YIKES!!! Now we find out that Kamala’s mother ran ‘Planet Of The Apes’ for the MK-ULTRA’s Assassin Project

Kamala’s Mother Ran ‘Planet Of The Apes’
For The MK-ULTRA’s Assassin Project

By Yoichi Shimatsu
Exclusive To Rense.com

Intro: Two recent mentally troubled gunmen’s attempts to assassinate presidential candidate Donald Trump are “a blast from the past” with a chilling resemblance to the British MI-6 and CIA-sponsored MK-ULTRA assassin program. While the American side of that secret program was eventually terminated due to a congressional investigation, the British reign of terror continued without interruption, especially in troubled Northern Ireland (where coincidentally the present British Prime Minister Keir Starmer served as a police officer). In the “grey zone” between the UK and USA – aka Canada – MK-ULTRA was never challenged but continued to churn out state-run assassins. One of the key players in the ongoing secret project in Montreal was a Ph.D. graduate of U.C. Berkeley who was born in Madras, India, while that nation was still part of the British Empire. That “monkey researcher” in the service of the MK-ULTRA assassin-training program in Canada – Shyamala Gopalan – was the mother of Kamala and Maya Harris. This is a background report on her origin, academic research and secretive mission for MI-6 MK-ULTRA in Montreal – and continuing dark influence long after her passing.

Canadian-Brits at Heart

About a decade ago, I was scanning the society page with a photo of Kamala Harris’ marriage to a wealthy Canadian-British businessman. My personal dislike of her since my sojourn in San Francisco – followed by the mysterious murder of Jeff Adachi (I was something of his mentor to the evil brew of SF Democrat politics) – made me want to vomit on seeing her overjoyed smile arm-in-arm with a British subject, conferring on her two added citizenships – Brit and Canadian atop of her American passport and maybe even India residency papers. She’s a worldly woman indeed and in action. Like so much of her personal record, her marriage to the Canuck has since been scrubbed from the record as if it never happened. That’s very convenient for her run for the Presidency, which disallows foreign citizens to hold the highest position in American governance. Oh, yes, did I ever mention that Kamala’s a cheater – in more ways than one.

History repeats itself in other ways, for instance with Kamala Harris’s striking resemblance to Indira Gandhi – that rare first female prime minister of India who enforced a stern pro-abortion policy that riled villagers who were subjected to forcible ovary removal. Later PM Indira was assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards in the final high-profile hit-job of the CIA mind-controlled assassin program. In that turbulent context of post-colonial reorganization of the world, Kamala’s mother Shyamala Gopalan, raised in British India and an immigrant to the USA after independence, served as a highly-valued monkey researcher for the MK-ULTRA center in Montreal, Canada, following the death of the notorious mind-control innovator Dr. Ewen Cameron, a demented Scots-man. This probing essay examines how her ape behavior research aided the CIA and MI-6 brainwashing of robotic mind-controlled killers – a program familiar to the wider public due to Robert Ludlum’s spy novels and depicted in the Jason Bourne movies.

One of Shyamala’s accomplices in obtaining brain-addled victims for conversion of your average youths into murderous automatons was the India-born national of minority Sikh-cult descent – Hardial Bains, That agitator/secret agent created the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist) – CPC-MLM – as agents provocateur providing a mad-cap distraction for the MI-6 British military-intelligence agency as well as terminating enemies of the Crown. One of Bains’s more bizarre projects involved the perfectly still (for 12 hours) “human statues” phenomena along isolated Canadian roadways. This endurance trial in a dramatic motionless posture was actually devised as endurance training for the CIA long-range assassination program (LURRP) along the Ho Chi Minh trail inside neutral Laos and Cambodia during the Vietnam War. Since that troubled era, the eerie spectacle that I once witnessed on a drive to Montreal, “the great human statue show” has since morphed into party entertainment – for-hire – in the Great White North. Cruelty has morphed into the ridiculous. It was made possible by the drug-induced awake comas provided my Shyamala Gopalan at her secretive clinic in Montreal.

