand. An extensive paper trail with causal links proving exactly how her shows and scripts were stolen and exactly who had stolen them and who had motivation to terrorise her to ensure the shroud of secrecy surrounding the multi-million pound deals being done for the sale and licensing of her productions remained in place.

They even cunningly incorporated the name of a boring long ditched old TV show with a entirely different concept, in desperate efforts to disguise the fact that they had stolen Lady Seven’s fresh exciting new concepts, whilst openly gloating and hinting within countless publications leaving clues all over the place with frequent references to the number Seven. Alongside these thefts was a putrid mock fest whereby the culprits frequently bragged about covering up the stealing and selling Lady Seven’s IP.

The 14 professional witnesses had also all produced prima facie evidence and testimonies corroborating to their witnessing the horrific criminal abuse and exploitation of Lady Seven to be factual.

The two Lord Justices who first heard the case, found these declarations to be irrefutable, and notably expressed disgust,  both ruled the cases verdict in Lady Seven’s favour. These rulings should have led to her receiving her court costs for taking the action, to say nothing of the compensation and damages, but to this day, these owed payments are still outstanding and yet to be fairly settled and paid.

Instead Lady Seven and her Loved ones have endured 20 years of brutality to keep the truth and her profits hidden.

The two Lord Justices had ordered for the cases costs and damages to be futher heard and resolved expeditiously in the High Courts Chancery Division, however. not one of the Nine file Court bundles transferred from the Lord Justice’s, containing witness affidavits and evidential court case documents was ever even presented to the Chancery Divisions presiding judges.

Shockingly, there was a huge battle just get the two Lord Justice’s Ordered official rulings adhered to by Court Staff, and also to get the court administrators to deliver Lady Seven’s evidence to Chancery Division Judges for hearings. It soon became evident Court adminstration staff had been bribed to obstruct and block Lady Seven’s evidence from being seen by any Judge.

Seeing that her court bundles of evidence was not given to the Judge at the hearing, Lady Seven went prepared and was instantly able to produce exact duplicate copies, proving she was, in fact, the targeted victim of a vast IP scam.

These court proceedings also coincided with the intensification of illegal surveillance, phone and computer hacking, wire tapping and harassment that Lady Seven and witnesses all testified that they were all being subjected to. “I took to always travelling with friends and family members,” she stated. “The level of harassment far exceeded anything I could have ever anticipated.

“Whether we took public transport or private vehicles, we saw definite evidence of people who repeatedly turned up in the same vehicles again and again everywhere we went. It became obvious myself and others were being stalked.”

During the court case proceedings, Lady Seven further alleged threats were made to herself, her family members and friends and her court appearances were punctuated by burglaries of her homes (she is forced to move frequently) and offices of the Bar Council (where it was claimed that the only item stolen was the bundle of files relating to her case).

The vast amount of evidence proved this to all be true. Whereby, one Judge stated: “On a particular level of truth”, he, “could not doubt” what Lady Seven and her witnesses “had experienced to be true because there was far too much evidence that confirmed it”.

None of the ten defendants ever defended the charges against them nor even EVER appeared in court. The case and evidence containing the 14 witnesses testimonies  were repeatedly unlawfully removed from the court lists over and over, at the same time crime reports were being systematically removed from the Police records too.

The case that was supposed to be heard July 2005, was delayed due to the death threats, intimidation attempts and harassment leveled against Lady Seven so could not go ahead as was scheduled.

After several police reports were made highlighting the extremity of the situation and a number of other organisation was involved, Lady Seven was able to proceed with her court case proceedings which resulted in two successful hearings before two  High Court Lord Justices.

The first of which was on February 2006, which concluded resulting in a massive court victory for Lady Seven and her witnesses in May 2006.

During the court Victory Lady Seven also applied for her court costs and freezing injunctions against the companies she won against for the illegal exploitation of her now world famous TV shows.

The failure of any of the ten defendants to appear in court to defend the accusations levelled against them, spoke volumes.  Not even any of the only two of the ten that hired a counsel to represent them, appeared. Furthermore, the counsel had no cause or defence other than to openly seek the unlawful, illegal criminal removal of Lady Seven’s case; a ploy which led the Judge to respond: “Try as you might but I will not have any patience with you”.

The said Judge’s complimentary statements and rulings in Lady Seven’s favour can be heard on the authentic court room audios, subsequently released in 2008.

