Submitted by The Israel Watchman
SOTN Exclusive
Our sincere apologies for posting only this short INTRO, folks, but this one is gonna be a real doozy. For the alleged Hamas attacks on Israel were specifically designed to be Israel’s “Gulf of Tonkin”, “Pearl Harbor” and “9/11”, all in one.
So you can imagine just how complicated and convoluted this long-planned and highly organized false flag operation and global psyop truly is. After all, no one does MELO-dramatic false flag attacks like the Modern State of Israel—NO ONE!!!
That the super schmucks in Tel Aviv even thought they could pull off this little caper reveals just how overwhelmingly deluding the perfect marriage between arrogance and ignorance can really be when it takes place in a patently apartheid nation-state.
To at least provide a foretaste of what this exposé will contain, please consider the following links as background for the explicit details which will soon flesh out the skeleton of this horrendous “crime against humanity” analysis.
- Their Objective Is “to Wipe Gaza Off the Map”
- American & Israeli officialdom expects US to believe that both intelligence communities were completely caught off guard—TOTALLY CLUELESS ABOUT THE BIGGEST ATTACK IN ISRAEL’S HISTORY!!!
- Like the 9/11 Inside Job, Israel Coincidentally Suffers the Same Intelligence Failures in the Purported Hamas Attack
- You know Israel was getting very jealous of Ukraine’s billions upon billions of U.S. war funding……
- Here’s why Netanyahu staged the false flag invasion by MOSSAD-controlled Hamas exactly when he did.
- American & Israeli officialdom expects US to believe that both intelligence communities were completely caught off guard—TOTALLY CLUELESS ABOUT THE BIGGEST ATTACK IN ISRAEL’S HISTORY!!!
- “Catastrophic” Intelligence Failure … Israel? Only if it was ordered by the Khazarian Mafia.
- Was the staged Hamas surprise attack really all about triggering an Iran-Israel war?
- OPERATION WAG THE DOG: These Palestinian ‘Surprise Attacks’ Against Israel Are Not What The CIA’s Mockingbird Media Is Reporting
- See how the Khazarians are now trying to turn Russia against the Palestinians.
- HERE WE GO! US Sends Warships, Aircraft Carrier To Israel For Potential ‘Support’ Operations
- Now you know that OPERATION WAG THE DOG was started by Israel to trigger WW3 and pull the U.S. deeply into the ever-volatile Mideast quagmire.
- MEGA-HOAX!!! “Show Us The Blood, Show Us The Bodies, Show Us The Death Certificates, Show Us The Names Of The Hostages”
- After the Khazarians staged the HOLOHOAX & 9/11, how can anyone believe any of these highly melodramatic Israel-supporting Alt Media reports???
- That’s right: This is Israel’s ‘Pearl Harbor moment’ because Netanyahu permitted and even encouraged and abetted it to happen just like FDR did.
- GAZA 2023: The Senseless Slaughter Continues
- This is just one of several major objectives of Israel’s 9/11-Level FALSE FLAG OPERATION & GLOBAL PSYOP.
- Gazans Break Out of World’s Biggest Concentration Camp [But are they?]
- PROOF! The entire world community of nations knows that Israel just perpetrated a HUGE false flag operation to justify their conquering of Gaza……
- Here’s the single best way to throw a wrench into the utterly ruthless and savage Israeli juggernaut as it rolls across the land crushing everything in its path.
- NETANYAHU HIDDEN AGENDA: Allow the staged surprise attacks by MOSSAD-controlled Hamas so that…..
- SURPRISE! SURPRISE! Biden Eyeing Major Weapons Transfer to Israel (while Congress critters been busily buying war stocks)
- Bibi Netanyahu is the Operational Head of the Khazarian Mafia in Israel
- Oh really?! Hamas ‘duped’ Israel before devastating attack according to the CIA’s Mockingbird Media.
- By the way, how did ALL of the Israeli intel services fail to monitor the extremely suspicious Hamas activity when they built a ‘mock village for attack practice’?
- Here’s the single best way to throw a wrench into the utterly ruthless and savage Israeli juggernaut as it rolls across the land crushing everything in its path.
- Israeli Reporter Reveals Video Confirming Widespread Foreknowledge of HAMAS Attack (Video)
- See how the Khazarians are also tryinng to draw China into this obviously manufactured conflict.
- GAZA is Israel’s Bioweapons Test “STRIP” (Podcast)
KEY POINT: It is absolutely impossible that, collectively, the Israeli, American and British intelligence services did not have complete foreknowledge of every aspect of the October 7th ‘surprise attacks’ allegedly staged by Hamas. Just as the same intel agencies were fully aware of the details prior to the 9/11 false flag operation (perpetrated by the same three nations), they knew this was planned out in a similar manner. How could they not? As stated in a previous searing exposé:
“As for the choreographing of this latest war, it’s common knowledge that there are more MOSSAD spies and spooks living in Palestine than there are real Palestinians. In light of that little data point, it ought to be very easy to see how Israel could pull off this classic false flag invasion in a New York minute.
To be continued later today —
Conclusion (preliminary)
The apartheid Modern State of Israel was literally established as a highly structured RICO-level international crime syndicate engaged in multiple criminal activities which include human trafficking, organ trafficking, drug trafficking, nuclear weapon trafficking and arms trafficking. Israel was set up to operate completely outside of the traditional norms of the world community of nations. Which means they can get away with any crime wave, anytime, anywhere, anyhow they so plan.
Only when folks apprehend the true depth and breadth of Israel’s many worldwide crime sprees since 1948, can anyone really understand that the present false flag operation is but a cakewalk for the uber-terrorists who currently occupy Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Which means that virtually ALL of the terrorism perpetrated around the globe today begins in Israel. And that especially includes both bioterrorism and chemical terrorism such as the OPERATION COVID-19 biowar via the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon (that’s not a coronavirus) to depopulate Earth, as well as the weaponized Covid Super Vaccination Agenda to commit genocide(s) the world over.
BOTTOM LINE: Israel has BIG plans with respect to their long-planned ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT with Jerusalem as its capital. Hence, the IDF’s extraordinarily brutal, barbaric and sadistic counterattack against the Palestinians in Gaza is meant to both shock and awe them (as well as the world community of nations) into submission. In this fashion, the Khazarian Cabal is threatening the entire planetary civilization never to leave the Zionist reservation; and to do so in the future will only occur on pain of death.
The final conclusion to this terribly tragic saga is still being written by Israel’s increasingly barbarous and wanton violence now being perpetrated against the Palestinians in Gaza and elsewhere, so much more will follow here today and this week.
The Israel Watchman
State of the Nation
October 9, 2023