The International Court of Justice is Now Seated
at The Hague to Consider the Self-Evident
Genocide Charges Against the
Zionist State of Israel
SOTN Editor’s Note: What’s to opine about?

The critical point here is not whether the Zionist State of Israel has calculatedly perpetrated an ongoing and utterly odious genocide in Gaza, as a precursor to their long-planned Gaza Strip Land Grab, it’s that all of the Western military powers have both enabled and encouraged this Palestinian Holocaust. To wit, the United States and United Kingdom are, therefore, unindicted co-conspirators in this unparalleled mass murder of mostly women and children, elderly and infirm.
Now, the $64,000 question here is: How does one recklessly rogue nation possibly believe they will get away with such a slaughter of innocents carried our during prime time, in glowing color, and under the searing scrutiny of the world’s top journalists?!
Because the Khazarian banksters have always gotten
away with their meticulously planned wars, pandemic
and genocides—THAT’S WHY!
A Truncated List of Premeditated Genocides Conducted by the
Khazarian Banksters
With that mutual understanding about the “deliberate killing of hundreds of millions of human beings since 1900”, it ought to be quite clear why the very same mass murdering tribe really thought they could get away with genociding tens of thousands of Palestinians…IN BROAD DAYLIGHT. In Yiddish, it’s called:
But, WHY? Really? How does the Khazarian Klan believe they can kill and murder and slaughter millions of people with absolute impunity?
Here’s why!
How the Khazarian Cabal has effectively controlled
Ashkenazi Jewry so it can rule planet Earth
from behind the veil.
January 12, 2024