The Judge made several statements to show that not only did he rule entirely in Lady Seven’s favour, but that he was astounded and marvelled by the notable level of “competence and excellence” delivered by Lady Seven’s work over all.

The court room audios during the hearing, repeatedly feature the Judge stating that Lady Seven’s case  was: “the best, most competent case” he had ever seen by a litigant in person in his entire career.

He also made it clear he knew, by the strength of the evidence, that everything Lady Seven and her 14 witnesses has testified to was indisputably true. Some observers have cited the weight of evidence as a definitive factor in the defendants’ total absence from the proceedings, stating they would have faced enormous embarrassment, in the light of the vast amount of evidence against them all.

Consequently, the Judge said: “Lady Seven was entitled to be paid for her stolen copyrights” “Whether or not the defendants liked it or not” and stressed “To just remove such a case with merit would be badly in breach of the Law”

The defence counsel totally neglected to present any Statement of Rebuttal, seeking to just have the case removed, therefore, leading to the Civil case’s sitting judges returning a default judgement in favour of the litigant (Lady Seven).

The Criminal case, (detailing illegal surveillance, Trespass, attempted poisoning, burglary, threats etc which received crime numbers issued by the police) that was supposed to delived by Met Police was never placed before the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS).

During the civil hearing, the various deliberate attempts to prevent Judges from seeing the vast bundles of evidence presented by Lady Seven and her witnesses,  resulted in one Judge stating that he would bring prosecution for contempt of court, demanding that the bundle be immediately presented to him, in order to allow proceedings to commence after he had a week to read the evidence.

Astoundingly, this particular Judge’s official order was crossed out, tampered with by fraudulently altering and fabricating it to remove what the Judge had officially ordered and replace it with a ruling that would have been favourable to the defence counsel.

Lady Seven’s court victories became marred by constant shenanigans and aggressive attempts to pervert justice and obstruct her and her witnesses.

What should have been a simple case of crediting and remunerating Lady Seven for works which had attracted global acclaim, soon became overshadowed by constant harassment, abuse and obstruction, solely to avoid crediting and paying Lady Seven, thereby unlawfully denying her recognition, compensation and remuneration for her stolen world famous and widely adored TV shows.

When the defence counsel heard the Judge state he would bring contempt of court proceedings for perverting the course of Justice, once again, Lady Seven’s case was, inexplicably and illegally immediately removed from the High Courts lists.

Lady Seven and her witnesses had to go to the office of Judicial Complaints and also make an official complaint about the defence counsel’s conduct with the Bar Council, in order to have the unlawfully removed case reinstated to the Court Lists.

After the judge issued a further warning to the defence counsel, following an outrageous attempt to fraudulently alter and falsify the judge’s summation of the hearing, the defence Counsel’s actions were reported to the Bar Council and Judicial departments as the prelude to a procedure that could have led to him being disbarred, or struck off.

Curiously, Lady Seven was informed that the Bar Council offices were Burgled with the sole missing item being the file containing evidence provided about the defence Counsel’s complaint.

From that time to the present, Lady Seven has been subjected to harassment (including an arson attack directly opposite her former home), surveillance and attempted poisonings, threats, stalking, and illegal bugging of her electronic devices.

In light of recent campaigns by some of the leading media houses in the land (most prominently the London Evening Standard) demanding reforms of the judiciary, following revelations of how, perhaps gross negligence, incompetence or even endemic corruption had impacted the lives of hundreds, perhaps thousands of UK families.

The wall of silence which has shrouded Lady Seven’s case in relative obscurity is finally crumbling and it appears the deliverance of justice she has demanded for over 20 years may be imminent.

Lady Seven is much loved and highly respected as having huge integrity and credibility. She has a vibrant following on several social media platforms and her outstanding achievements within the British High courts and judicial arena been recognised to the level of her being repeatedly being invited to address conferences and events as a distinguished key speaker.

Lady Seven delivered a white paper and the keynote address to the prestigious 2014 Conference of Jurists and Legal Writers; she received acclaim for her delivery of The Protection of Intellectual Property and Media Ethics before an international audience of Chief Justices and Magistrates.

The extreme victimization, exploitation and injustice that Lady Seven has been subjected to over the past two decades and counting is now a widely discussed open secret. The ‘Sevengate’ case is featured in a  comprehensive deeply damning crime report, penned by Tony Farrell UK’s former Top Crime Analyst within the Police Service.

