OPERATION BABY BOOMER: The Boomers Don’t Even Know What They Don’t Know

SOTN Editor’s Note: The SOTN team is working diligently on editing OPERATION BABY BOOMER—a very important and compelling exposé that will shed much needed light on what’s really happening today.  And especially about how we got to this point of utter chaos and confusion, conflict and contention worldwide.

We’re not even talking about the obvious social pandemonium and political mayhem, financial breakdown and economic collapse, racial tension and religious strife, sexual deviance and moral bankruptcy; we’re talking about this:


Every person who reads this upcoming book will be empowered by the extraordinarily unique content which includes heretofore never released disclosures about the world we live in.

Some of those powerful revelations will even serve to trigger many Baby Boomers, especially the second half, toward stepping into the pivotal roles that are theirs to play during this defining moment of the Second American Revolution.

For the Boomers (and their children), who really want to know what time it is and why that time period from 1960 through the mid 1980s was so wild and crazy, but in a very special way, read this:

“Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n’ Roll”: Here’s where and how that
social engineering scheme, mind-control program
and global psyop began

Needless to say, we at SOTN are all working assiduously to complete this time-sensitive editing task before the end of the world.

State of the Nation
March 10, 2024

N.B. The first chapter (and first draft) of OPERATION BABY BOOMER follows below.

Submitted by an Anonymous Author
SOTN Exclusive
(Excerpted from a soon-to-be-published eBook titled OPERATION BABY BOOMER)


A true story that’s really the story of every Baby Boomer

I knew I was born into a real power family when it became apparent that both of my parents were well aware of the plots to assassinate JFK, MLK and RFK before those US government-directed murders ever took place.  They also had foreknowledge of the state-sponsored assassinations of Marilyn Monroe and Malcolm X. 

However, my parents never knew that I knew these things about them.  Until my father recently passed, I kept this information and a lot of other radioactive info that I ‘acquired’ about them completely to myself.  After all, given all the CRAZY things that happened in my family as I was growing up, keeping certain secrets became a matter of life and death. 

Like no other adults or parents I had ever seen as a child, both of may parents literally walked around like they owned the place—THE WHOLE PLACE.  It was like they owned and operated “the System”. 

After a lifelong investigation of my father, I came to find out that he was an undercover FBI agent, that he belonged to the Office of Naval Intelligence during World War II, and that he was both a Knight of Columbus and Knight of Malta.  Most significantly, my father was a high-ranking Freemason, operating at a level well above the 33rd degree.

I also quite serendipitously found out that dad belonged to 4 or 5 other secret societies that are so secret their names appear no where on the Internet.  I never knew anyone who kept secrets quite like my father did, and it was also this lifelong proclivity that drew my suspicions from my earliest ages.

Dad’s extremely well-hidden “professional” relationship that he had with his brother, also my godfather, is what really gave away the whole plot where it concerned their highly manipulative plan for me.  Fabricating and faking rocky relationships is, after all, a tactic often used by the intelligence agencies to accomplish the most delicate of missions, especially the types covertly carried out by my recently deceased uncle, who was known to me as “The Druggist”.  (Which is why this “First Chapter” is being posted only now right after his recent death.)  

But perhaps it was dad’s biggest secret of all that ultimately exposed this “Greatest Psyop of the 20th Century” to me and me alone.  How can anyone, who has painstakingly cultivated the reputation for being more Catholic than the pope — LITERALLY — ever keep his fidelity to Freemasonry, his Talmudic roots and his patently Pharisaical MO concealed?  In fact, everything points to ole dad being a crypto-Jewish operative in Catholic garb who was on the same fanatical mission every day of his lifetime. 

As for my extremely street-smart mother, she was recruited to the C.I.A. in the late 1940s not long after it was established as the new and improved OSS.  Given her immediate family history and unique Roman ancestry, she was undoubtedly the perfect CIA agent to carry out her several ultra-secret assignments in the real but very secret power city where she lived most of her life.  

After doing more precarious research on my mother, I came to find out why she was so intimately involved in the workings of the Sicilian Mafia in our hometown.  I also came to understand her deep connections (read: ancestral links) to the Northern Italian Black Nobility.  This is really why so many complex conspiratorial plots thickened as they always did when I was watching them unfold during my extremely tumultuous and drama-filled childhood.

Now here’s where the reader must understand a crucial aspect of my childhood as a Baby Boomer growing up in the late 1950s and 60s.  My mother often talked, freely and factually, about the Mafia (aka as the Cosa Nostra) and the Vatican (read: Roman Catholic Church) being two of the most powerful institutions in the world.  But, she was also cognizant of the reality that they were both completely owned and operated by a much wealthier and more powerful earthly entity or SUPREME MAFIA, whose name she never uttered even once.  Truly, there was not a kid in the USA who learned what I did from what my mother deliberately imparted and what my father conspicuously kept hidden.  

One last point about my mother: throughout the several life-threatening predicaments and many perilous endeavors in which I found myself, she worked triple time to protect me.  I’m only alive today to write this essay because of her abiding and fierce protection.  And, of course, by the grace of GOD.

One last significant point about both of my parents: no one, but no one, knew how to work “the System” like my mother and father did.  But not because they belonged to it as virtually all of their peers within ‘The Greatest Generation’ did; rather, because they were THE SYSTEM.


The Greatest PSYOP of the Last 100+ Years … …
Which Determined the Fate of the World Today

With that personal background information presented, what is about to be disclosed has never been revealed in human history.  Arguably, the quite extraordinary narrative that follows is the biggest tell of the last century.  And, it’s even bigger today and going forward because the entire Baby Boom Generation (as well as Beat Generation) still walks around shellshocked, mostly unaware of the extremely intense, multi-decade psychological operation of which they were the target.

