9/11 Families Demand Justice While Condemning Biden and Trump!

Ferndale, WA
July 2, 2024

by Rich Scheck

Back in 2003 when I was active in the presidential campaign of Dennis Kucinich, several
of us led by the late Michael Ruppert, attempted to get the candidate to interject the issue
of what happened on 9/11 into the campaign.

Our efforts were thwarted and the matter has continued to be buried despite the promises
of men who came to occupy the White House that they would release files and investigate
more thoroughly than the 9/11 Commission.

In a scathing press conference held after the release of some “new evidence” regarding
possible Saudi involvement in the attack, the families of the victims cried out for justice
while loudly condemning the inaction of Trump and Biden.

To me, this video underscores the key facet of contemporary American politics which has
descended into a pathetic parody of impotent politicos who refuse to be serious about the
abuses of the National Security State while mouthing platitudes, fake news and trivia like
which feeble old man is the best golfer, all while the Nation moves ever closer to the edge
of the nuclear abyss.

There are no words to express my utter contempt for the whole process, including and
especially what passes for a free press that has become pure entertainment at best and
at worst, the leading component of psychological operations by the intelligence community to distract the public from knowing what their government does in their name, with their tax money and worst of all with their children whom they callously shuffle off to fight foreign wars, pump full of toxic vaccines and fill their heads with perverse notions of wokeness.

It’s a disgrace and tragedy that those of us who have devoted decades of hard work to counter can only shake our heads in sadness at this spectacle which was available for all to see last Thursday with the so-called “debate!”

Fake news; fake debates; fake investigations; fake indictments; fake elections; fake politicians who shouldn’t even be running for dog-catcher and a fake “democracy” instead of the Constitutional Republic given to us by the deeply flawed Founders.

They lie about everything and then keep the truth from the citizenry under the wraps of National Security!

Our Nation probably passed the tipping point into tyranny with the public execution of JFK in 1963 with secrecy triumphant over decency. That dynamic was on full display again with the 9/11 Families asking for simple justice and the elusive Truth about the fate of their loved ones.

In 2024 (1984) America, that request is too threatening to the DC Swampmasters and their protectors in government and the MSM. I don’t think even Orwell or Huxley could imagine anything as distorted and bizarre as the dysfunctional Biden First Family being advised about Joe’s future by his jaundiced son, Hunter, in a rematch against the Trump Dynasty led by the recently convicted former president in a surreal Kangaroo Court trial that was straight out of Alice In Wonderful.

All my efforts to promote an alternative, positive path forward have been met with silence, indifference, rebuke and criticism even as the above scenario spirals deeper into a grim travesty from which escape may take generations to achieve.

At this point, all I can say is “I told you so” as I look for a silver lining, a reluctant Messiah to lead us out of this mess or something encouraging to pass on to my loved ones.

As the darkness grows, the only good news for me is that somehow I wake up every day able to keep my sense of humor and find useful things to do.

But with censorship expanding and the other hallmarks of totalitarian rule increasing rapidly, the question naturally arises: for how much longer?!?!

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