Submitted by The Armchair Political Analyst
SOTN Exclusive

Now take a close look at the “October Revolution” screenshot below.  At the very bottom you can see the list of communist “Belligerents” from the Left who were the foot soldiers in
the pay of the Western banksters to fight for Lenin—the
ultimate bolshevik.

Well, guess what, the American Bolshevik Revolution is very close to being kicked off in the very same way…and according to a similar timeline either this October/November or during the same months in 2025. 

You see, this is the problem.

The Democrat Party and their RINO co-conspirators and their Uniparty masters are exceedingly desperate right now.  All of these traitors to the Republic, and their countless treasonous communist organizations, know in their bones that Donald Trump has already won the election…by a landslide.  They also know this electoral outcome is carved in stone because of their own internal polling system that they NEVER share with the public.

Given that stark reality, and especially because of the massive landslide and lopsided victory, the Democrat election thieves know that it will be ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to plausibly steal the POTUS crown in 2024.

Therefore, they only have a few alternative schemes available at this very late date, particularly in light of this prescient election outcome analysis:

These are the only 3 possible outcomes
on and after Election Day 2024.

However, no matter what they do or don’t do, the Democrat’s default option is to launch their long planned and highly organized American Bolshevik Revolution.

Isn’t this exactly why the Congress allowed the Biden administration to keep the border wide open for the past 4 years?

Not only did they hope to swell the ranks of registered Democrats nationwide to quixotically squeak out a hopeless win, they really needed to form their secret armies in all 50 states.  How else to man their bolshevik revolution when the Democrats males are all soyboys and transgenders, homos and gay boys, girlie men and genderqueers.

The entire Left is so full of fear and anxiety, dread and trepidation, panic and apprehension about the prospect of a second Trump term that they really believe there is now only way out of their epic mess and maintain their stolen political power–a full-scale American Bolshevik Revolution.

How will they fight such a war?  Being the cowards that they truly are, they won’t.

But they will gladly allow millions of illegal aliens, many of them convicted murders, rapists and other criminals to fight for them.  As follows:

SECRET MERCENARY ARMIES, URBAN TERRORIST CELLS & ANTI-AMERICAN MILITARY UNITS: The American Bolshevik Revolution fast approaches the kinetic war phase


No mater matter what happens on Election Day, it’s gonna get ugly—VERY UGLY!

And by the way, even many folks throughout the Democrat base know that Kamala Harris was specifically groomed to be Manchurian Candidate 2.0 after Obama was stealthily installed by the banksters for his two disastrous terms, AND THEY ARE NOT HAPPY ABOUT HER!!!

Deep down inside they all know that “Cackling Kamala” was foisted on them without any vote or primary whatsoever after she was secretly anointed by Deep State and the NWO globalist cabal as the “Communist Queen” at her covert coronation.  Which means that:

Everything Changes After Election Day 2024

State of the Nation
September 30, 2024


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