Covid Killshot Media Campaign
Launched By We the People
Something very BIG is now happening right now the world over where it concerns the raising of awareness about the COVID-19 killshots and clotshots.
Folks everywhere are finally getting it — that the Covid shots are obviously not “safe and effective”. And, that the jabs are really extremely dangerous and often deadly. See: The “safe and effective” narrative is falling apart.
With these grim realizations taking place around the globe at a rapidly accelerating rate, a new truth narrative is slowly emerging; that the Covid jabs are actually stealthily weaponized injections that bear no similarity to the, heretofore, generally accepted vaccines.
Depending on who it is that experiences this great leap of understanding, there are many instances where all hell breaks loose. For example:
Father Reams Pharmacist After Son Diagnosed With
Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis (Video & Transcript)
Then there’s this little display of deep distress and discontent demonstrated by a dad whose son tragically died right after getting Covid vaxxinated.
The following video provides an extremely ominous
foreshadowing of what the public’s reaction will
soon be to being deliberately genocided by
the COVID-19 ‘vaccines’.
What’s the crucial point here?
Only We the People can stop this preplanned, ongoing and
Only an organically grown, grassroots-driven, people-powered movement can successfully halt the Covid jab juggernaut rolling across the land.
This movement has already been launched … and it will only grow and get stronger by the day, both LOCALLY and GLOBALLY.
It needs no leadership or organization or 401(c)3 to do its critical work. All it needs is aware vaccine-injured victims and concerned family & friends to confront the local government entities and offending employers who have injured and/or killed them and their loved ones.
By taking on both Corporate America and the various levels of U.S. governments, the American people will be channeling nothing short of the wrath of the Almighty. For it’s about time The Powers That Be felt that wrath as never before in human history.
The key element of this humanity-wide endeavor to protect our personal sovereignty and defend our loved ones are the universal divine rights to self-defense and self-preservation.
No one — no entity under the sun — be it government
or corporation has the right or authority or power to
violate anyone’spersonal sovereignty—EVER![1]
Hence, it really is high time to light the torch and grab the pitchfork, and head toward whatever or whoever it is that needs to feel the wrath of We the People.
VAERS Report
In light of the most recent VAERS report, it’s truly a serious crime of omission not to respond decisively and forcefully to the Covid crime wave that washes over America — unimpeded — to this very day.

VAERS Summary for COVID-19 Vaccines through 7/29/2022
It’s of paramount importance to correctly understand the Covid vaccine data shown above. The total number of filed Covid vaccine-induced death reports, historically, is anywhere from 1% to 10 % of the actual number of vaccine deaths (same goes for the reported vaccine injuries). Which means that as many as 3,000,000 people have died to date, specifically from a COVID-19 vaccination or booster shot. And even that more accurate estimate quite likely lowballs the actual number of murders by medicide.
What the preceding data really proves is that the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda was deliberately rolled out as a global depopulation scheme to kill as many unsuspecting Covid vax recipients as possible. And, because the Covid vaccinations are now frequently producing a new medical ailment known as VAIDS (Covid vaccine-induced AIDS) hundreds of millions of Covid-jabbed people across the planet will eventually develop that fatal disease.
State of the Nation
August 13, 2022
[1] OPERATION COVID JAB: The Stealthy Genocidal Scheme to Depopulate the Planet and Enslave Humanity