To Heal A Nation: A Constitutional Way Forward For America

Ferrndale, WA
July 1, 2024

by Rich Scheck

There is a way, consistent with the much ignored US Constitution, for our very
beleaguered country to move forward and begin the necessary process of healing
our deeply divided Nation……NOW!

It’s clean, simple and a quick fix to much of what ails us while being a fabulous way
to celebrate the July4th Holiday!

Mike Johnson is third in line for the presidency as Speaker of the House.

Unlike the current incumbent and his immediate predecessor, he is NOT a divisive
character who is alienating half the electorate.

With Biden obviously incapacitated mentally and Trump potentially constrained
legally in the context of his pending July 11th sentencing, I propose the following
Plea Deal for Judge Merchan: for the good of the country, Biden and Harris agree
to step down ASAP so that Johnson becomes president.

Simultaneously, Trump agrees to withdraw from the running for president as the
Republican nominee….. with no jail time!

That would clear the slate of the current debris mucking up the prospects for the
scheduled election which right now looks in jeopardy with Civil War 2 possibly going

With Johnson in the Oval Office, Biden back in Delaware, Trump in Mar-A-Lago
and Harris able to run for Governor of California, the conventions can proceed in
July and August as already scheduled, free to come up with fresh talent to run
in November.

Like I said, this idea is clean, quick and a baby step towards the possibility of
healing the country which seems impossible to this observer if a Trump-Biden
rematch goes forward.

Although gimmicky, it is consistent with the Constitution and will achieve the goal
suggested by Colonel Douglas Macgregor that the election needs to occur now.

There is no way to do that under the governing charter but we can get there and
do what he suggests if Biden, Harris and Trump put their egos aside for the “Good
of the Country” and follow my plan.

There would need to be a massive Truth and Reconciliation process in the near
future where all the criminals in both parties can be given immunity and tell why
they lied us into endless wars under the guise of national security….but that can
wait until next year.

What we need now is action, a dramatic and bold move in the direction of healing
and sanity.

If anyone has a better idea, go for it. Right now I think this is doable, however unlikely,
and positive. It may be the only thing that can save America as things now stand.

What do you think?!?

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