This meaty 240 page report is supported by irrefutable evidence (and supplemented by copious appendices) makes for compelling reading.

To date, Lady Seven has pursued two further court proceedings for harassment with menaces, and although each time the case was ruled in her favour, the fact that she still remains uncredited and unremunerated (not even for her court cases costs or damages) in the last 20 years and is STILL being subjected to threats on her life on a daily basis without remedy is indicative of how urgently the UK requires Judicial reformation.

Prior to this ordeal, Lady Seven focused her career as a respected and prodigiously accomplished musician,  composer and artist with a national and burgeoning international reputation acclaim.

Over the years she has played session guitar with world acclaimed artists such as Robert Palmer, British girl band Eternal and has appeared on nationwide TV shows, such as

Top of the Pops and Blue Peter.

Furthermore, Lady Seven also featured in Vogues inaugural Health & Beauty Encyclopedia, as a specialist in Beauty Health for Black Skin, as well as a plethora of other publications. Following the tragic premature passing of her brother, she temporarily  paused her music career to pursue revolutionizing how we address Health and Wellbeing in Entertainment. Many would concur with the opinion that she has every right to be credited, paid and recognised for her outstanding achievements. She has paid her dues, many times over.

“For me, this endeavour is a sacred mission,” she states. “These media conglomerates saw my creation and used it as the basis of a greed fest. My victories in court and my quest to be credited for what I created, as well as remuneration for my work, are Reparations initiatives.

“We must resist the attempts to enslave us in the present day through theft of our Intellectual Property and theft of our material resources, such as we see happening in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sierra Leone and Mali and elsewhere, just as vigorously as we did in the 17th, 18th, 19th centuries.”

To reaffirm her determination, Lady Seven presents evidence of the burglaries, the bugging, extreme harassment and the unauthorised interference even maliciously restricting the ability for her to use her own bank account and utilities that have led her to move no less than TWENTY THREE times in the past EIGHT MONTHS.

Lady Seven’s struggle for recognition as the creator of the most influential entertainment productions of the century and just remuneration continues.


1990 The pioneering creative iconoclast now known as Lady Seven is highlighted as a composer / arranger / musician in a feature for the tenth anniversary issue of The Face, detailing ten Black women identified as future trailblazers

1990 The passIng of her brother Daniel, aged just 30, provides an epiphany; Lady Seven foregoes her glittering music career to pursue her vision of creating an entertainment / health platform that would revolutionize how we address health, beauty and wellbeing and also serve as a tribute to her Brothers legacy as her mentor and humanitarian.

May 2003 Lady Seven takes advisement from the Law Society to protect her “winning formula”. She duly copyrights and applys to trademark her concept and formulates a Non Disclosure Agreement (NDA) document to protect her Intellectual Property (IP), in lieu of any forthcoming negotiations.

June 2003 Lady Seven takes a set of beautifully  presented documents containing formats for her concepts to Russells Media Law firm on Regent Street London W1 and meets with Christopher Gossage to discuss how his firm will assist in the protection of her copyright and Intellectual Property; Gossage signs two NDAs.

Further down the line, Gossage will cost his firm dearly as his unscrupulous disclosure of information related to a confidentiality agreement he signed with Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling leads to a multimillion pound compensation judgement against him and Russells.

Communications with Gossage continue by email until:

November 11 2003 Lady Seven with one of her Colleagues, Lisa Pahne, meets Richard J Hannah, with Helen Alexander and James Manson of formerly Scottish Media Group SMG at the offices of NTL Facilities. Lady Seven’s contracts, provided by the Lawyers, are signed with them all fully aware that she is the author, creator and owner of the large catalogue of TV shows, which subsequently became the award-winning blockbusters we now know as Dancing With Stars; Strictly Come Dancing, You Are What You Eat, 10 Years Younger and many more now featured on TV screens worldwide.

(NTL was formerly one of the UK’s largest media conglomerates, until its takeover by Virgin Media)

Helen Alexander and James Manson, of Scottish Media Groups (SMG) create a diversion during the meeting and steal Lady Seven’s file documents and together with Richard J Hannah, chop up her stolen documents and proceed to “UNLEASH SALES HELL” with Lady Seven’s stolen IP selling her work worldwide to hosts of TV production companies for large monetary deals, despite Lady Seven’s signed contracts making it illegal and unlawful to do so..