In a full circle of feminist hypocrisy, Indira enforced a tough birth-control policy replete with forced abortions and uterine sterilization by ovary removal of poor peasant mothers. Her attempt at population control backfired with massive public discontent and anger.

After an all-too-long run of violent suppression of minority groups as enemies of State, the last and most spectacular (CIA) MK-ULTRA operation was to inspire and prepare the armed rebellion of Sikh independence activists at the Golden Temple in the Amritsar, Punjab state in the northwest (close to Pakistani Lahore). Those activists were trained by the CIA ops guru – the legendary James Jesus Angleton – who cut his teeth at guerrilla warfare in WWII in Norway and went on to be the Agency liaison to the Vatican for “rat-lines” of Nazis escaping to South America. Angleton also handled the secret negotiation between the Pope and the Rothschilds for the post-war status of Israel.

Following her hollow “victory” over turbaned Sikh nationalists, the great Mrs. Gandhi was slain by the swords of her two “loyal” Sikh bodyguards. Yet another joker from the bottom of Angleton’s deck. Lesson: Arrogance breeds contempt. Indira’s appointment with death at age 64 occurred on Halloween, October 1984, the Orwellian year. That “executive action” so shocking to smug liberal imperialists was the final operation of CIA mastermind James Jesus Angleton, who three years later died in peace, knowing that his enemies were by then a moldy 6-feet underground. There were none left to piss on his grave.

The unending circle of hypocrisy, deception and betrayal now comes full circle with the presidential campaign of a cheeky Kamala Gopalan/Harris, a convert by marriage to Judaism. One can detect from the ill-fated Indira Gandhi episode, her obsessive fear of history being repeated, which accounts for Kamala’s insistence on having the first draw – or two, three, whatever it takes to take out Trump (even in office). However, perhaps the third bullet is soon on its way, just maybe to her forehead from the friends of her jailed gunmen. You get what you give, eh? As the old saw goes: What goes around comes around, baby. And, incredibly, there are still liberal idiots who want to vote for her! There’s no shortage of brain-dead clones who actually pay for the Disney Channel, Hulu, Netflix and CBS debates.

Kamala’s electoral bid is backed by her close ally, Britain’s Jewish/Trotskyite Prime Minister Kier Starmer, a retired police officer from Belfast’s “Troubles” aka brutal merciless repression of Irish independence activists. The partnership of Kammie and Keir (not to be confused with Queer) is based on her mother Shyamala’s loyal service to MI-6, which picked up where the CIA left off on the MK-ULTRA mind-control assassin project. Activated more than ever, the upgraded assassination program is now aimed at all-out preparations for NATO invasions to save Ukraine and Israel from unjust wars of their own making. Now that World War III is on the horizon due to the imminent threat of electoral fraud, genuine patriotism based on the American experience since the Boston Massacre demands the courage to resist Gollum, the Jewish-Israeli globalist monstrosity, a huge ball of stinking lard.

In the Beginning

Sigmund Freud, the founder of bogus “science” of psychology, was also the British Army’s Jewish inspirer of the MK-ULTRA mind-control program. His postwar clinic on London’s Tavistock Square was funded by the British MI-6 military-intel agency, which issues Bond’s license to kill. The first objective was to develop a psychological-pseudo-science approach to interrogation of defectors from defeated Nazis and the communist bloc. The secondary goal was to create a sure-fire means to eliminate guilt-feelings of new army recruits over slaughtering enemies and executing captive foes. The notoriety of MK-ULTRA erupted with the introduction of the psychedelic drug LSD from Sandoz pharmaceuticals in Switzerland, introduced to North America by the master spy Allen Dulles based in Zurich. Freud’s disciple Karl Jung, a paid lackey of Dulles, was ingesting LSD as a psychiatric miracle drug – which accounted for his mad visions and crazed psycho theories.

Medical research on psychedelics was taken up by Dr. Ronald Sandison in the UK and Dr. Humphrey Osmond at the Weyburn Hospital in remote Saskatchewan, central Canada, where anything goes. Not to be outdone, Dulles encouraged the Swiss medical doctor Max Rinkel to introduce the first packet of LSD for patient experiments in the USA. The results were mixed – from feelings of holiness to crazed bouts with demons. Toxic or super-cool, as that hippie saying went: It’s all in your mind! Well, also it’s all inside The Beatles circa 1968. So roll up for the Magical Mystery Tour!

