LAA Declares #RallyAgainstPoliticalPersecution a Success, Announces Second Rally at DC Prison for July 17

View a PDF of this press release here. 

On Saturday, June 19, Look Ahead America (LAA) led a successful rally in front of the Department of Justice in Washington DC. Speakers including Congressman Paul Gosar, Attorney John Pierce, activist leader Cara Castronuova, and the father of one of the political prisoners joined LAA Executive Director Matt Braynard in addressing the peaceful crowd. A team of a dozen private security agents retained by LAA reported no incidents.

Video of the rally can be seen here:

At the rally, LAA Executive Director Matt Braynard announced a follow-up rally planned for July 17 at noon to be held at the DC Central Detention Facility at 19th and D Street SE where many of the political prisoners are being held.

In a statement, Braynard said:

If the prisoners are still being held in deplorable, abusive conditions without charges or without access to reasonable bail commiserate with what they are being charged with by July 17, we will rally at that prison and raise our voices in patriotic song so they know we stand with them.

In the tradition of Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, and Gandhi, we will peacefully protest this injustice at the prison. I urge every patriotic American to join us on that day.

Plans for the second rally are still tentative pending approval of the protest permit and logistics. Rally attendees are likely going to be bused in from a metro-accessible location in Northern Virginia.

Those interested in attending are encouraged to sign-up for notifications at Questions may be submitted to


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