December 3rd 2003 into Jan 2004

Lady Seven sees her stolen  work is being featured and advertised on every UK Network as a multitude of new Health, Wellbeing, Fitness and Dance productions are converted and extrapolated from the content of Lady Seven’s Stolen documents

Side note

SMG ( Scottish Media Groups) is affiliated to ITV, Granada, Grampian Television and many other TV networks

SMG changed their name to STV in 2006 following Lady Seven’s first court victory, and, amazingly,  Helen Alexander is created ‘two identities’ to conceal that she was criminally, illegally and unlawfully selling Lady Seven’s intellectual Property.

Helen Alexander is alleged to have mimicked the TV character Reginald Perring to ‘fake her death’ by killing off a ‘fictitious’ Helen Alexander on 7th August 2017

In 2006 NTL is absorbed into Virgin Media, in a manner that many claim was to conceal NTL’s culpability in the theft of Lady Seven’s work, following her court victory.

Violence against Lady Seven intensifies.

Helen Alexander was previously named in a dispute over the Intellectual Property rights of media mogul Chris Evans

December 2003 A van inscribed with the Carlton TV logo is seen repeatedly circling Lady Seven’s home in London W2 . In a separate incident, two balaclava-clad men make cut throat signs to Lady Seven and her mother on the street near their home during their return from a shopping trip. The gang-stalking commences.

Crime reports are made to police officers at the former site of Paddington Green police station. Crime numbers are issued, letters sent in confirmation with crime reference numbers assigned, but no officer ever comes to speak to Lady Seven or any of the witnesses to follow up.crime reports on any ongoing investigation, nor to even look at any of the evidence.

There is clear, extremely unfair bias against Lady Seven as the victim by Police officers who seem to be willing to bury this horrific criminal case and its vast amounts of evidence to protect the guilty culprits.

The behaviour of various London/UK police officers to date, mirrors exactly behaviour of the defence counsel Brian Nicholson towards Lady Seven and her 14 witnesses during the Civil court hearings. Falsehoods , defamation of chatactor and endless gas lighting have been used to make up a string of lies to conceal illegal criminal profiteering over the last two decades and the racketeering with Lady Seven’s IP estate that has allowed unscrupulous entities to pilfer Lady Seven’s stolen monies.

January 2004 Lady Seven hears of how deals are being done behind her back by Richard J Hannah and Helen Alexander for her stolen work. Dancing With The Stars, Strictly Come Dancing, Dancing On Ice, Fit Farm, Diet Doctors were all extrapolated from Lady Seven’s stolen documents and given to lists of people who had absolutely nothing with the creation of the IP who have been illegally living off the proceeds and what is worst, the 20 year campaign of abuse to ensure that Lady Seven never receives any of her profits from her own property.

Her scenario bears a striking resemblance to the manner it is stated that Colonel Saunders acquired the formula for the Kentucky Fried Chicken he branded as his own and the manner in which Jack Daniels obtained the formula for the world famous whiskey from enslaved man Nathan ‘Nearest’ Green.

Attempts to contract solicitors attached to Bindmans to fight her case are stymied by Tamsin Allen. Instead of assisting Lady Seven even Allen perpetrates further theft and betrayal of Lady Seven’s confidential disclosures to her.

Tamsin Allen Steals a computer disc at a meeting with Lady Seven. The disc contains the script and screenplay for The Walk. Tamsin Allen illegally did deals to also profiteer for herself from Lady Seven’s stolen script of The Walk to representatives of the BBC and ITV networks and becomes the latest participant in the industrial level “greed fest” involving scamming and chopping up Lady Seven’s stolen IP to sell on worldwide..

Witch hunt is stepped up to further terrorize Lady Seven and her Cousin Roni Nicholas

An attempt to commission Derek Rosenblatt, of Ronald Fletcher & Co, also fails after Rosenblatt makes comments which suggest he is in consultation with members of the defendants . Derek Rosenblatt asks for original documents which he claimed he: “needed them to prove the court case”.

Derek Rosenblatt similarly conspires in having Lady Seven’s documents chopped up and converted into TV and Radio shows that was also sold worldwide without crediting or compensating her. The stalking and death threats and house break-ins become even more sinister and violent.

