Is The Government Being Weaponized Against Us?

Submitted by Patrick J. McShay

“Get your preps ready, learn how to defend yourself and your family, and don’t forget to pray”

— Marcus Allen – FBI Whistleblower testifying to Congress last week

“This will be the last real election if Trump doesn’t win. Once Democrats control America there will be no escape”

— Elon Musk

Americans must be asking themselves, just who is running the country? I don’t think anyone believes that Joe Biden or Kamala Harris are making any bigger decisions than what they’ll have for dinner tonight. I’ve always thought that since Biden was selected by our controllers, a committee of globalists has been running America into the ground, and they are still calling the shots.

Citizens around the globe, angry and disenfranchised are rising up and throwing these globalist politicians from office while right-wing populist and nationalist candidates are being swept into office. The vast majority of citizens don’t support the globalists’ agenda, including forcing millions of third-world, low-IQ, language-challenged, illegal immigrants into their countries.

These Citizens have begun to realize that the pandemic was a long-planned sterilization and depopulation event and that the forced poisonous vaccine mandates have injured and killed millions of people worldwide with no end in sight.

They are, realizing that the climate agenda that is bankrupting countries and destroying lives is a long-debunked hoax, and the perverted LGBTQ agenda being forced on our young children is a perverted attack on Christians and brainwashing, grooming, and perverting our youth.

Censorship is everywhere, freedom of speech is under attack and new hate laws are being used to silence speech in the EU and the UK, and people are being arrested and sentenced over social media posts. John Kerry warned his globalist pals at a meeting at the World Economic Forum that the First Amendment stands in the way of the globalists’ dark agenda. Must see here:

What will our pro-union President do about the looming dock workers strike which would have dire consequences for the entire world? The Marxists on the left will finally have an existential threat that will affect their lives more than their phony fears of global warming and Donald Trump. Another dangerous threat is the hold that Bibi Netanyahu and the State of Israel have on our politicians, I call it the “Epstein Effect.” Epstein worked to compromise these traitors in the Congress & Senate for 30 years and Israel always gets what they want, while our media serves as apologists and cheerleaders.

The New York Times reports that IDF officials confirmed that more than 80 bombs were used to kill Iranian leader, Nasrallah. The explosions completely leveled several high-rise apartment buildings in the Beirut suburb of Dahiye.

Former US Army explosive ordnance disposal expert Trevor Ball said after viewing footage of the attack that killed and wounded over one hundred innocent Lebanese, that several US-supplied 2000 lb BLU-109 Bunker Busters were among those used to get Hassan Nasrallah. This devastating destruction and death to kill one man is what the Israelis consider a “proportional response.”

Trump’s Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner praised the strike saying “The US must support the peace-loving nation of Israel, launching a ground invasion of Lebanon to finish the job.” Calling Israel a “peace-loving” nation of course is absurd.

Israel has, in recent months, attacked and bombed Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, Syria, Iraq, and Iran. Is Kushner suggesting that US troops take part in this invasion? Yes, he is. Not long ago US General Richard Clark said, “US troops should be ready to die for Israel.” Do you want your child to die in the Middle East for Israel?

Pentagon spokesman Major General Pat Ryder said Sunday that the US will “Reinforce their air support capabilities” and that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin “Increased the readiness of additional US forces to deploy, elevating our preparedness to respond to various contingencies.”

More troops, more bombs, and more warships for Israel, what’s next? Like in the Ukraine disaster, we have already committed billions in this disastrous war on Muslims in Gaza, and the West Bank, the Syrians & of course, and the Lebanese population who are always at war with Israel.

Israel’s popularity appears to be at an all-time low in this country. How are Americans going to react when body bags with young American men and women start coming home from the Middle East in a war most Americans don’t want or even understand our involvement?

