OCTOBER SURPRISE! Vedic Astrologer WOWS With Her Epic October Forecast

Monthly Predictions & Spiritual Insights: October 2024

Joni Patry
Galactic Center

October 2024 Spiritual Insights

As the seasons change, we are all feeling that the energy is changing both outwardly and inwardly. Something just feels different!

This time of year in the northern hemisphere is a time of withdrawing within – what we have come through and what we are becoming.

I feel more nostalgic for some reason I can’t explain, thinking about times of transformation and realizations that changed my life. I feel the biggest change is about to occur in our lives.

The elections are hyping up. This, of course, will consume the news during this month. As Mars opposes Pluto during November, watch for groundbreaking news that will devastate the elections.

The news will be shocking to all! Meanwhile, all the shocking news that has been covered up for so long leaks out, causing impending strikes around the world. This October surprise is beyond belief!

The process of Mars in these two signs will cause the violence that clears the air while Saturn and Rahu cross in Pisces next March bringing more catastrophic events. But by next year at this time, we will begin to see massive improvements.

The Eclipse

It is now the eclipse season. When the eclipses occur in October, it indicates a major transformative time.

The solar eclipse occurs on October 2 @ 15 degrees Virgo (sidereal) in the nakshatra Hasta with Ketu.

A Ketu solar eclipse draws our energy inward and makes us feel our connections to our past, explaining our sense of deep powerful connections to our soul essence.
You may find your mind wanders to old feelings of the past or even having dreams of others from the past.

When we dream of loved ones who are on the other side, sometimes it is an indication that things are about to change dramatically in our world.

Pay attention to these spiritual awakenings. We are on the brink of great change and awakenings.

Another possibility during this month is the change in weather, so prepare accordingly.

Also, the eclipse in Virgo (which rules health) can increase the issue around disease and health matters.

There can be a virus scare or just a bad flu season. So, watch your health and beef up your immune system now.

Mars in Gemini and Cancer

Mars entered Gemini on August 26. Looking at the planetary placements during this time, we feel the intensity of transiting Mars beginning to slow down to turn retrograde by December.

During this time, Mars is in Gemini and it will be in the signs of Gemini and Cancer back and forth until June 6, 2025. It is in these two signs back and forth for about 10 months. This is a rare occurrence. What does this mean for us?

Mars is energy, and while it is in Gemini, it will bring out anger disputes around the media and how the media is used to persuade people around the world. Gemini rules communications of all kinds.

We know now how the media is manipulated and used to control the world. Free speech has been curtailed all around the world even though the U.S. was founded on this premise.

Since the chart for the U.S. has four important planets in Gemini, things will really begin to heat up while Mars is in Gemini from August 26 – October 20, and again from January 20 – April 3.

I believe there will be some major secrets uncovered during this time.

But the true revelations will come as Mars retrogrades in Cancer, which will be from October 20 – January 20, then again from April 3 – June 6, 2025.

The time retrograde in Cancer will bring out the most devasting news of all as it transits in the 8th house retrograde, then stations December 7 @ 11-12 degrees Cancer in the 8th house in the U.S. birth chart.

This indicates deep, dark corruption being revealed about the U.S.

The truth is finally coming out during this transit of Mars in Gemini and Cancer.

Presidents and Leadership

Eclipses always reveal something hidden.

As the light of the Sun is darkened, it brings things out of the dark.

This eclipse is occurring in the 10th house of the U.S. chart, which indicates the leader of a country.

Furthermore, transiting Mars is conjunct the U.S. Sun on the time of the eclipse.

Something big is up with the President and leaders of the U.S. currently.

As Mars transits over the Sun in the U.S. chart, it represents danger for the U.S. President.

This occurs two times: October 4 and February 24. The transit of Mars in Gemini and Cancer, and the eclipse in Virgo, indicate shocking revelations of secrets and corruption being uncovered in the U.S., plus a feeling of loss with leaders.

Risk of War

There will be a sudden turn of events concerning the elections and war increasing globally.

This time I see something big developing with China as Xi Jinping’s chart begins to get triggered violently by the Mars retrograde in Gemini and Cancer.

He himself could be in danger, or this usually represents the country, which means they will go to war.

The Economy

As everything heats up all at the same time, the economy and stock market will suffer. All the pending news weighs heavily on mass emotion, which always has detrimental effects on the economy and stock market.

Be prepared for an economic tidal wave.

The Elections

October 9, Jupiter turns retrograde @ 27 degrees Taurus, another indicator of a detrimental economic shift.

Jupiter is stationed on Trump’s Rahu in his 10th house, giving him an added astrological advantage during this time.

Analyzing both Kamala Harris’ and Trump’s charts, the astrology indicates Trump will win the 2024 elections, but following the elections there will be a drastic fight to disqualify him before the inauguration.

The inauguration may not take place on time. Trump is in real danger from October through next year.

The divide could be due to another assassination attempt. The future is not fixed in stone. Trump needs great protection and must take serious caution.

Revealing the Truth

There will be a huge divide and severe violence in the U.S. in November and December.

On top of that, there will be war breaking out globally. Everything is occurring to bring the truth out.

The corruption in the world and the explosive events will begin the healing. I firmly believe the world is coming to a much better place.

No matter what your political beliefs, this clearing is essential to bring a new world where truth and honesty prevail.

Once we are on the other side of all this, you will see this all had to happen in this certain way for the great awakening and healing.

A Great Awakening

This is a time of great awakening, a complete shift of energy and awareness.

We are approaching a time of major changes where so many are waking up at epic proportions.

It’s a very exciting time for spiritual growth.

Know that now, at the darkest times, the light will become stronger and protect all who want the world to evolve.

We are evolving faster than we ever have before.

Take this month to go within and connect with your spirit that is part of the Divine, asking for enlightenment.


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