“Shellshocked” from the non-stop psychological warfare that was quite stealthily waged under the radar during those epic “Generation Gap” years particularly from early 1960s through the mid 1980s.  “Shellshocked” from “a withering war on consciousness” that began immediately after World War II ended when our shellshocked fathers returned home to their frazzled wives and future anti-establishment Baby Boomer children.

Historical Context & Relevant Timeline

If this deliberately obscured and obfuscated narrative is to be properly understood, then the true historical context and most relevant timeline must be clearly delineated.

The following historic events, their dates and their obvious impacts are briefly outlined below to give the reader necessary perspective, as well as a new lens through which to view this novel psychohistorical analysis.

OPERATION BABY BOOMER was actually launched well before the generally accepted year of 1946 when the Baby Boomers were first born after World War II ended.

In light of the new understanding imparted by this exposé, it could be stated that 1913 was the year when this covert operation actually started in earnest.  For it was on December 23, 1913 when the Federal Reserve Act was unconstitutionally passed by the 63rd United States Congress and signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson.  Truly, this is a day that will live in infamy for many reasons that will be explained.

Immediately following the establishment of the Federal Reserve System throughout the United States of America, a rapid series of carefully engineered and meticulously timed cataclysmic events took place around the globe.  Each of these global catastrophes only took place because the covertly operating Khazarian Cabal took full control of both the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve Bank.  In so doing, they made available to themselves unlimited funding to carry out the highly organized genocides listed below.

For example, World War I was triggered within months of the “Act” in mid-1914, and for reasons that historians still don’t fully understand and/or cannot agree on.  The Khazarian Cabal made sure of its obfuscation for several reasons, all of which are quite important to the successful implementation of their world takeover schemes.

The Armenian genocide was carried out with precision throughout the Ottoman Empire especially from 1915 through 1917.  It was yet another case of the Khazarians killing Christians with explicit intentional designs.

The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, immediately followed by the Russian Civil War, were both manufactured by the very same Khazarian warmongers in order to transform Christian Russia into the communist (and godless) Soviet Union, as well as to commit genocide against Christians across the largest nation on Earth.

The 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic was then rolled out in short order by the bioterrorist arm of the Khazarian Cabal, again with great purpose (i.e. genocide) and calculation (genome manipulation).  The U.S. military-administered vaccination programs, which were directly responsible for that hitherto most deadly pandemic of the modern age, represented a long planned biowar using genome-targeting biological weapons against the American people.  While those lethal bioweapons were also aimed at the genomes of other national populations around the world, it was the DNA of the future Baby Boomers which was really being targeted via their parents’ genetic blueprints.

Fast forward to the Stock Market Crash of 1929 and the subsequent Great Depression, both of which were purposefully engineered by the Khazarian Cabal to soften up The Greatest Generation who would become the parents of the Baby Boomers.

Whereas the preceding wars, genocides and pandemics served to generate an unparalleled degree of chaos, confusion and conflict worldwide, the Great Depression was a highly premeditated financial breakdown and economic collapse that would only add immensely to that resulting personal insecurity of and national instability for The Greatest Generation.

However, what that global economic collapse really did was to significantly and indelibly impact the overall mindset of The Greatest Generation.  In point of fact, the Great Depression shaped their philosophy of life, their value systems, their ideals and principles, and especially the practical running of their lives and future families.

Next came the extremely well planned and apocalyptic World War II.  That civilization-altering event is where the Khazarian Cabal was more calculating than ever to produce a set of specific outcomes.  For it was the shellshocked American soldiers, who would come back home to their young wives and fiancées, and who were then tasked with the rebuilding American society according to the Khazarian’s master plan.

The execution of that master plan would be hugely amped up post WW2 with the establishment of the Central Intelligence Agency in 1947 as well as the many other nascent institutions which would comprise the emerging National Security State.  With the opening of the C.I.A., the Khazarians possessed the most advanced and sophisticated spying and surveillance apparatus the world had ever known.  But few knew that it was the upcoming Baby Boomer Generation which was the true subject of that intelligence-gathering apparatus.

Growing up in an Italian Black Nobility family was like living in a modern-day Spanish Inquisition.  Then, when I became of age, I graduated to a full-blown internecine war within the Medici Banking Family (the House of Medici put at least 4 popes on the papal throne).  Through it all, I was blessed with the precocious awareness that there was a tremendous power or pressure or force operating in the background which made my parents absolutely crazy, each in their own way.   

My earliest observations about how the world was really run came down, to a great extent, to my immature impressions of the CIA as a child.   However, seeing how my parents, although exerting firm control over virtually everything all the time, seemed to know monumental things before they even happened, I knew intuitively that there was an all-seeing eye watching all of US 24/7…including them.  And, that that all-seeing eye put even them under intensive monitoring and extreme scrutiny.   

The key point here is that the United States of America effectively became a full-scale police state not too long after many of Germany’s Nazi regime leaders, generals, scientists and doctors were brought here via Operation Overcast (1945) followed by Operation Paperclip (1946).   In fact, the CIA’s main mission was to lock down America much as Nazi Germany was locked down by Hitler’s Gestapo and SS.  Only the mandate they were given for post-WW2 USA was to lock down the whole place without a single soul knowing about it.  And so they did.

This specific “National Security State” development, which transpired right along with the birth of the earliest Baby Boomers, is by far the single most important where it concerns OPERATION BABY BOOMER.  For the Khazarian Cabal was quickly successful at creating a pervasive and deeply embedded network of police state structures nationwide that were watching everyone, everywhere, in all 50 states, all the time … and no one knew it except very deep insiders at the very top like my parents.

