WEATHER WARFARE & GEO-TERRORISM: Here’s how the geoengineers make, amp up and aim these superstorms

A Special Report on the Formation, Intensification and Direction of
Tropical Depressions, Tropical Storms
and Hurricanes

Submitted by An Anonymous Meteorologist
SOTN Exclusive

“Where it concerns the formation, intensification and direction of weaponized Hurricane Helene, the NWO geoterrorists have again used their highly advanced geoengineering technologies to further perfect the chemical geoengineering and HAARP-frequency techniques, as well as to integrate the NEXRAD Doppler radar station transmitters and moisture-producing power plants into their hurricane manufacturing repertoire.”

“There are now several means by which a superstorm like Hurricane Helene can be created from scratch, steered and intensified by the weather warriors. In addition to the previously mentioned, the geoengineers are also routinely utilizing sophisticated techniques such as Cloud Ionization, Electric Rainmaking and Laser-guided Weather Modification. Satellite-based Lasers are becoming more prevalent in space just as Ionospheric Heaters are on the ground such as the facility in Puerto Rico which is quite similar to HAARP in Alaska.”

While the preceding quote contains many of the essential elements for the process of manufacturing devastating superstorms “from scratch”, it’s of paramount importance to understand the primary way that the NWO geoengineers conduct their weather warfare against the American people each and every hurricane season.  As follows:

The graphic above published by NOAA’s National Hurricane Center depicts the various “Tropical Cyclones and Disturbances” in the Atlantic Ocean during a typical hurricane season.

However, it’s impossible to say at that moment of development which of those storm systems were manmade and which were of natural origin.  Once upon a time, all of them would be creations of Mother Nature, but not today.  Nevertheless, once the storm system reaches a certain size and magnitude, the geoengineers can quite easily hijack it, intensify it, and direct it at any coastline that the New World Order globalist cabal wants to destroy.

KEY POINT: In the recent case of Hurricane Helene, it’s now quite obvious that the NWO geoterrorists specifically targeted the many RED cities and counties in Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee and Kentucky (See Helene’s storm path below).  What better way to swiftly disenfranchise those conservative voters and deprive them of their right to vote on this highly consequential Election Day.  READ: IT’S OFFICIAL! Weaponized Hurricane Helene Was A Deliberate Geoterrorist Attack And Weather Invasion Targeting Republican Voters In Southern Rural Counties


Now let’s get back to the hurricane manufacturing process, and especially how the weather warriors methodically and greatly intensify these superstorms.

The following video clearly illustrates how Hurricane Helene was purposefully amped up to a Cat. 4 just before it made landfall in Taylor County, Florida.  The presenter clearly outlines some of the classic geoengineering signatures which scientifically prove that this superstorm was both intensified and steered into that specific coastline.

But why Taylor County, FL—the third major hurricane to hit right there in the past year?!

Here’s why the superstorm was deliberately intensified to
a Cat 4 at landfall and aimed right at Taylor County, Florida.

You can actually see an energy line to the left of the arrow below which indicates a manmade pulse of energy disseminated to impact Helene just before it made landfall with maximum force.


Next we come to the process by which the geoterorists both steer these superstorms, and them make them sit over a targeted location, while the rain dumper causes an immense deluge thus flooding the surrounding regions.

The following video depicts via the actual satellite imagery how Hurricane Helene was deliberately channeled right to the mountains of North Georgia, western North Carolina and East Tennessee.

What the viewer just watched was the repeated activation of the nationwide network of Nexrad doppler radar stations as seen in the simultaneous pulsations of blue light.  For it is these highly intentional and explosive disseminations of energy from those Nexrad stations which permitted the operators to basically corral superstorm Helene right over the Great Smoky Mountains and surrounding areas.

This first screenshot below shows the northward steering of Helene right toward their NC and TN targets.

This second screenshot shows how the superstorm was then parked over the mountainous areas with river valleys that were quickly turned into massive drainage ditches carrying everything and anything in its path, much as log-driving works in the Timber Industry.

Other Geoengineering Technologies

Chemical geoengineering, also know as chemtrail-spraying operations, is an integral piece of this superstorm fabrication methodology.

It has frequently been noted by weather warfare researchers and geoterrorism investigators alike that before every single mega-frankenstorm, the chemtrails are being laid down across the skies with vengeance.  For the combination of aluminum oxide, barium salts and strontium is extremely hygroscopic and creates a very conducive atmospheric environment for chem-cloud formation.  This predicament provides the ginormous amounts of water vapor necessary to create the nonstop rainfalls and subsequent flooding.

Of course, the HAARP-like frequency generators also play a vital part in the intensification of these superstorms.  Few are aware, but that large field of antennae in Alaska, known as HAARP, is just one of numerous ionospheric heaters now in operation across the planet.  These are also pivotal in rapidly creating a substantial temperature and pressure differential in the upper atmosphere which will significantly contribute to the severity of these violent storm systems.