Monkey Business

Whenever and wherever, someone’s having a good trip, there’s always monkey business – Hey, Hey! We’re the Monkeys! Turn off the radio. After a few horrific suicides and deadly accidents related to LSD ingestion, American military intelligence was a slow mover on the mind-bending drug – this is, until disturbing medical reports arrived during the Korean War of American soldiers imprisoned in North Korea were being subjected to a “confession drug” by Soviet psychiatrists. Those alarming reports in the mid-1950s kicked-started LSD research into high gear with U.S. government grants to some 200 universities, hospitals and psychiatrists for experiments on patients, most being psychiatric basket-cases. These basic parameters provide the background on what Shyamala Gopalan was doing at the monkey lab at U.C. Berkeley and soon thereafter at Montreal’s Lady Davis hospital for the next 16 years. The academic “smoking gun” on her “academic research” is the total absence of any veterinary-science research papers in her name even though she early-on earned a Ph.D. degree from Berkeley.

The sudden profusion of ape labs across the USA after the late 1960s – partly prompted by the media fanfare over celebrity ape researchers in Africa Jane Goodall and Dian Fossey – resulted in massive media coverage of new monkey-research programs popping up like mushrooms after a Midwestern rainy day. Shyamala’s name never came up in the publicity wave: Her experiments were done under a cloak of secrecy – the medical care and intravenous feeding of zombie killers.

After obtaining her doctorate from UCB, the moment had arrived Gopalan to seek out a permanent research job. After sending out resumes, she held part-time positions with ape labs in the Midwest over the next two years-plus. Then at long-last news arrived to her San Francisco apartment (following her post-divorce move out of the low-end Berkeley Flats of her Jamaican ex-husband). The Lady Davis hospital research center offered her a proper position in a civilized part of the British imperium – Montreal, Canada. The vetting for an acceptable job candidate had been delayed over a long lapse following the death of Dr. Ewen Cameron, the lead researcher for the MI-6 military intelligence-funded MK-ULTRA program at Montreal’s Allen Memorial Hospital (also attached with McGill University). Following his demise, Allen Memorial was put on hold due to a surfeit of brain-damaged LSD and depressant-doped “subjects” and rumors of ugly murders committed by its partly brain-dead former patients. Details of these crimes were invariably sketchy due to official secrecy imposed by the MI-6 and CIA.

Cameron was a Presbyterian Scotsman with a penchant for molesting little girls (so what else is new?) Wickedness is more often than not found in the mind-set of devout believers, perhaps to inform otherwise good people of the twisted nature of sin. This double standard also applies to psychiatry’s sworn mission to allay the madness feeding on sane human brains. Under the Hippocratic Oath, medical experts are pledged not to use their skills to train zombie murderers. It was not until long after the Vietnam War – in the late 1980s – that glimmers of Cameron’s mission for British military intelligence (MI-6) and the CIA gradually surfaced, leaked out of retrospective “eyes-only” Congressional hearings. The brilliant Dr. Cameron, who was elected by peers to head three prestigious medical organizations, had been running a very rocky horror show.

LSD-enabled Assassins

Most of Dr. Cameron’s baggage remains under lock-and-key at the MI-6 and CIA. Only one of his dark secrets has been leaked to me: LURRP – the Long Range Reconnaissance Program for brainwashed assassins during the Vietnam War. The MI-6 mind-control regimen was systematically applied to young male “volunteers” (which proves they were crazy), many of them American Indians, to undergo long stretches of an eyes-wide-open standing-position perfectly motionless for many days. Stillness was a basic tactic to enable CIA hit-men to hide behind a tree trunk along the Ho Chi Minh trail during the Vietnam War – but 3 days of standing without scratching or craning one’s neck is an impossibility – without mind-control intervention. So pop the pills, soldier!