My first vacation as a young adult, which I took alone, was a dead giveaway.  First, I got on the plane en route to a Club Med in the Bahamas and the passenger sitting next to me was an FBI agent wearing his gun.  Then, when I got to the Club Med and was assigned my bungalow, I found out my bungalow mate was the same FBI agent who kept his firearm quite prominently displayed on a table in the center of the room.  All courtesy of my undercover FBI father—the super control freak and perpetual investigator!

By the way, what’s really being underscored by this personal experience is that all of Baby Boomers were watched like a hawk throughout our entire lifetimes.  As a matter of fact, the first time I watched The Truman Show I realized instantly that that was my life, too.  It took me a little longer to see that it was all of our lives, as it is today from cradle to grave.

It’s important to note that we’re talking about a police state regime with the power to exert such a high degree of spying and surveillance, monitoring and examining which has NEVER existed in human history.  Let that sink in.  Then consider just how easily that extraordinary power can be wantonly used, abused and misused, YES?!  Never before those Generation Gap years has there been a more egregious example of how “absolute power corrupts absolutely” in such a broad societal fashion. 

But how were our TGG parents so easily cowed into routinely abusing their children in service to the state?  More significantly, why was The Greatest Generation enlisted to take down the Baby Boomers and keep them down?  And, above all, exactly who did the enlisting?  These are the critical questions that no one has asked over the intervening decades … … … because of how stealthy and shrewd the Khazarians have been in the meticulous execution of their main implementation plan of the 20th century—OPERATION BABY BOOMER.

Although it’s entirely true, it doesn’t get more controversial than the following self-evident  statement:

“The primary reason why The Greatest Generation
was the greatest generation is because they were
the parents of the Baby Boomers.”

— Revisionist Historians for World Peace

How’s that for a friggin’ mindblower?!

Now what that really means, according to this essayist, is that the Baby Boomers were — BY FAR — the greatest generation of the past several millennia.  Which means that the Baby Boomers were much greater — but in the ways that really matter — than The Greatest Generation.

Here’s just one example that illustrates their greatness.

The Baby Boomers, together with their Beatnik older brothers and sisters, shut down the Vietnam War.  That never happened before—EVER!

Again, working closely together, the even greater Beat Generation inspired the Baby Boomers to terminate the first corporate war in world history.

Mind you, a popular movement, which in this case manifested as both the hippie-driven “Peace Movement” and Beatnik-inspired “Anti-War Protests”, had never stopped a war before—any war.

As a matter of historical fact, popular movements of this type had never even formed before.  Down through the centuries of so much war, especially throughout Western Civilization, such a war protesting phenomenon has never occurred.

Perhaps the single greatest feat of the Twentieth Century is this: That the Baby Boomers, in close collaboration with the Beatniks, threw the largest wrench ever into the Khazarian Cabal‘s war-making juggernaut during the 1960s and 70s bringing it to a screeching halt on April 30, 1975.

“The fall of Saigon, also known as the Liberation of Saigon or Liberation of the South by the Vietnamese government took place on April 30, 1975.”

Now the reader understands why the notorious Generation Gap quickly morphed into a generation chasm or canyon during those same years.

FLASHBACK: The folks who populated The Greatest Generation (TGG) were born under a completely different sky than the Baby Boomers and Beat Generation.  As such, their astrological blueprints were quite different and often diametrically opposed to each other.  The individual and collective destinies of TGG were greatly influenced by the Great Depression and World War II.  Because of FDR’s life-saving New Deal and the various post-WW2 entitlement programs, TGG people came to revere the government that saved them.  Not only that, but they developed an inordinate respect for and deep gratitude to THE SYSTEM. which often bordered on a type of slavish reverence  This unprecedented societal dynamic and subsequent codependent relationship was painstakingly pre-planned and ushered along by the ever-manipulative Khazarian Cabal.  In this way, TGG parents could be used to keep their ‘ungrateful’ Baby Boomer children under their thumb, which they tried to do with a vengeance.

The bottom line of this pivotal intergenerational dynamic is that TGG, although completely unaware of it, was tasked by their hidden Khazarian overlords to prevent the Baby Boomers from ever leaving the reservation.

Exactly what reservation?

These reservations:

The reservation of political correctness.

The reservation of social propriety.

The reservation of corporate compliance.

The reservation of college education pursuit.

The reservation of mainstream media.

The reservation of Hollywood movies and TV programming.

The reservation of blind familial loyalty and ancestral fealty.

And, especially, the reservation known as the consumer society.

But most importantly, the reservation of churchianity.

By all means, TGG parents were tasked with the ‘solemn’ Khazarian-dictated responsibility of keeping their Boomer children within the fold of the faithful, never to leave the very mind-controlling religious reservations into which they were born.  Conversely, they would discourage their Baby Boomer children from acting on their much more profound spiritual impulses which put them on their own unique paths back to the Godhead.

Toward that end, TGG parents were enlisted to carry out the greatest mind control programming experiments and social engineering operations in world history.  For only in this manner could the Baby Boomers be prevented from leaving those respective reservations to create a whole new world of peace and prosperity.  After all, theirs was the vision of a New Age … the promise of a Golden Age … a transition into the long heralded Age of Aquarius marked by a universal brotherhood and good will among men— everywhere.

My first year in college was terribly marred by a very bad drug experience.  By nature, I was neither a drug nor an alcohol person because my tolerance was so low and my hypersensitivity to any and all drugs was so high.  Therefore, it took only a couple of tokes from a joint to push me over the edge.  However, what proceeded to happen on that Friday night in the mid 1970s went way beyond a bad high.  For it was the first time in my life when I really thought I was going to die.

Being a health nut my whole life, I quickly analyzed the entire affair and came to a firm conclusion that the weed was spiked with something bad—REAL BAD!  My symptoms were simply way too intense and sustained for too long a period of time after a couple of tokes to have been caused by just marijuana.  Nonetheless, I knew that I has been quite deliberately drugged and/or poisoned.  The good news is that I never touched the stuff again while in college or grad school (except once to prove to myself that I had been poisoned).

