Covid Hoax Should Stop Tomorrow

Covid Hoax should stop tomorrow – outraged eminent British pathologist speaks out


by Boudicca

This is a VERY VERY VERY powerful indictment of the whole Covid idiocy by a very highly qualified source.

This clip should be circulated far and wide and repeatedly.

About Dr. Roger Hodkinson.

Dr. Hodkinson is the CEO and Medical Director of MedMalDoctors.

He received his general medical degrees from Cambridge University in the UK (M.A., M.B., B. Chir.) where he was a scholar at Corpus Christi College.

Following a residency at the University of British Columbia he became a Royal College certified general pathologist (FRCPC) and also a Fellow of the College of American Pathologists (FCAP).

He is in good Standing with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta, and has been recognized by the Court of Queen’s Bench in Alberta as an expert in pathology.

His testimony has been a severe embarrassment for the Vax Terror establishment which, predictably mobilised its internet resources to quickly try to crush his credibility and so forth.

Too late! The cat is well and truly out of the bag!

He joins a growing band of medical and scientific experts brave enough to put their careers on the line and face the inevitable vicious character assassination and other attacks Big Pharma’s psyops brigade are so good at (they’ve had LOTS of practice) in their effort to alert their fellow citizens to the truth.

Dr Hodkinson’s testimony is precise, authoritative and highly articulate.

First featured on UK Reloaded 


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