Tennessee ‘Chemtrail’ Ban Goes Into Effect Today

Interest of Justice

The law forbids the intentional injection, release, or dispersion of chemicals or substances into the atmosphere to affect temperature, weather, or sunlight within the state. It is about time.

IOJ co-founders Dustin and Xylie used to live in Tennessee and literally one of the reasons we left was the incessant chemtrails. We would take photos in disgust and every time they would do it the weather would get crazy and the newscaster weather predictors were amazingly accurate in their “predictions”. The sky would be beautiful blue and then it would be full of so many chemtrails it was outrageous and a day or two later it would be grey and gloomy. This happened over and over and over in Tennessee when we lived there a decade or so ago. We prayed for this day that they would stop the chemtrailing and are extremely happy to share this great news.

IOJ’s co-founders have some serious problems with Tennessee, because the legal system was very unfair to us, but finally chemtrails are no longer one of the problems. In fact, Tennessee may be able to be redeemed over this awesomeness and a light to the entire rest of the world! Everyone should POUNCE now that there is precedent from Tennessee based on verified testimony and make this same type of law happen in your area!

As of today, Tennessee’s groundbreaking legislation prohibiting geo-engineering experiments, particularly the release of chemicals into the atmosphere from airplanes, is officially in effect.

Governor Bill Lee’s (R) signature in April marked the final step in making Tennessee the first state to ban such activities, commonly referred to as “chemtrails.”

The legislation, formally known as SB 2691/HB 2063, was spearheaded by Representative Monty Fritts (R) and Senator Steve Southerland (R).

The law explicitly forbids the “intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight.”

The move addresses growing concerns over stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), a process in which aircraft release chemicals into the sky purportedly to reflect sunlight away from Earth.

The process is said to combat so-called climate change.

Critics argue that such geo-engineering practices pose significant risks to human health and the environment.

A report by the international group Climate Overshoot Commission argues dangerous experimental geo-engineering methods including controversial solar radiation modification (SRM), which involves dispersing chemicals to reflect sunlight, need to be halted until they have been researched thoroughly.

“Countries should adopt a moratorium on the deployment of solar radiation modification and large-scale outdoor experiments that would carry risk of significant transboundary harm,” it said. “The world does not yet know enough to make informed decisions about solar radiation modification.”

“Early scientific evidence suggests that solar radiation modification could reduce some climate risks but would also introduce significant new risks,” the report warned.

The bill’s progress through the Tennessee legislature saw substantial support, passing the Senate with 25 ‘ayes’ to 6 ‘nays’ and the House with 70 ‘yes’ votes to 22 ‘no’ votes.

Governor Lee’s approval in April concluded the legislative process, and the law is now active as of July 1, 2024.

The law’s passage followed significant debate, including testimony from Dr. Denise Sibley, a Tennessee-based medical doctor, who presented evidence countering skepticism about ongoing geo-engineering efforts.

Dr. Sibley highlighted a White House document acknowledging federal funding for SRM research, despite public denials of such activities.

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) report released in June 2023 underscored the relevance of the new law.

The report confirmed ongoing SRM research and mentioned both “covertly and openly” conducted geo-engineering projects.

Tennessee’s new law stands as a landmark decision in the regulation of geo-engineering.

As the law takes effect, all eyes are on its implementation and compliance.

Tennessee’s decisive action could inspire other states to evaluate and regulate geo-engineering practices, ensuring transparency and public safety in environmental interventions.

Keep the faith – This is cleaning up the Tennessee skies and the legal system in one bad ass much needed ruling : ).

Pay attention rest of the world! Tennessee shows how it’s done and protected the Citizens health from geo-engineering (chemtrails)!

Excellent job everyone who made this win occur today!


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