Not too long after that life-altering incident, I found myself drugged over a period of several months during my undergraduate college years to the point of both physical and psychological breakdown.  I eventually came to correct conclusion that I was being systematically drugged from a source in my dorm room (I had a single room).  Unfortunately, because I was in such a wrecked state of mind and body, it took me a while to leave that dorm room and head over to the main campus where I was assigned an outwardly gay roommate (the only known gay student on campus).  More on that little operation later.

What’s the crucial point?

Someone was trying to break me—BIG TIME!  Who and why, I did not know.  However, I had an abiding faith that the perpetrators would eventually reveal themselves, which they did unintentionally.  And, that their sinister agenda would likewise be exposed.  What I was not prepared for was just how pervasive and profound their malevolent scheme really was.

These extraordinarily radical experiences caused me to deeply contemplate several airplane trips that I took alone with my father when I was younger… and older.  Each time I was drugged in flight and had similar debilitating symptoms with predictable psychological aftereffects.  Then, other things took place regarding the my father’s reactions to those incidents that were quite strange which only confirmed that he was totally in on the drugging operation (remember my godfather was “The Druggist”).

The upshot of this all-too-frequent drugging regimen that I was made, at first, an unknowing victim of is that I now knew that I was an ongoing experiment.  Admittedly, I had no idea whatsoever just how important that experiment was at the time, but I would find that out in due time.

The short story here is that I eventually realized that “my story was every Baby Boomer’s story”.  For example, colleges and universities across the USA were routinely used by the C.I.A. to recruit their future agents, foreign operatives and corporate contractors.  However, most of them were first put through some pretty difficult and harrowing and gruesome tests.

University is the very first time that young adults are living away from the protection and watchful eye of their parents.  This alone made them vulnerable to all sorts of recruiting and/or testing operations to see if they would fit into the purposefully ponerized culture of The Company (as the C.I.A. is know in global intelligence circles).  Hence, the various types of trials and tribulations that many of us Baby Boomers were put through ranged from A to Z.  It all depended on what the role the young unaware recruit was being considered for.

College fraternities and sororities were especially utilized by the C.I.A. to identify unsavory characters and bad actors who were without conscience and lacking in scruples.  The hazing process alone surfaced who might become very proficient at administering torture techniques, as well as which pledges would stand up well to different types of torture and/or abuse of all kinds.


The entirety of OPERATION BABY BOOMER revolved around the plan well known throughout the U.S. Intelligence Community as SEX, DRUGS & ROCK ‘N’ ROLL.

In point of fact, the British Invasion bands were quite purposefully sent to the United States during the mid-1960s to set up the biggest stage of OPERATION BABY BOOMER.  With the arrival of the The Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Donovan, the Dave Clark Five, the Kinks, the Yardbirds, the Searchers, the Animals and many others commenced the most important phase of a psychological operation designed to forever influence America’s youth.  Conceived and rolled out by the Tavistock Institute located in the Khazarian’s financial capital of London, this multi-decade psyop is as complex and convoluted and crazy as they come.

This highly consequential psyop had an MO and sequencing that must be properly understood in order to grasp the sheer enormity and gravity of its far-reaching effects on Western Civilization and the world up to this very day.

First came the rock ‘n’ roll.  Next came the drugs. Then came the sex.

In that order — rock ‘n’ roll, drugs and sex — the bodies and minds of the youth of America were methodically taken over by an insidiously manifesting System—The BEAST System.

Now this part of the story is really a very long and complicated one that will be told in greater detail in later chapters; but for now we will only touch on the critical points.

First, notice the order of the Tavistock meme: SEX, DRUGS & ROCK ‘N’ ROLL … when in reality this operation was rolled out in the opposite order.

Let’s face the obvious facts, wherever there was rock ‘n’ roll, there were drugs and alcohol — LOTs of drugs — of every sort and kind.

And, whenever the alcohol flowed and drugs were freely passed around, the sex got hot and heavy fast—VERY FAST — especially when testosterone turbo-charged teenagers were partying their heads off to The Rolling Stones or Led Zeppelin.

Very few folks really understand just how meticulously determined the specific vibrations and frequencies associated with rock ‘n’ roll music truly are.  Not only were they formulated to stimulate the most primal urges in a human being, they were also designed to produce a whole host of other negative effects and destructive reactions.

But remember, all songs that fit into the rock ‘n’ roll genre are as different as snowflakes falling from the sky.  Which means that there was a lot of truly great and inspiring music … just as there was tons of trash music.  This broad mix of good and bad rock ‘n’ roll was, of course, created with highly purposeful design.  Kind of like how the dark side always gives 90% obvious truth mixed with 10% purposeful falsehood.

If there’s one essential understanding for the reader to fully apprehend at this point, it is this. That, all real BIG things on Earth, which are the product of nefarious manipulation, are ultimately a double-edged sword.

In other words, it was only because of the most inspiring rock ‘n’ roll music performed with great enthusiasm and an authentic spirit that the Vietnam War was abruptly terminated.  Without that awesomely motivating music, Vietnam would have been America’s first forever war as it was conceived to be.  Those Beatnik and older Baby Boomer songwriters provided all the lyrics and melodies necessary to impel college kids in all 50 states to storm their administration buildings in protest of that horrendous war.  And what happened soon after that is now history.

As a matter of historical fact, every successful army has their own military band which provided just the right drumbeat and/or trumpet blast to take them to their victories.  Which shows just how powerful music can be, but in the anti-war movement it was wildly efficacious in terminating an utterly odious war.

