DNC Exposes Itself As Full-Blown Insane Asylum Where The Craziest Inmates Are Running The Show

READ HERE: DNC Weighs Early Nomination For Biden To Quash Internal Party Dissent

Update (1615ET): Democrat strategists are throwing many things against walls and hoping some stick as the gaslighting continues.

Bloomberg reports that the Democratic National Committee is considering formally nominating Joe Biden as early as mid-July to ensure that the president is on November ballots, while helping to stamp out intra-party chatter of replacing him after last week’s poor debate performance.

Democrats had already planned to nominate Biden, 81, before the convention in order to ensure he appears on the ballot in Ohio, which had an Aug. 7 deadline for candidates to be certified.

A potential date for Biden’s nomination is July 21, when the Democratic convention’s credentials committee meets virtually, according to people familiar with the matter who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The panel is meeting to finalize procedures before the party’s convention in Chicago starts on Aug. 19.

Interestingly, former President Trump’s sentencing hearing is set for July 11th, so he may well be in prison by then given the amount of pressure we assume is being placed on Judge Merchan’s shoulders to “lock him up”.

Additionally, July 21 is just three days after Trump is scheduled to accept his party’s nomination at the Republican convention in Milwaukee.

The desperate attempted message from all this narrative-shaping is simple – …nothing to see here, move along.

Except we all saw the fireworks factory exploding with our own eyes.


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