Then there are the laser-induced plasma channels (LIPC).

“A laser-induced plasma channel is formed by the following process: A laser emits a laser beam into the air. The laser beam rapidly heats and ionizes surrounding gases to form plasma. The plasma forms an electrically conductive plasma channel.”

In the context of violent superstorm creation, a laser-induced plasma channel is a device that uses a laser beam to create a plasma channel which can then be used to shoot lightning bolts at targets, as well as supercharge bodies of warm air to further exacerbate hurricane activity.

In the case of Hurricane Helene and many other superstorms that are originating off the coast of Mexico, there are the large moisture-producing power plants which are considerably revved up as these tropical storm systems pass by those coastal areas picking up enormous amounts of moisture to later dump on the USA.

Lastly, there are much more sophisticated technologies now in use which include “Cloud Ionization, Electric Rainmaking and Laser-guided Weather Modification”.  All of these weather warfare techniques have been progressively weaponized over several decades as described here: OPERATION CLOVERLEAF: The Most Dangerous Weapons Testing Program In World History

KEY POINT: The entire atmosphere of Planet Earth was quite stealthily geoengineered in January of 2022 via PROJECT HUNGA TONGA for two primary reasons: (i) to fabricate a hospitable global environment for weather warfare to be conducted wherever The Powers That Be so choose and (ii) to forge the optimal meteorologial conditions for so much “wild and wacky” extreme weather to use as an advertisement for the false CO2-driven climate change hoax.  Needless to say, the rain-making superstorms will be getting larger and more voluminous for years to come as the humidity levels worldwide have never been higher.  See: OPERATION HEAT & HUMIDITY WAVE: An NWO Globalist Psyop & US Geoweapon-Triggered Black Op


There are several crucial takeaways from this exposé.

First, that the geoengineers possess highly advanced weather modification technologies and geoengineering techniques by which they can create, amplify and direct major hurricanes.

Secondly, that the NWO cabal will not hesitate to utilize this weather weaponry in order to influence the outcome of elections, as well as other political events of great import.

Thirdly, that the reigning power elite routinely takes advantage of these awesome technologies to effect various and sundry outcomes of a monumental nature which are beyond the scope of this article.

Fourth, that their many predatory disaster capitalist minions will gladly exploit these manmade weather catastrophes to grow even richer and more powerful within their respective domains, both commercial and political.

Fifth, the systematic application of weather manipulation around the globe has now allowed for the financialization of cataclysmic climate patterns and calamitous weather events, agricultural devastations and supply chain disruptions, water supply interruptions and drastic food shortages, etc.  Which means that every time a Cat 5 hurricane hits Florida, the citrus crop is adversely affected as is the Tourism Industry.

Do you see how the NWO geoengineers can wreck and ruin a whole state any time they are ordered to by their globalist masters?   And, how all the perps will make a LOT of money doing so?

Frankenstorms Become New Normal As Predatory Disaster Capitalists Rape, Pillage And Plunder USA

An Anonymous Meteorologist
State of the Nation
October 5 2024

SOTN Editor’s Note:

“Weather As A Force Multiplier”: How the weather is geoengineered and weaponized by DARPA and the U.S. Military


We note first of all ionization in the atmosphere (ionospheric heaters, anyone?) is a persistent and well-known characteristic of strong storms. The creation of strong dipole regions in the atmosphere (another fancy way of saying ionization) is in turn responsible for the extraordinary lightning displays that often accompany such storms. And lightning is yet another version of plasma, a particularly intense one, that is existing in a more diffuse plasma (the ionized conditions of the atmosphere itself.) Please note that we are describing these phenomena in almost exclusively electromagnetic terms, rather than the temperature differential terms we learned in grade school and junior high (hot air being trapped below a layer of cold air, and forming a vortex as each seeks their natural place: hot air on top, cold air on bottom). It’s not that such temperature (and other conditions, like humidity) are not factors in such storms; it is rather that they are not the primary ones, which are electromagnetic in nature, and specifically, various states of plasma.

So back to our electrical arcing within a plasma (lightning), a plasma within a plasma. It is well-known that prior to a major lightning strike, “feelers” (small arcs of lightning) are spread out, seeking a channel for the main arc, and when that channel is found the main arcing occurs. Think of the feelers as a kind of electromagnetic “reconnaissance”, probing for the best place for the main strike.

This phenomenon in turn has become a major area of black projects research in the United States, as laser-induced plasma channels (seriously, that’s the name) are being researched as a means – quite literally – of steering such plasma systems, of literally controlling where a major discharge of pure voltage – lightning – will occur. But weather systems themselves – such as hurricanes – are complicated systems of plasma conditions, but the same concept holds true: lasers could perhaps be used as the equivalent of “lightning feelers” in order to steer a system. IN other words, my point is that such ideas are already part of the black projects research world, and it takes little imaginative leap to see and apply the very same concepts to weather manipulation and “steerage.” (for more on laser-induced plasma channels, see Electrolaser)

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