Similarly, the drug culture was directly responsible for many hippies and yippies, beatniks and bohemians, free spirits and flower children having a truly cosmic experience.  We’re talking about one of the most sublime types of spiritual experience whereby folks viscerally felt their ONENESS with the Universe, with Creation, with Mother Nature, with God/Goddess, with each other, with the trees and animals, with streams and rocks, etc.  In many cases, those newly initiated into the realm of cosmic consciousness soon abandoned the drug culture in favor of pursuing their respective spiritual paths defined by true mysticism and meditation.  In this particular regard was the double-edged sword especially sharp for the better concerning those spiritually inclined drug users.

As for the sex, the positive side of the double-edged sword can best be explained by considering the great spiritual epic written by Herman Hesse titled SIDDHARTHA.  This particular book was required reading back in the day for very good [DIVINE] reason.  Which Baby Boomer does not remember the stage of Siddhartha’s life when he found himself irresistibly consorting with “the Courtesan”.  For it was the courtesan who taught Siddhartha the language of love, the art of forbidden love, the science of physical love, the mysteries of human love that only she could teach.  In this way, Siddhartha was quickly and forever freed from the clutches of lust.  He was liberated from the most powerful of all primal urges ever to ever imprison man in the human body—sexual passion.

Of course, these 3 HUGE postive happenings were not the intended outcomes of the Khazarian Cabal; nor were they ever expected by the C.I.A.  But then the best way to make God laugh is to make a plan.  And if you really want to make Him howl, make a ‘perfect plan’, as the Khazarian crazymakers always do.

My father always said that I was the “child of promise”.  And, that I lived a truly “charmed life”.  Of course, he could make those statements with such conviction and unassailable authority because of the degree to which he ensured that would be the case in his various covert capacities.

However, strangely enough, I knew that I was cursed.  Cursed with the charisma of a JFK, the voice of an MLK, and the ideals of an RFK.  Also, that I could be as “tricky” as “Tricky Dicky” Nixon, slick as “Slick Willie” Bill Clinton, and as wily as “Manchurian Candidate” Barack Obama (all of those dubious qualities put in the service of humanity only when the end would justify the means).  In fact, I share Obama’s birthday, to my great chagrin.  But, then, that was the plan … … … for me.  

My hidden masters and ever-present handlers wanted me to become an easily manipulated and perfectly staged-managed “Barack Obama” type.  No, they did not want me to become a POTUS; rather, they wanted me to becomes something much more widely influential than a mere president of the United States.  Wow, now thats sounds like a real whopper!  No, it’s not.

Moreover, watching me very closely throughout my childhood collecting coins and stamps, especially those with the heads of the Founding Fathers on them, they also knew that I was a hopelessly hardcore Patriot.  Hence, they were well aware that I was deeply imprinted with the perseverance of General Washington, the “fire in the belly” of John Adams, the eloquence of Thomas Jefferson, and the inventiveness of Benjamin Franklin.  But what they were most afraid of was that I was born with the the penmanship of Thomas Paine and the oratorical skills of Patrick Henry. 

In light of these crucial observations made by my parents,
they knew, in their bones, that I if did not ultimately go
their way, I would be made to take the highway. 

*Obviously all of these comparisons to American heroes are greatly exaggerated but my parents put me through a highly intensive training and educational program so that I would acquire many of those great traits and virtues and qualities in good measure. 

You see, the U.S. Intelligence Community made it their primary mission to, from the very inception of the Central Intelligence Agency, to acquire all of the most essential data and vital information on EVERY PERSON ON THE PLANET.  For there’s nothing more important to The Powers That Be to know than to really know their enemy(ies)—WELL!  And the Baby Boomers, along with their Beat Generation mentors, were by far their greatest and most dangerous enemies of all time.

How so?

First, it’s crucial to correctly understand that the “raw CIA intelligence”, which is systematically accumulated on every individual born in the United States of America, falls into various prioritized categories.  The highest priority category is the one that concerns what really makes us who we are; and what we are destined to do.

This special list of identifying characteristics includes, first and foremost, our blood type.  Next is the exact date and time, as well as the day of the week of our birthday.  Then there is our full birth name, precisely as it appears on our birth certificate.  Of course, our bloodline is immediately mapped out as is our ancestry going back at least seven generations.

Why, pray tell, is this specific info/data so important to the controllers of the national intelligence apparatus?

Because, all of that data/info tells TPTB just how much of
a threat we could pose, both individually and collectively,
to the BEAST System, which they have painstakingly
constructed over millennia—THAT’S WHY!

Now this is a critical point to properly comprehend.  The most powerful of the power elite themselves don’t move right or left until they know who they are really dealing with.  Although the conventional wisdom has perennially denigrated the occult arts and sciences, TPTB have never stopped using them, and with awesome effect as the reader will soon find out.  The main distinction here, however, is that the dark side methodically utilizes the black arts and dark occult to implement all of their nefarious agendas and accomplish their malevolent objectives.

For example, they are fully aware of the raw power and extraordinary influence that is conferred upon a particular person whose astrological birth chart stacks up in a certain way.  When that privileged knowledge is combined with the person’s numerology and their “nameology”, the intel agencies have a pretty good idea just how much of a rebel or iconoclast or subversive they are bound to be when they grow up.

KEY POINT: The intel agencies that compile and process this vital data have the capacity to conduct comprehensive astrological charting and assessments using several types of astrology systems.  For example, with the requisite information they can instantaneously run any profile through the following systems of astrology, whereby each provides a difference but very significant perspective on the individual’s persona: Traditional Western, Vedic (Hindu), Chinese, Tibetan, Babylonian, Egyptian, Mayan, Lunation Cycle and Human Design.  When all of these are used together, a highly accurate composite of that person’s life path can be created with all of their strengths and weaknesses identified.  Even their exact death date can be extrapolated from such a high-integrity astrological work-up.

