JILL BIDEN: Joe’s CIA Handler, Home Health Nurse & Chief Elder Abuser, Child Trafficker, Real Power Behind The Throne Or All Of These?

Just askin.

State of the Nation

Every high-ranking member of the U.S. intelligence Community knows that the best way to get away with committing institutional crime sprees and rampant corruption, as seen throughout the entire Biden Administration (and Obama’s) is to make all the key criminals in the crime syndicate either a bonafide C.I.A. agent or a CIA contractor.

This is how they have always done it.  In this way, everyone takes care of everyone else no matter how serious the crime wave, as we have seen especially going back to Obama’s first term (he and BIG MIKE were also obvious CIA agents)

So it’s important to understand that every major player in the Biden Crime Family is a card-carrying CIA agent.  This is why son Hunter and brothers James and Francis have gotten away with bloody murder for so long … and without the slightest consequences for their naked treason. 

Well, the same goes for CIA agent and wife Jill Biden.  Just watch her public performances these days as she hovers over “Demented Joe” like a hawk.  She’s not just being a doting wife and humiliating home health nurse; she’s functioning as his Secret Service protection agent and CIA handler — ALL DAY LONG, EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK — because those are her direct orders. 

It’s even quite likely, in light of how Joe’s first wife was assassinated by The Company, that their so-called marriage was specifically arranged so he could be closely monitored by her while playing his critical part in significantly ushering in the New World Order by continuing to build the Obamanation that he was pivotal in doing as VPOTUS. 

Remember, the NWO globalist cabal needed a real village idiot to sit in the Oval Office who would not (and could not) pose any meaningful resistance to the complete and total destruction of the United States of America.  This is also why Joe Biden was set up for his brain aneurysms in during the late 1980s for his “control implants”. 

By On February 12, 1988 Joe Biden underwent surgery to repair an aneurysm had done to his brain. Blood was leaking in his brain and it required an immediate operation. His condition was so serious that he received Last Rites from a Catholic priest. May 4, 1988 he underwent second surgery to continue the process of putting his brain back into working order.
(Source: In February of 1988 Joe Biden had a brain aneurysm: Did we see its lingering effect during the debate?)

Which means that all of his gaffes are all a part of his meticulously calculated persona to come off as a real imbecile, which he is, so his masters can use cynically him to collapse the American Republic as they have done since Obama’s first term.  In other words, everyone knows Crooked Joe Biden is “a pathological liar, mean-spirited politico, drug-addled and dementia-ridden incompetent, and vengeful POTUS imposter” … … … so it’s that much easier for his well concealed masters to use him, as the worst president in U.S. history, to operate as an extremely dangerous menace to society and extraordinary threat to the global order.  After all, who now expects anything else from Sleepy Creepy Joe?!

— Veteran Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S Military Officer

Now back to his girl Jill.

What a proverbial piece of work she is!!!

First, watch this video of her playing “kindergarten teacher” with Joe right after the disastrous debate debacle.

Jill Biden, Save The Children & Pedogate

Now this is where things get very serious indeed for the Biden Crime Family.

First, watch this bombshell interview:

HUGE Scandal In Guatemala & Allegations of US Child Trafficking,
Jill Biden’s “Save the Children” Involved (Guatemala’s Secretary
General Interviewed About 85,000 Missing Children!)

Be aware that Jill Biden was first named board chair of aid group Save the Children in 2017.

Is this why the U.S. Federal Government is exerting immense pressure, at this very moment, on Guatemalan President Bernardo Arévalo to immediately terminate the investigation of that massive child sexual abuse and trafficking investigation?

After all, who doesn’t know that Joe really loves …… ice cream and children?!

KEY POINT: There’s no question about one thing: Jill Biden is the primary perpetrator and shameless enabler of the egregious elder abuse that has been inflicted on Joe practically forever.  Has she really been functioning as his high-pressure campaign manager and elder abuser through it all because of her extremely dubious role at Save the Children?  In other words, only as prez can the lid be kept on the global pedogate operation plaguing planet Earth because of their direct involvement in that international crime syndicate and political control mechanism.

WATCH: The Idiot-in-Chief of the American Idiocracy
get a gold star from his idiot handler—WOW!!!

BOTTOM LINE: The Biden-Obama-Clinton Crime Syndicate has always operated above the law as no other political dynasties in U.S. history.  Even under the glare of very bright alternative media light, that is constantly shined on their darkness, these treacherous career political criminals continue to get away with the most serious crimes of outright treason and sedition, heinous war crimes, and other odious crimes against humanity as though it is their birthright to do so.  Really, just who are the dark exceedingly dark entities?!?!?!

To be continued —

State of the Nation
June 29, 2024


‘Playing with Fire’: The Biden Crime Family, Scandal In Guatemala & Allegations of US Child Trafficking!

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