While the majority of unwitting candidates failed one or other grueling test, 200 qualified killers performed every super-human feat demanded of them. These brave souls were shipped off to Saigon for assassination missions against North Vietnamese officers and political trainers venturing into neutral Laos and Cambodia – supposedly off-limits for warfare by both sides – and both sides ignored international law. The procedure was simple: Being flown by small helicopter toward the Ho Chi Minh trail in the dead of night to the drop zone; running and walking to the target area, and waiting patiently while standing behind a tree trunk by a key trail awaiting the target; or in areas along the Mekong River hiding underwater using a straw for breathing. And finally the moment of truth as the targeted enemy officer arrives. Open fire, and run as fast as possible from the horde of angry villagers armed with guns, grenades and machetes. Arrive the pick-up point and hop into the chopper without being shot. Easy as pie.

By war’s end, the less than 17 percent survival rate meant that only the Dirty Dozen returned to Washington D.C., where the CIA refused to recognize their existence and had “no record” to show.. Conditioned to surviving on their own wits, the heroic twelve kept on for a couple of decades before fading into the sunset, broke and alone – proof that it really doesn’t pay to be a hero – for a bunch of self-serving bureaucrats.

Living Statues

So whatever happened to those candidates who failed the endurance trials? Most of them were too brain-damaged to handle weapons, conduct escape and evasion, do underwater swimming and other skills. But they could prove useful for propaganda purposes of a self-appointed “genius” from India who preferred tweed jackets and slim neckties – Hardial Baines, chairman of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist). His overt field operations were the flipside of Shyamala Harris’s secret preliminary “human ape” conditioning program. A part of her output of brain-damaged “apes” of the human variety were turned over to Baines for his propaganda purposes. The rest qualified to become CIA or MI-6 hit men, or simply died in a coma.

Creepy Living Statues

The psychiatric “treatment” by Shyamala at the Lady Davis (Jewish) hospital combined with Baine’s mad propaganda binge was in full public view on highways feeding into Montreal during the mid-to-late 1970s. On a Fourth of July weekend in hot and humid New York, all of my three jobs were idled for a three-day holiday. So with some pals and a Canadian from a ride-board needing a ride back to his hometown, we escaped, speeding all Friday night out of NYC through Conn, Mass and Vermont to the Canadian border where we were cleared without question, thanks to that Canadian fellow’s homecoming. Then in the morning light, the driver shouted “Hey, look at that!” and pulled onto the road shoulder.

A group of manikins dressed as Russian revolutionists were positioned in defiant postures under a Red flag. A closer look disclosed those statues to be young adults, unmoving and not blinking their eyes. My rude pals waved their hands and nearly poked one of the actor’s eyes. A crude sign indicated these weirdos were members of Chairman Hardial Baines’s mind-controlled CPC(MLM) pseudo-commie outfit. This weirdness was totally unexpected in sedate Canada.

Suddenly all of us observers felt spooked and so packed back into the car, thundering down the highway without uttering a word. After dropping off the hitch-hiker, we headed toward a street of bars for Molson beer and try to shake off the shock by gawking at a rather plump stripper, figuring the locals like hefty heifers in freezing Canada. That weirdness plus disappointment relocated my following Canadian get-away to Toronto for Greek cuisine and Macedonian red wine at an outdoors picnic area and stick with tame Caribbean calypso dancing with properly employed office girls.

When the suppressed memory of that craze human display can back to me suddenly while writing his article, I searched online for the human statues and Canada to learn, to my surprise, that Baine’s bizarre invention is by now a rent-an-actor entertainment for birthday parties, graduation and such idle events. No mention of MK-ULTRA or crazed communists involved.

Shy mama of Kamal-toe and Maya

As a schoolboy trained by stern Irish nuns at a Catholic primary school in California and later a French-Basque academy of the same faith tradition in Kobe, Japan, I can detect some serious psychiatric aberrations aka “sins” in Kamala Harris’s speeches and weird behavior indicative of serious mental disorders. In the good old days, the peasants would burn her at the stake. Her Catholic education at a French Catholic school in Montreal is certainly not to account for her promiscuity with the likes of the mob lawyer for the Colombian-Mexican Cartel Willie Brown, whose powerful grip on the corrupt Democrats in San Francisco accounts for her political appointment as a city prosecutor and Senator from California. At least one of her marriages, to a Canadian tycoon, has been erased from the public record. Her current marriage, requiring conversion to Judaism, to a rather obscure “Hollywood movie funder” smacks of criminal-sourced money-laundering.