In this manner, the ongoing personal data collection occurring around the globe — 24/7 — gives the Khazarian controllers a real-time assessment of every appreciable threat and immediate risk they face at any given moment in time from an emerging “Gandhi” or “John F. Kennedy” or “Spartacus”.

It’s of paramount importance for every member of the American Patriot Movement to apprehend this extremely profound and fundamental aspect of the conspiratorial plot to conspicuously take over the Republic.  Where it concerns the occult, Christians are especially encouraged not to dismiss these weighty revelations.  In fact, it has never been so imperative for folks across the USA to grasp how they are, as they have been and will be, assessed and evaluated, tracked and monitored from cradle to grave.  It is this indispensable information which gives the power elite so much command and control over us, our lives and our futures.  More on that later.

From very young age I had an extraordinary interest in history.  Not just American history, but all history.  My mother would tell you that if there was one thing I always wanted to be when I grew up, it was to be an archaeologist.

Because my uncle-godfather was a War War II buff (and veteran), I naturally developed a particular interest in Nazi Germany and the ‘Final Solution’.  Although I never told him straight out, I intuitively knew that so much of what Uncle J routinely regurgitated about WW2 was utter nonsense.  Every time I asked a question as only I could do, his response only got more ridiculous according to all the implausible official narratives that he put so much stock into.  Of course, at the end of each Sunday afternoon chat, he was always very clear that I gave him “agita”.

Now, rather precociously at such a young age, and especially because I grew up in such a crazy and inscrutable household, I came to the firm conclusion that if I could understand what World War II and the Holocaust were really all about, I would comprehend why my parents were so insanely intense, each in their own unique way.  Hence, my fervent intellectual pursuit in the field of historical revisionism began in earnest, and specifically where it concerned WW2. 

In fact, after receiving an Army ROTC scholarship at my university and subsequent appointment as a commissioned officer, I deliberately chose West Germany as my first tour of duty so that I could continue my research and investigation of what really happened in “Deutschland” from before World War I through the end of the Second World War.  Which meant I spent a lot of my time in the gasthauses talking to the locals and hearing their side of the WW2 story.  I also sought out the older Germans who possessed ‘insider information’ on the subject.  At one point I was handed a large, thick binder with a full size photograph of the TOP 100 leaders of the Third Reich with their dossiers on the back side.  Those photos, I was told, were actually taken by Adolph Hitler’s personal photographer, and I had no reason to disbelieve it by the extraordinary quality of each and every one of them. 

Incidentally, my trials and tribulations during that wild saga as a First Lieutenant in Germany include events and experiences that no junior U.S. Army officer has ever undergone in Europe (these will be discussed in a later chapter of this book).  After all, no U.S. military officer was ever ‘crazy’ enough to aggressively pursue the radioactive research projects that I was committed to.  Fortunately, where it concerns the acquisition of highly privileged knowledge of this nature, the age-old maxim is true: no risk, no reward.  Although I must admit that I did not really grasp just how risky such a fact-finding endeavor would be in the early 1980s.

The critical point here is that I would later become aware that my premise was entirely correct: Whoever truly understands World War II will correctly apprehend how the world is run from behind the Khazarian curtain.  In other words, the ultra-secret Khazarian Cabal that secretly controls the entire planetary civilization could be known as would the true purposes behind their many malevolent plots and criminal conspiracies carried out against humanity.

The bottom line here was the necessity to perceive the common Khazarian thread that not only ran through Germany, but also through Great Britain, France, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, etc. and especially the United States, among all the other most powerful and richest nations on earth.  However, the real imperative in this truth-digging enterprise was to properly understand how each nation was hardwired by the very same intelligence apparatus, although they appeared to be different.

In point of fact, all of them are directed by a supranational spying and surveillance directorate (strategically headquartered in Switzerland) which is only beholden to the implementation of the New World Order agenda marked by total globalism of the geopolitical chessboard and complete globalization of the international marketplace.  It is the true workings of the deeply entrenched network of spies and spooks, as well as the pervasive spying and surveillance technologies which constitute the well-hidden National Security States of all the Western powers, that this essay will focus on, particularly as they were aimed at their public enemy #1—the Baby Boomers.

The following video clip captures better than any other the working blueprint designed by the NWO globalist cabal centuries ago.

LOTs of crazy things happen when you are born into a family afflicted by the presence of the Northern Italian Black Nobility. While growing up in such a “Spanish Inquisition” is an experience I would not wish on anyone — EVER — it ultimately turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me. (Sounds crazy, yes?!?!). Similarly, eventually graduating into a modern-day “Medici Family” was even more educational, edifying and enlightening.  Let’s face it: no one can teach you how the world really works like those who completely own and operate it.

The most obvious aspect of this kind of unconventional upbringing is that you are predictably owned like chattel.  You are also stealthily moved here and there like cows in a herd, but never knowing that you are being so manipulated.  Every intrigue, every machination, every plot, every conspiracy big and small, is undertaken with the utmost secrecy and cunning. 

Of course, the plotters can only be too careful so there are times when a piece of the covert plan is exposed.  If the victim is very sharp and intuitive, as I was thankfully, he just follows along with the plot line to see where the conspirators are taking him.  In this way, he practices self-preservation and also learns how their ever-deceitful game is really played.

On the strictly mundane level, there is simply no better education in this world today than being reared in such a difficult and challenging environment.  Because after you’re seen it all, heard it all, felt it all, there are no more surprises or shocks in the human experience.  Especially where humanity now finds itself in the darkest and densest period of the twilight of the Kali Yuga, possessing this extremely valuable experiential knowledge permits one to walk through this world with relative ease and without anxiety.