The complicit media will remind the public of the Marine barracks bombing in 1983 when the Israelis invaded Lebanon in 1982. Ronald Reagan sent 1800 US Marines to Beruit as peacekeepers and Israel resented this move as unwanted interference and too many eyes on Israeli operations. (This is why Israeli snipers target the media)

Many believe the bombing, which killed 242 Marines was a Mosadd false flag attack against an ally in order to align the US with Israel and create animosity toward a common foe, the same reason they engineered the attacks on 911.

Their own document titled “A Clean Break”, written in 1998  by a coterie of American Neo-Con, Israeli firsters, and traitors, including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and others that ended up in the Bush administration, called for a “New Pearl Harbor type event” (911 Attack) to kick start their long-planned war on terror for Israel.j Osama bin Laden (CIA) was the face they gave our Middle East boogyman.

Ukraine is another Jewish operation. Most Americans who support Ukraine and the continuation of this war have no idea why we are there. In short, the Democrats under Barack Obama led a coalition of conspirators (NATO, UK, Israel) to engineer a coup, drove the duly elected President Viktor Yanukovich from the country, murdered his followers, and took over the government in a modern-day Bolshevik revolution. Then in a bold move of gaslighting the entire world, they blamed the whole thing on Russia and Putin.

Ukraine is, and has been, controlled by Jewish billionaires for many years, and both of the US’ hand-picked Presidents since the coup are Jewish, despite a Jewish population of less than 1%. Jewish billionaire George Soros admitted spending $5 billion destabilizing Ukraine, and the State Department also spent billions funding anti-government groups. Is this what Democracies do?

Most are unaware that the so-called party of democracy is overthrowing elected politicians in Democratic countries and turning them into dictatorships. Zelensky has closed the Christian churches, shut down all opposition media, and is arresting and killing reporters and priests. He’s another psycho puppet of our controllers just like Jewish billionaire and New World Order stooge John Kerry.

Likewise, recently purchased Dominion voting machines were recently used to elect a new Jewish President in Mexico with a Jewish population of under 1%.

The war is not going well for Biden and NATO. The Czechs, once gung ho are stating they want out, Germany is backing out, as are France & Italy. Austria with their recent right-wing party win will no doubt turn a cold shoulder to Zelensky’s future requests, and an angry contingent of Poland’s politicians not so politely threw Tony Blinken out of their country recently and said no more funding for Ukraine,  Those paper tiger big mouths in England are still stirring things up with tough talk but can’t back any of it up without the US backing them up.

Russia has hypersonic missiles that are undetectable on radar & fly at between 4500 to 6000 mph. Putin recently said if Biden gives Zelensky the long-range missiles he’s asking for and he bombs deep into Russia, they will target European Cities with hypersonic missiles.

EU leaders now concede that Ukraine will have to give up territory. All of this could have been avoided had Ukraine abided by the Minsk agreement & ceased bombing the Donbas region. Biden could have stopped it, why didn’t he?

On the homefront, NFL star Travis Kelce, the fake boyfriend of Kamala-loving pop singer and self-described Witch, Taylor Swift, as well as Singer & friend of the Obamas and P. Diddy, John Legend, are currently appearing in commercials for Pfizer who is still pushing the dangerous and poisonous COVID-19 vaccination on a mostly trusting and unsuspecting public. This is despite another study that was just published that documents that the COVID-19 vaccine causes Heart damage. The same study documented a particular type of Heart attack, a STEMI, or ST-elevation Myocardial infarction. See here:

This election is between the globalists and the patriots, and Kamala Harris doesn’t have a plan to come in out of the rain. She plans to continue the globalist plan to spy on and enslave humanity, censor books and social media, continue the war on fossil fuels, spend trillions on the climate hoax, and keep these foreign wars going until we all have bombs raining down on us. Everything Biden does or is planning is right out of Klaus Schwab and the WEF, and Communist Tedros’s WHO, Communist playbook.

