Vaccines or Roundup: An Informal Comparative Analysis of Causes Childhood Autism?

Toxic Legacy by Dr. Stephanie Seneff, PhD

Hi All!

I apologize for the lengthy message – I have been very busy lately and I have a lot to share.

One in 14 third graders in Toms River New Jersey now has autism. with-causes-unclear-parents-doubt-safety.html

New Jersey has the highest rate of autism among all states, but the rates have been going up steadily year by year across the country. The government does not seem to think this is alarming, but I am very concerned about the overwhelming burden this is placing on our society, especially as the older children with autism age into adulthood. It seems that the government simply accepts that whatever is causing this debilitating condition is a mystery that we will never be able to solve.

There’s a new paper out by Brian Hooker and Neil Miller that shows that fully vaccinated children have a five-fold increased risk to autism compared to unvaccinated children. Vaccinated children have a much higher rate of many other chronic childhood diseases as well, including severe allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, asthma, recurring ear infections and ADHD. covariates-for-breastfeeding-status-and-type-of-birth.php

The Defender has an article summarizing this new paper here.

I fully expect that, if we start injecting the new experimental COVID-19 mRNA vaccines into young children’s arms, on top of the many vaccines they already receive, autism rates will increase at an even greater rate.

These new “vaccines” are clearly causing another serious health problem in children over 12 years old who are now getting them injected into their arms in large numbers: myocarditis.  Several children have now died of heart failure shortly after vaccination.

I collaborated with Dr. Michelle Perro, a pediatrician and author of the book “What’s Making Our Children Sick?” to write an article on the crisis we face with myocarditis (inflammation of the heart) from these vaccines. It’s titled: “Pediacide – Vaccine Risks for Kids.” You can read the article on my blog site.

A Broader Look at the COVID-19 Vaccines

I wrote an earlier post linking both the mRNA and the DNA vector vaccines to neurodegenerative disease, based on the prion-like character of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. I predict that we will find the rates of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS) and Creutzfeldt Jakob disease (CKD) increasing even faster in the coming years because of the massive vaccination campaign against COVID-19 that is ongoing.

A new paper has just been published in the journal Vaccines, titled “The Safety of COVID-19 Vaccinations – We Should Rethink the Policy.” The authors show from available data that the risks that are already being observed for these vaccines are comparable to the calculated benefits. Does it make sense to mandate an experimental injection involving novel biotechnology with unknown potential for long-term damage?

Here’s the link:

Together with Dr. Greg Nigh, I recently published a long peer-reviewed paper where we discussed the prion-like nature of the spike protein as well as many other aspects of the mRNA vaccines that makes them potentially dangerous in many unforeseen ways.

This new paper by researchers in India shows in a brilliantly designed in vitro study that human cells exposed to plasmids containing the genetic code for the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein synthesize spike proteins from the code and release exosomes containing them that are later taken up by microglia in the brain to cause neurological damage and impaired immune function.  It matches well with what Greg and I were proposing could happen in response to mRNA vaccines in our paper.

These exosomes also contain specific microRNAs that are able to suppress activity of certain proteins to alter the behavior of recipient cells. The authors from India identified two miRNAs found in the exosomes: miR-148a and miR-590, and showed that they activated microglial cells to cause brain inflammation.  Both of these are quite interesting, and many papers have been published linking their overexpression to disease, particularly cancer and autoimmune disease.

An earlier well-designed study had shown that one of these, miR-148a, is a strong causal factor in multiple autoimmune diseases, including lupus, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. I see this as additional support to the claims that were made in the paper by Greg Nigh and myself.

“The microRNA miR-148a functions as a critical regulator of B cell tolerance and autoimmunity”

My New Book is About to Be Launched

If you are familiar with my work, you will be well aware that I believe glyphosate, the active ingredient in the herbicide Roundup, is the primary cause of the autism epidemic, and of many other chronic debilitating diseases. My new book on glyphosate, Toxic Legacy, explains in detail exactly how chronic exposure to glyphosate leads to autism, beginning with the disruption of the gut microbiome. The book also shows why it is plausible that this single chemical could be causal in so many diseases whose prevalence is going up exactly in step with the rise in glyphosate usage on core crops.  The book will be available on major bookseller sites starting July 1, 2021, i.e., tomorrow!

In another new blog post on my web site, I wrote a short summary of the book that will give you a good sense of what it is about.

I have also had many interviews with podcasters on my new book. Two that may be of special interest are one with Dr. Mercola that was released on Sunday June 27, and one with Patricia Lemer, author of the book “Outsmarting Autism.” The discussion with Pat Lemer focused on the autism connection to glyphosate.

Dr. Mercola:

Pat Lemer:

I hope you are enjoying the summer months and get a chance to celebrate the birth of our great nation with “Liberty and Justice for All” on the Fourth of July.

Stay safe!


Stephanie Seneff
Senior Research Scientist
MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

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