For the doubters, just consider how the Covid era has irreversibly altered life on Earth, and, set the stage for much more devastating manmade events to occur this decade.  The purpose of the COVID-19 Plandemic was to prepare the way for a highly calculated series of much more disruptive cataclysms, each contributing to the transmogrification of this Earth plane of existence. 

Perhaps only by having those deeply agonizing experiences which I was gifted with growing up, have I come to realize that they really were gifts from God.  And, that the greater those trials and tribulations were, the more those divine gifts generously gave to me in heart and mind, body and soul.

If there is one gem of a teaching moment in this particular self-revelation, it is this.  That the more one suffers during their lifetime, the more they are pushed to get to know themselves … really know themselves … so that, eventually, to their own selves they will be true.

Undoubtedly, this was the most valuable of all the great gifts that I received growing up in a home ruled by the absolutely ruthless and ever-treacherous Northern Italian Black Nobility.  For only by seeing the profoundly Machiavellian ways of those who call themselves ‘family’ will those indelibly imprinted life lessons serve one extremely well … … … for all of eternity. 

Perhaps the best place to start in deconstructing the now ubiquitous National Security State is to understand its beginnings.  What we have today really goes back to the 13th century and the Northern Italian Black Nobility.  Clearly this is when and where both the global superstructure and national infrastructures were put into place around the globe to the point where the world community of nations now suffers under the tyranny of a Global Security Superstate.

Just who were the Northern Italian Black Nobility?

The best way to answer that crucial question is to first know a little history about their precursor—the Khazarian Cabal.  As folows:

The Khazarian Mafia is the king of all mafias worldwide. For example the Jewish Mafia, Zionist Mafia, Israeli Mafia, Venetian Mafia, Sicilian Mafia, Ndrangheta Mafia, Camorra Mafia, Russian Mafia, Indian Mafia, Chinese Triads, Irish Mafia, Greek Mafia, Corsican Mafia, Albanian Mafia, Columbian Mafia, Mexican Mafia, Cuban Mafia, Puerto Rican Mafia, Japanese Yakuza, Armenian Mafia, Galician Mafia, Apulian Mafia, Dixie Mafia, Vatican Lavender Mafia, etc. all report to the Khazarian Mafia. The Khazarian Mafia is the muscle for the Khazarian Cabal that is responsible for every single major war and wave of terrorism, pandemic and epidemic, genocide and depopulation scheme over the past 100 plus years as listed here: An Abridged List of Fastidiously Planned Genocides Carried Out by the Khazarian Cabal.

All of the mafia crime families described below in the link below are relatively low-level on the totem pole of real power and influence because we know their names. In other words, they’re merely mafia muscle for the extremely well concealed power-brokers who populate the ultra-secret upper echelons of the Khazarian Mafia. This ubiquitous international crime syndicate then answers to the even more clandestine and powerful Khazarian Cabal.

What becomes quite apparent from even a cursory scan of that list of power families is that many of the wealthiest mafia crime families come from the European Black Nobility, and especially from the Northern Italian Black Nobility. That’s because the Roman Empire model was utilized by the Khazarian Cabal to carve up the whole world into crime territories by which to rape, pillage and plunder the entire planetary civilization.

The Northern Italian Black Nobility built their fortunes via four of the greatest conquests of all time. They inherited the accumulated wealth of the most rapacious empire in history—the Roman Empire; that is, before there was a British Empire. They grabbed the spoils of the nine major crusades to the Middle East. They were the direct beneficiaries of the unparalleled transfer of wealth from East to West that occurred in the wake of Venetian Marco Polo’s travels to the Mongol Empire of Kublai Khan (whereupon the Silk Road trade route was re-established).

Lastly, the major cities of Northern Italy such as Venice, Genoa, Milan, Turin, Florence, Bologna, Verona, etc. were the home of the world’s first corporations. All of those corporations were established under the aegis of the Roman Catholic Church. The Northern Italian banking houses and merchants who formed them were the most powerful and richest families which saw Catholic Italian noblemen and landed gentry intermarry with Khazarian Jewish bankers and businessmen (This is why so many of the Khazarian Mafia families delineated below can trace their ancestry back to Northern Italy). See: These are the Khazarian-controlled Illuminati mafia families who secretly run the world.

KEY POINTS: The original Khazarians were a very crude and coarse, crass and cruel people (think: Yiddish–their secret crime language). Being an amalgamation of Turkic, Mongolian and highly inbred Hebrew bloodlines they were also quite ugly, unhealthy and extremely boorish (think: hooked noses and beady eyes). The many centuries of practicing incest and multi-generational inbreeding only caused them to become more mentally deranged and emotionally unhinged causing all manner of psychiatric illnesses/psychological disorders. Hence, it ought to be no wonder that the Khazarian Cabal was so determined to intermarry with the highly cultured and refined Northern Italians who appeared to have it all. In this way, these hardcore gangsters hid their criminal Khazarian backgrounds while taking full advantage of the very affluent Catholic Italian society in the same way they deceitfully exploited the nomadic Arabian tribes of the oil-rich Middle East (they did ultimately kill off all the righteous tribal chiefs). However, the ever-thieving and prosperous Italians did become much more culpable in this global takeover enterprise by enthusiastically making common cause with the Khazarians out of sheer GREED. (See: MAMMON AND THE MONEYCHANGERS)

It’s critical to note that virtually all of today’s largest publicly held corporations still operate under the auspices of the Vatican. But let’s not forget that the Vatican has been a ZOG for as long as the Pope has worn a yarmulke/kippah, also known as a Zucchetto papal skullcap. That Judaic takeover of the nascent Catholic Church actually began under Emperor Constantine when Christianity was first accepted as a legitimate religion of the Roman Empire during the First Council of Nicea.