A Large-Scale Democrat Voter Fraud Operation was just uncovered in Michigan & It’s just like the GBI vote fraud scandal in Michigan in 2020. The shadowy company behind it, The Voter Project America, is mailing tens of thousands of ballots to people who did not request them. GBI was caught in 2020 paying people to fill out fraudulent registrations and ballots. The FBI got involved and covered up the entire scandal.

FBI whistleblower Marcus Allen testified in Congress last week and his testimony was chilling. Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum predicted a mass casualty event would disrupt the election. Allen said the WEF and a globalist cabal have infiltrated our intelligence agencies and they are planning an attack on American soil to disrupt the election in November. Allen urged Americans to stockpile food, water, guns, ammunition, and other necessities. See that here:

Trump says he will end the wars, and I do believe he will end the Ukraine debacle quickly, but Bibi needs this war to maintain power as he’s extremely unpopular in Israel. Like Biden, Netanyahu is seen as a career politician who used his office to enrich his family. Biden recently admitted that his so-called Inflation Reduction Act was sold to the public with lies and was a total scam.

The bulk of that Bill was the Green New Deal Biden couldn’t get approved so he deceived the public at a time when inflation was exploding to borrow nearly $400 billion for the Climate hoax. Trump’s achievements largely benefitted the American people, and the legislative victories that Biden is so proud of benefitted the globalist’s police state agenda and not the American people.

This dockworker’s strike could be catastrophic and we need skilled negotiators working on the details of the deal and a president who can step in and make a deal happen. Does anyone want to count on Joe Biden or Kamala Harris to help get a deal done?

Trump’s rallies boast the largest crowds in American political history and there is evidence Kamala is busing people into hers and paying them. No one knows where she and “Twinkletoes Tim” stand on much of anything other than they love open borders, they want to defund the police, and they will continue the racist DEI, and CRT teaching in schools, and continue to sexualize preschoolers and provide X-rated gay material in the grade school libraries.

Abortion, Gays, Lesbians, and Transsexuals are a top priority and they will oddly continue to support Males competing in Female sporting events even though the vast majority of voters see this as unfair and blasphemous insanity. Their entire platform is anti-American, anti-God, anti-common sense and perverted.

You would think listening to Kamala and the Democrats whining about the Supreme Court decision on abortions being illegal everywhere and women’s lives being in danger or dying because of not getting an abortion, or being denied treatment, but it’s all nonsense. In 2016, there were 623,471 abortions. In 2023 after the new SCOTUS decision, there were 1,026,700 abortions. Abortion is a non-issue in this election.

The Harris/Walz platform is a wish list for globalists, illegals, and perverts, they’re not serious people. Trump has promised no taxes on tips or overtime and no taxes on Social Security. Trump kept his campaign promises before and these would be huge for a large sector of the population.

I said nearly four years ago that if they stole the election in 2020 the country may not recover from four years of Biden’s incompetence and his selling our country out to the globalists. If they steal it from Trump again in 2024 I don’t believe we will recover.

If you’d like to support my work any amount no matter how small would be greatly appreciated


Patrick J. McShay is a writer, researcher, and political analyst whose articles have appeared on over 200 news sites worldwide. Mr. McShay is a retired mortgage broker and uncredentialed historian specializing in real history and uncomfortable truths. He has appeared on the Power Of Prophecy Podcast with Jerry Barrett, the Chuck Baldwin Show, the Jeff Rense Show, the Raw Deal with Jim Fetzer, TNT Radio with Joe Olson, and the SGT Report. His articles have been translated into over a dozen languages including French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Polish, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Dutch.

If you’d like to support my work, any contribution no matter how small would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Pat

*Recent articles by Patrick J. McShay

The FBI, School Shootings, and False Flag Terror

*Satan Laughing, Spreads His Wings Over Gaza

*Zionist Deception And A Geopolitical Powderkeg In Gaza

Biden’s Four-Pronged Attack On America: Domestic, Economic, Foreign Policy, And Corruption

*Global Warming And Other Government Lies


Taylor Swift Refers To Herself As A ‘Witch’ In New Post (

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