Moreover her younger sister was one of three campaign advisors to Hillary Clinton’s failed presidential campaign – and no politicians are more corrupt than the Clintons. The shadow of a “black hand” – without any reference to African Americans intended – is behind the path for Kamala Harris to the Oval Office. In the opposite direction – toward the past – her “footprints” lead back to the MI-6 British intelligence agency which is controlled at the top by the Rothschild dynasty (ever since their role as spies during the Napoleonic Wars).

Her oddly uncontrolled mannerisms – bulging eyes, jaw puffed up by fat tissue, tap dancing feet, neck craining and hysterical giggle – are indicative of either brain damage since birth or, likelier, “reeducation” under th3 mind-control techniques of the MK-ULTRA projects in Montreal. Her mother might have sent her to a psychiatrist without realizing his connections to Ewen Cameron’s burgeoing project. If she proves indeed to be a British espionage agent and globalist provocateur under mind control, it would not be a surprise for me. Her attachment to British PM Keir Starmer, a Brit cop during the “Troubles” in Belfast, which involved mass arrests, torture and mind-control, is yet another pointer to her brain-addled treason as a plant inside the Senate. Her “conversion” to British loyalties would not have been objectable to her mother Shyamala.

That’s because her Gopalan clan in Madras (Chennai) have a family history of loyalty to their British masters as clerks, minor officials and spies. Their loyalty passed the test of Madrasi enthusiam for the pro-Japan Indian National Army (INA) formed by the legendary Subas Chandra Bose, an advocate of higher caste rule (and therefore a fan of Nazism). The majority of the INA, by contrast, was comprised of Madrasi plantation workers released after the Imperial Japanese capture of the Malay Peninsula in the eary Pacific/Southeast Asia phase of World War II.

Located on the southeast coast of the Indian Ocean, Madras had an abundance of monkeys, who were playmates of local children. One of the great myths of Indian folklore is the tale of Hanuman, the gigantic ape-man (who resembled descriptions of the Yeti or abominable Snowmen of the Himalayas). With loyalty to the god Rama, Hanuman led the monkey invasion of the island of Sri Lanka to release a royal princess captured by an evil demon.

The impact of repeated hearing of this myth had an obvious effect on Shyamala, who became a monkey researcher. Her interest opened the path to enrollment in the doctorate program at U.C. Berkeley’s biology department. In that era, a wide variety of experimental drugs were tested on mammals and human patients, which expanded her ability to tolerate the bizarre human-experiments at Montreal’s Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, attached to the Jewish hospital and McGill University.

I should note here my student-era work in a rat lab for tests of drug effects on arthritis. While adjusted enough to rat handling to let the curious critters climb up my sleeve and stand on my head, I had zero moral compunction killing several hundred rats with a guillotine lever after completion of test results and stacking their corpses in a plastic garbage bag headed for a dumpster. Immunity to both fear and compassion is the hallmark of a good researcher, here implying that Shyamala was conditioned to the care and feeding for her brain-impaired patients without qualms about sending them – unbeknownst to her – to their deaths as state-sponsored assassins.

Kamala’s mother conducted human experiments without fundamental variance from Nazi medical research in Dachau. All the moral outrage and global outcry from the Holocaust industry suddenly went silent of late, now that the Israelis are doing essentially the same as the Nazis were accused of in Allied propaganda. Perhaps even more hypocritical, the outpouring of Jewish money for the Kamala Harris campaign is no different from Krupp industry’s financing a Franco during the Spanish Civil War.