Lady Seven and witnesses repeatedly report crime incidents to the Police. The investigation never commences and the violence exacerbates.

Lady Seven issues court action on 5th August 2004

Court case Scheduled to be heard July 2005

In May – June 2005 Frenzied hacking of Lady Seven’s computers phone and home to steal more of her creations. Basically, everything she creates is being stolen in a methodical manner. Fashion clothes designs, shoe designs, music compositions, even Lady Seven’s name and identity are sold, in violation of her copyright, to create a manufactured Pop band called Charlie 7. A white, blonde female is given the alias Charlie 7, seemingly in order to obstruct Lady Seven being able to use her own name at any juncture in the music industry.

A new trademark company is founded to steal and sell on everything Lady Seven creates. Lady Seven’s GP and hospital medical files are also stolen. Lady Seven’s GP and hospital contact courts to alert them to how the harassment and terrorism Lady Seven is being subjected to on a daily basis is impacting upon her

Meanwhile, house break-ins and death threats worsen Lady Seven is placed in serious danger, so goes into hiding until 31st August 2005, when Lady Seven is smuggled into Notting Hill Police Station.

September 2005 Lady Seven and witnesses attend Hearings at Royal Courts of Justice, neither Gossage, nor any of the nine named co-defendants appear in court to face charges.

September 2005 Lady Seven’s reappearance from hiding serves to reverse Judge Blackburne’s attempts to permanently remove her case from The Court Lists. Case scheduled to be heard in February 2006

February 2006 Chief Justice Chadwick and Sir Peter Gibson return case to The Court Lists

May 2006 Judge Chadwick and Sir Peter Gibson hear case and rule in Lady Seven’s favour. These Judges Order that her court costs and case Damages as well as an application for protection from harassment and freezing Injunctions be addressed in Chancery Division Thomas Moore Building

May 2006  box containing Nine of Lady Seven’s court bundles are delivered to Thomas Moore Building, immediately after Justice Chadwick and Sir Peter Gibson’s Hearing to be swiftly given to Justice Warren in Chancery Division for the court case’s costs, damages and injunctions to be heard

Court administration staff inside Westgreen office stamp and officially court seal documents as proof of being in receipt of all Nine file Bundles of Lady Seven’s Evidence…

Brian Nicholson gets court administration staff  to hide and withhold Lady Seven’s Nine court bundles and is overheard instructing other staff that whenever Lady Seven comes in to the Court administration offices  to ” Keep Fucking Her Around” . Subsequent behaviour of the court staff appears to pursue this command to the letter.

After Justice Warren was enlightened that Lady Seven’s nine court bundles of evidence was being withheld from him deliberately, this Judge made a court order to adjourn proceedings for six days to provide him sufficient time to read all the nine bundles..

Brian Nicholson was caught perverting justice by crossing out what Justice Warren had ordered and replacing the order by saying that the case was NOT to return back to court until October

Justice Warren was shown Brian Nicholson’s fraudulent handwrtiten Faked court order. Judge Warren outraged shouted in the courtroom that he “NEVER SAID October” and reiterated he said the case was to resume in six days.

Which everyone clearly heard… The Judge said after reading bundles he was going to bring prosecution for contempt of court against Nicholson and his co-conspirators, following the withholding of the file bundles provided by Lady Seven and her 14 Witnesses prior to the hearing.

Judge Warren emphasised it: “was in the interest of Justice that this case be heard”.

When Lady Seven and her witnesses returned 6 days later, as ordered by Judge Warren, the case was (once again) illegally removed from Warren and the court Lists altogether denying Lady Seven’s her God given rights to have access to Justice.

Indeed, once again the case Seven v Gossage and nine others was nowhere to be found, almost as if it never existed. It is believed the case was removed from Warren because he was determined to issue contempt of court proceedings against Nicholson and his co-conspiritors for preverting the natural course of Justice and Obstructing just disposal of court proceeding bringing the entire adminstration of Justice into gross disrepute.

May 2006 – Brian Nicholsons and his co-conspirators’ fraud was reported to the Office of Judicial complaints and Bar Council as well as a multitude of other departments and the case is returned to the court lists to be heard July 2006..

Lady Seven presents Justice Warren  with a copy of said bundle and the case is set to resume after Justice Warren is provided with the opportunity to go through the bundle, but this was obstructed.