ZOG = Zionist Occupied Government

With the shifting of sea trade from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean, those seminal Northern Italian Black Nobility crime families first set up a European banking headquarters in Switzerland; and then a global banking and commercial capital in the Khazarian-owned and -operated City of London as explained here: The Highly Strategic and Consequential Transition of the Khazarian Mafia from Venice to London. Which means that the British Monarchy, Crown Temple and London’s Financial District have been under the firm control of the Khazarian Cabal since their respective inceptions.

In point of fact, the whole world community of nations has suffered under this terrible mafia-run tyranny, which effectively exerts total command and control over the Global Economic & Financial System. This totalitarian state of affairs took a highly consequential turn for the worse with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. For it was with the establishment of the global Central Banking Cartel that the United States of America would be morphed into the military arm of the New World Order as a prelude to the formation of a One World Government with its capital in Jerusalem.

Again, what appears in the previous link are just a few of the most conspicuous mafia crime families contracted to grease the wheels of the bone-crushing NWO juggernaut rolling across the land—EVERYWHERE, 24/7.  Due to their privileged Illuminati bloodlines, these exceedingly dangerous families have been given exclusive rights to specific crime territories and/or industries in order to generate the massive revenues necessary to sustain the multifarious Khazarian crime waves against humanity washing over planet Earth. The Covid biowar carried out via the COVID-19 bioweapons and weaponized Covid ‘vaccines’ are just two examples of this never-ending criminal conspiracy to exterminate targeted populations around the globe.

But how did the Khazarian Cabal ever accrue so much power to maintain such unrivaled supremacy over the earthly realm since the Babylonian Radhonites first created their usurious Babylonian Banking Cartel? See: How the Khazarian Cabal has effectively controlled Ashkenazi Jewry so it can rule planet Earth from behind the veil.

Wold War III, The Holocaust & Final Solution: This topic became a very personal issue for me because as a Finance Officer in the U.S. Army when I deliberately requested an assignment in Germany in the early 1980s.  I did so because I was on a very serious lifelong mission to find out what World War II was really all about, especially ‘The Holocaust’. 

My fiancée at the time was born to parents who were born and bred in Germany and who had relocated to the USA.  Long story short, my tour of duty in Kaiserslautern, West Germany reads like a Jason Bourne novel whereupon I was eventually incarcerated in a mental ward at the U.S. military’s Landstuhl Regional Medical Center and drugged against my will. 

That confinement took place immediately after a German civilian, who was assisting me in my intensifying research project about ‘The Holocaust’, gave me that very thick binder which contained an original photo of the top 100 leaders of the Third Reich.  Eventually, I was shipped to Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, D.C. — alone on a giant C-130 — and put under constant observation for 6 months while being subjected to various mind-bending psychoactive drug regimens.  So, in that way, I was not quite as lucky as Jason Bourne.

What made that binder of dossiers such a radioactive acquisition is that it proved that there was never a Final Solution to exterminate the Jews; rather, that there was a highly organized scheme to trick Ashkenazi Jewry across Europe to flee to the Zionist State of Israel.  Furthermore, that my possession of such an “ultra-classified” set of documents meant that I was not just an American officer intensely interested in ‘The Holocaust’ as an intellectual curiosity; rather, that I was some sort of a secret agent working for a well-hidden master or subversive group.  And, my “One Flew Over The Cuckoo Nest” experience in the Landstuhl psych ward clearly bore that out.

More to the point of this crucial exposé: ‘The Holocaust’ as we were taught in America simply never took place.  As a matter of historical fact, the entire patently false narrative was initially fabricated to scare the bejesus out of all the Jews living in Europe so they would mass migrate to the Zionist State of Israel, which they did.

Having spent much time in many a German gasthaus eating wiener schnitzel, pommes frites and drinking beers with older Germans, I came to find out that there were no death camps anywhere in occupied Europe.  They were all set up as labor camps — NOT CONCENTRATION CAMPS — designed to squeeze slave labor out of its inmates—inmates off every race and religion, nationality and political persuasion, not just Jews.  Then, toward the end of WW2, when food and medicine became scarce and supply lines broke down throughout German-occupied territories, those labor camps were the first to experience rapidly deteriorating conditions which led to the death and sickness of many.

In other words, the Jewish inmates were never deliberately killed by anybody as they were way to precious to the well-concealed Zio-Nazis at the very top of the Nazi leadership who wanted them all shipped to the soon- to-be-established Modern State of Israel.  After all, that was the only way they could steal Palestine from the Palestinians–via systematic occupation of the territory.  End of story.

Back to the crazy lifetime of this Baby Boomer, also known as a “Targeted Individual”, especially when your blood type is O-.

But why are folks with O- blood so monitored and targeted throughout their entire lifetimes?

Well, Nikola Tesla was O- and surely you know how his life worked out as the most surveilled individual of the 20th century.   

What follows is a crash course on why your blood type matters so much to TPTB.  Be sure to read every single word whether you are Rh-negative or not.

Why are TPTB tracking people with Rh-negative blood so closely?

To be continued —

*This extended essay will see regular additions until the most CIA-sensitive topics are discussed.  Only after certain world events start to cascade across everyone’s Internet screen will the most weighty and portentous disclosures be posted in this link.   

SOTN Editor’s Note: What will soon be published gets into highly sensitive material which has never before appeared on the Internet.  The central plot revolves around the Khazarian-created C.I.A. and exactly what The Company, as the CIA is well known throughout intel circles, did to exert complete command and control over the entire planetary civilization.  Some of the most “radioactive” info concerns the intensive mind-control programming and social engineering techniques that were routinely employed to corral the incorrigibly nonconforming and non-compliant, iconoclastic and countercultural Baby Boomers into the Khazarian pen of compliance.  Therefore, the reader should not be surprised if access is denied to this website going forward after those future publications.


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