Political Action by Brain-addled Idiots

Thus about eight years after the notorious Doctor Cameron’s demise, Shyamala was hired to run the patient-care ward for “special programs” at Lady Davis Institute in Montreal for the MI-6 military intel agency. That was during the 1970s, when secretive assassins began to fall out of style in the Americas and Europe, given the record number of assassinations approved by CIA and MI-6 flunkies in Italy (P-2 Lodge), South America (Argentine, Chilean and Mexican militaries), throughout Asia (Indochina/Vietnam, Indonesia) and India (Congress Party suppression of indigenous peoples in the East and the Punjab Sikhs). Meanwhile, no-holds-barred genocidal wars were raging across Africa. Pol Pot’s “killing fields” paled in comparison to the human rights violations perpetrated by the CIA, MI-6, Euro intel agencies and Asian dictatorships – and none of those offenders were ever hauled to the World Court amid media outrage. When “democracy” shields brutality, it’s just hypocrisy.

Following the early-on death of Chairman Baines (who was never arrested on his widely publicized tours of British colonies), the Sikh agenda to terminate the feminist icon Indira Gandhi, was being carefully planned by the most effective CIA agent James Jesus Angleton. This son of an American general and Mexican mother sharpened his bloody blade in WWII Norway and then ran the postwar Vatican “rat-lines” evacuating Nazis to South America and Australia. In the then remote town of Taos, New Mexico (since a yuppie arts center), he established a Sikh temple and military-training ground for the militants, when Indira was moving ever-closer to a military alliance with the Soviet Union. (Nearly all weapons and equipment came from Russia, or by proxy from “neutral” Sweden.)

The traditional weapons of the Sikhs, who belong to the warrior caste (much like Japanese samurai), was the sword, And it was by the Sikh sword that Indira – the role model for Shyamala and her girls – met her sad end. Good riddance! Angleton was a crafty SOB who got away with it and many other Agency capers. Nowadays, India is part of the Quad alliance with the USA, Australia and Japan, aimed at discouraging China from launching a regional war. Ambitious women, and to that list add Maggie Thatcher, make for short-sighted leadership.

Following the fold-up of her monkey program at Lady Davis and McGill, Shyamala returned to the USA on assignment for progesterone research at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California. Progesterone is the hormone associated with female fertility prior to conception of an embryo. Here is a linkage to the Rockefeller population-reduction project implemented by the Gates Foundation – wholesale preventative killing of soon-to-be born infants, which is the main plank of the “feminist” Democrat agenda. And, meanwhile, as the native-born American population shrinks, allow in every illegal border-crosser from the least educated parts of the world – which countless numbers of newborns for every foreign mother. Too bad hit-lady Shyamala’s not around any longer to remedy that skewed statistic, instead of her useless mind-addled daughters.

The Last Gasp

The last gasp of MK-ULTRA operations was the reassignment of “human statues” to toss cinder blocks at the 1980s anti-World Trade Organization (WTO) protests by U.S. labor unions massed in Seattle, Washington State. Those legit protesters were assaulted by crazed ape-like maniacs of short stature being watched-over and protected by taller thugs aka the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Since that last stand in memory of Ewen Cameron, mob violence has been perpetrated by criminals with black gangs released from prison by the CIA/Democrat crooks. Don’t worry about it – Kamala if elected will surely revive her mother’s corps of zombie apes.

The Harris girls’ mother died in February 2009, loyal to her last breath as a lackey of British imperialism. Now our next challenge is for alert Americans to deal with her daughter(s) as agents of a hostile foreign power – or can it be worded thus: Is Kamala another Indira in waiting? With the circumspect King Charles knocked out by a doctor’s prognosis, the Kamala-Kier strategy, cooked up by the Rothschilds and their man on Downing Street, is to convince a billion Americans and Europeans of the moral necessity to pay a lot more taxes and send their kids out to topple the evil Putin and the Ayattolahs in Iran. After that cake-walk, there’s still the Chinese and North Koreans left to take out, plus the remainder of the Islamic sphere. The objective is to make the world safe for money-grubbing Jews to tax and exploit the rest of us – the despicable them aka pork-eating goyem. Question: Instead of draining the American national budget, why don’t the Yids fight and finance their own battles? As for the unthinkable outcome of total defeat for Israel, as put by the Rolling Stones: War is just a shot away. Let it bleed!


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