June 2006 Bar Council reports mysterious burglary where the only missing item happens to be the bundle relating to Lady Seven’s case. Lady Seven presents relevant parties with further copies of her bundles.

July 2006 Brian Nicholson, Counsel for Helen Alexander and James Manson, repeats the exact same criminal tactics of illegally getting court administration staff to hide Lady Sevens box of  Nine court bundles containing the vast amounts of evidence, and then lies and tells Judge Pumphrey that Lady Seven has no evidence and has made the whole thing up.

Lady Seven on the spot produces the Nine duplicate Bundles and provides exhibit after exhibit proving she was, in fact, being stalked and terrorised orchestrated by all defendants in efforts to continuoysly steal the rights and profits from her, now, globally acclaimed TV well as many other innovations that were stolen and sold at the same time.

Justice Pumphrey reprimands Brian Nicholson for his role in obstructing Lady Seven’s box of Nine file bundles to him in advance of the case hearing and lying about Lady Seven and her FOURTEEN witnesses not providing evidence whilst two large boxes were deliverately hidden providing prima facie evidence for the hearing

NONE of the ten named defendants (comprising both individuals and corporate entities) appear at any hearings. Justice Pumphrey commends Lady Seven’s case preparation (“the highest level of competence I have ever seen from a lay litigant”) and reprimands Brian Nicholson for attempting to forge a retraction of the observations he had made as judge of the case.

Justice Pumphrey rules in Lady Seven’s Favour says Criminal trial to begin in 2007.  After winning case, court documents were deliberately forged and fabricated to criminally reverse and Obstruct Lady Seven’s truimphant Court Victory despite majority of the defendants never even responding to the claim. Attempts to contact Pumfrey are met with silence. Justice Pumphrey is knighted, but mysteriously dies alone in his flat one month later.

After a further two year battle, Justice Chadwick Orders for court room audios of the court hearing whereby Pumphrey ruled in Lady Seven’s favour to be released.

Besides all Judges ruling in Lady Seven and her witnesses favour. Remembet no defendants had ever presented themselves to defend themselves from the charges.

It is totally and absloutely impossible for anyone to win a case that they never responded to and did not defend against a claimant who had 14 witnesses who all produced vast amounts of evidence proving every single allegation. The ONLY way such a miscarriage of justice could ever occur is on account of extremely blatant corruption.

Everyone knew it was over for the defendants after the time for them to respond to the claim had expired. They had lost and their crimes stealing Lady Seven’s IP.and running a modern day exploitation scam was fully exposed.. That is why they never turned up.

September 2017 International Court of Justice (ICJ) and ICC conferred the title of Lady Seven upon her, in recognition of her humanitrian work.

31st August 2021 becomes the official day to Recognise the Unsung Accomplishments of Exploited People of Colour. The obscuration of these achievements is ruled to be a byproduct of institutional  racism. Coincidental that the date earmarked for this observance is Lady Seven’s birthday?

September 21st 2022 Members of the Black community accompany Lady Seven to Hammersmith Police Station after reporting serious death threats made to Lady Seven on the bus on18th September 2022, and attempts to ambush her on the bus journey to start her BA at university September 2022..

Every attempt has been made to defame Lady Seven’s impeccable character and conceal her astute high level of intelligence and academic performance to prevent the world knowing she is the brains behind the multitude of the world’s best selling  award winning TV shows are solely her creation and brainchild. This ongoing conspiracy to deny her her place in history seem to be the basis for the attempt to murder her on the way to start her University course in September 2022

Because of repeated incidents of domestic terror and murder attempts of  Lady Seven in September 2022, community Leaders made crime reports to the Met Police and attended  at Hammersmith police station, where a female police office  assures Lady Seven and the community Leaders  that all the (80 plus) crime reports would be immediately collated and delivered to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and that restraining orders for protection from stalking and harassment would also be obtained.

After 20 years of waiting for the Met police, yet another year on at the end of October 2023 and still delivery of the Case to the CPS has yet to take place. Meantime, the threats on Lady Seven and family’s life, with endless daily stalking harassment and illegal surveillance continues .

October 2023, Lady Seven makes preparation to re-locate again. This will be her TWENTY FOURTH re-location over the past EIGHT MONTHS.


Crime report by former top UK Police Crime Analyst:

Testimony about the crime report:

Courtroom audios of the case:

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